The apology and the adventure part 1

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AN- the date at this point in the story is christmas. For eleven the snowmen has just happened. Ikari has been with Lorenzo since June, but even though she acts happy, it's only to keep him happy. He's abusive and violent, she has been raped (had sex without her consent) by him and he has beaten her when he's been drunk. If she leaves him he would kill her. Her nightmares have continued, but shes suppressing her emotions because of a certain scumbag. So with those bases covered let's jump back in there. Allons-y!

The apology, and the adventure.


"Clara. Oswin. Oswald." I exclaim running around the console manically. I have to tell Ikari. But what about John? What will he do if I return? Why am I worrying about it? He has no right to keep me from seeing her. She's my soulmate, it's not just instinct, but it's a part of our genetic code. We were literally meant to be. Him stopping that is futile and foolish. I am going to see her. It has to be in front of her family, what harm can another Christmas do, eh?


This Christmas is the worst one so far in life. Usually I love everything about christmas, not this year. I feel trapped. Lorenzo won't let me do anything without his permission, or approval. I just want to be happy again, like I was when I was 15. I've been scared and traumatised for 2 and a half years. It has to stop.

"Remember, Ikari, happy. Ok?" He growls into my ear as we approach the porch. I desperately want to dump him, and stand up to him. But he's obsessed over my body, if he can't have me then, to him, no one can. I say the only thing I can.

"Yes." I say dejectedly. For the past few months, that seems to be the only word I know. His knocking drags me out of my thoughts. My mother answers the door. I put on my best smile and hope that this hell will end.


I answer the door and see Ikky and Lorenzo. Ikari, what has he done to you? Her eyes are empty, and have dark circles beneath them. Her nose seems slightly crooked and a yellowing bruise on her cheek tells me all I need to know. I see through her false smile, but she keeps it up regardless.

"Helen. How are you?" Lorenzo asks, ever the gentleman. Or so he seems.

"I'm well, thank you. Come in both of you." I say letting them in. He goes straight through into the kitchen and is met by the crazy pair of dogs. I stop Ikari before she can follow.

"Ikky," She just looks at me. I can see how scared she is. "Just leave him. Please it's doing you no good."

"I can't. He'll kill me mum. Where's Luke and George?"

"Upstairs. If you won't talk to me about it, talk to them. Please." She turns back round and gives a small smile. A genuine one. She walks up the stairs. I turn and go into the kitchen. Lorenzo is a gentleman, but not to her. I can't tell John, he wouldn't believe me. He refuses the evidence in front of him. He doesn't notice it because he doesn't want her to be with the Doctor. Oh, Doctor. She needs you, more than you realise.


I approach the door. I can hear them playing a video game. Do I tell them? Do I lie? What if he finds out? I scratch my cheek, irritating my bruise. I tell them. I have to. It's my only way out. I go in, without knocking. They wouldn't hear me anyway. They notice, pausing the game and taking their headphones off.

"Ikky!" George jumps up and grabs me in a hug. He hurts my damaged ribs. My groan tells him something's wrong. He lets go and looks at me.

"Ikari, what's wrong?" I am about to answer with 'nothing' like I do to every other question. But I realise there's no point in lying to him.

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