The Doctor and the nap.

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AN-,having the profiles there gives you guys more of an insight into my OC's. They also will help me save time in later chapters cos I wont have to describe their appearances. Heres chapter 6. Theres a lot of implied doctorxoc. House points to whoever can spot it.

The Doctor and the nap.


I groan as I slowly wake up. I then remember what happened. I bolt upright, panicking slightly. I then see him walking in from the kitchen with a cuppa in his hand. He glances at me and a look of guilt flashes briefly across his face. But before I can ask why, he sits down in the brown leather chair near the bay window, and starts explaining.


She'll be fine, she'll wake up soon, I repeat in my head. I don't quite know why I'm so concerned about her, I don't even know her name! I'm pacing the living room frantically, desperate for her to wake up. I spot the kettle on the kitchen side and smile, knowing a cup of tea will calm me down. As I boil the kettle I search my trans-dimensional pockets for my Jammie dodgers. Ha, ha, found you. I open the packet and eat one, savouring it.

Now, once she wakes up, I should explain why I came here and ask why she fainted. Oh and about the nightmares, can't forget about those. I walk in the living room, to see her sat bolt upright on the sofa. I head to the chair and begin to explain.

"I came here because I got your message. I received it on this." I say pulling out the psychic paper. "Usually it just displays whatever the I want the reader to see, but it can receive messages. The last time it received a message it was from a Tenza, an alien who fills a need in someone's life, he was very nice actually," she clears her throat, I look at her and realise that I've been rambling, I seem to do that a lot actually. "Well, anyway it shouldn't usually happen, especially seeing as you're perfectly human. So how did it happen?"

"I don't know, I just whispered it to myself and presumed that nothing would happen. But apparently it got sent to you. Doctor, can you help me get rid of them?" She says. If she doesn't know how it happened then how can I help? But before I answer her I need to know about why she fainted. Hopefully that might give me some answers.

"Before I answer that can I ask you why you fainted?" She looks down, and seems to be considering it. I might have crossed a line.

"Its complicated, and its a long story, but I am going to tell you because I think that I will be able to trust you. My dad is John Foxton and he's Second in command of UNIT. He still worked there when I was little. So every night, before bed he told us a story. It was always a story about the Doctor, the alien who saves planets by flying around in a little blue box." She looks me in the eye smiling, as if it's christmas.

"So when you said you were the Doctor, I was confused, because you weren't tall and in a pinstripe suit, but then I looked at your eyes and knew you were telling the truth. I must've been so shocked that I fainted." I just stare at her realising who she is.

"You're Ikari Foxton. I'm going to help you as best as I can Ikari."

"How? We don't know where to start, it's not as if I can describe them either, I don't remember the nightmares." She says panicked.

"Calm down Ikari, because I know exactly where to start." She's going to hate this, I know she is.


"You're going to have to take a nap." She starts protesting immediately. I have to calm her down. But how? Come on brain think!

"Doctor! I can't, I'll wake up terrified and I won't sleep tonight, I'm begging you, there has to be another way!"

"Ikari, listen, I need to see your dream," she's about to protest but I stop her. "I can use telepathy to share the dream. I won't be in it with you but I can see what you're coping with. Please, you have to trust me."

"Fine, but Doctor, why are you so willing to help, and why are you so worried about me?"

"I don't know, just let me fix this first."

"Okay. So how does this telepathy work?"


"Right then," he says with a twirl and clapping his hands. "Ikari, you need to sit there, I'll sit here," gesturing to a chair opposite mine. I sit down and close my eyes, hearing him sit down opposite me. I feel his first and second fingers on my temples, so he can 'observe' my nightmare.

"Ready?" He asks. I don't feel ready, but it's the only chance I'm ever going to have of getting rid of them.

"Yup." I lie nervously.

It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep. Now I know it's only a matter of time before the nightmare starts.


Her head is amazing. It's brimming with ideas and possibilities, some of her calculations aren't quite right though. Darkness engulfs everything. It must've started. I can see her stood in a empty space with a long light over head. Then a weeping angel appears in front of her. She stands stock still. I try to shout, but I can only observe. You better not take her, or you'll have me to deal with. She turns her head to see a Cyberman behind her. She whips her head back round to see that the weeping angel has moved. She must blink as it gets a step closer. But the Cyberman hasn't even moved. Something isn't right. Then a Dalek appears to her left. The only option she has is to stay there, but the Dalek isn't attacking either, what's in Rassilon's name is going on? The the lights start going out, along a corridor to her left. She must notice because she turns and sprints to the right. But the angel just stays put. The Cyberman and Dalek chase her, screaming their cries of exterminate and delete. The shadows are closing in, and the Cyberman falls to the floor. The shadows aren't shadows, they're Vashta Nerada. The Dalek grinds to a halt as the alien inside is devoured. Ikari only just manages to stop short of the shadows in front, but they continue closing in, and she's eaten alive.

I stop the link and open my eyes to see her awake, and wide eyed in terror. I grab her without thinking. I have to reassure her.

"Ikari, its fine, you're safe." I say gently to her, whilst she sobs into my shoulder.

AN-awwww, that last sentence. Also seeing as Vashta Narada are living things and cos they're in swarms of billions I thought that the angel would be quantum locked. Second cybermen have organic components so they can be eaten as well, like I described with the dalek.

I hope you enjoyed. Comment and I'll try to update soon.

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