The idiot the apology and the adventure- interlude

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AN-hello again. The next chapter is coming up. But apparently you like the long chapters so okay, you get your wish. I am going to do some new viewpoints now that the argument's happened, and I might make the twins feature more soon. Really hope you enjoy the chapter. It might be a little bit patchy cos I'm not sure where to go from here. But anyway here's the next chapter.

The idiot.


I am weeping endlessly. How could he call me thick? He's saying that thickos have more common sense than me. I don't understand why I'm so upset. If the love I may feel for him needs to be built up to why am I so upset? I can't help my crying, it won't stop.


How dare he speak to her like an animal!! She is more significant than he will ever be! My anger is unbridled and I am filled with nothing but rage. If he ever comes near her again I will have him in UNIT's custody. He's ruined his chances with her.


I can't believe what has just happened. I take the mugs with the now cold tea in and pour the rest of it down the sink. Ikari has refused to come downstairs for 30 minutes. She can't stop sobbing. I am worried for her. We've all missed something, something big. I decide to go back upstairs and try again. She might listen now, she's bound to be hungry. She will have been awake since early on this morning. I walk up the stairs, trying to work out what we've missed. I knock on the door.

"Ikky, come out. You need to talk about this. He will regret what he said because of the fact that you're his soulmate. If anything you should carry on, and pursue the other lad, instead of pining over the Doctor. Please answer me." I plead desperate for her to come out. I hear her get up and come towards the door. It opens and I see her. Her cheeks are streaked with tears, her eyes are red from crying, and her breaths keep hitching in her throat. I step forward and hug her.

"You're right mum, I do have to move on until he comes back and apologises. I will try with Lorenzo."

"The one time you take my advice, it's the time you swore that it wouldn't happen." She looks at me and we both laugh.

"Come on let's get you some dinner." I say walking her down the stairs and towards the kitchen.


I can't go back. John would kill me. I've lost her permanently, I can never get her back. I'm going to retire, I'm too old and lost too many. I walk slowly round the console, and decide that victorian London is the place to go. I'm such an idiot.

AN- i know this chapter is super short, but it will flow better if this is short. I am gonna carry on with this, and the long chapters will make a triumphant return. It's short cos there's gonna be a time skip of a few months. More details,

In the next AN. Hope you are enjoying the story. Please leave comments/reviews as to how I can improve it, they really help. Til next time- remember fezzes are cool.

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