Chapter 2: What Is That?

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I stared at my longish-haired friend as he got himself prepared. "Ready, Deadcox?" I asked. He chuckled, and then nodded.

I swung my butter sword at Ty, and he deflected it with his stone sword. I tried again a few times, but his reflexes were sharp and quick.

"I'm so excited for this upcoming Hunger Games," I said, looking off towards where the arena was being constructed a few chunks west of us.

"Yeah, the reward for winning is said to be huge," Ty agreed, also turning to the arena. "But nobody knows what it is..."

"Who do you think will win it? My butter's on Ant," I said, turning my head back to Ty.

"As much as I'd like to agree, I'd have to say Mitch has this one," he said, still looking off at the shell of the arena.

"Well, yeah, he's alright, but I think Ant is better with PvP," I pointed out. Ty shook his head.

"Maybe, but Mitch has pretty good luck with arrows, and also when he's teamed with Jerome," Ty said.

"Ok, let's call it a tie between them for now. Unless Bonks shows up, and finds another diamond sword," I said, and chuckled. "She did beat Ant, and with no armour."

"That's the power of diamonds for ya," Ty snickered.

"Quentin's also participating, right? Maybe he'll find an aqua infinity helmet and camp in a lake the entire time and win that way," I said, laughing.

"No, maybe Ian's gonna go berserk on us, slapping everyone with a raw fish. Calling it," Ty said, cracking up.

"If anyone goes berserk, it's Jerome. You know how he is when he has Betty," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. Ty laughed along with me.

And then, something purple and green dropped out of the sky and landed next to me. I screamed, and last I knew, my face hit the grass in front of me.

What seemed to be a while later, I opened my eyes, and looked around. I was on my side in the grass. I looked around.

"Ty...what happened?" I asked, sitting up. Then, I was face-to-face with the weird something that was purple and green. I screamed again, and tried to keep from passing out a second time.

"Hi!" The thing said, and I nearly whited out.

"Ty, what is that? Ty, where are you? Jason, are you back yet? JASON I'M STARTLED!" I yelled, and tried to stand up. Where was that blue spaceman when I needed him?

"Oh, you're awake," Ty's voice was behind me. I looked over my shoulder, and sure enough, he was there.

"Ty, what is that?" I asked, pointing at it.

"I don't know," Ty said, and shrugged.

"My name is Spike," the thing said. I almost screamed again. The thing was mostly purple, and definitely not blocky. It had green scales on its back and belly. I don't remember installing any mods lately...wait, how was this thing even possible in Minecraft?

I looked up at the sky, and nearly jumped out of my skin. There was a huge hole in the sky, and two more non-blocky things were looking through it. But this time, they looked somewhat like cartoon horses.

"Spike," one of them said, "there you are! You had us worried." Then, some sort of violet-pink beam shot at us, and I did a barrel roll to get out of the way. 'Spike' was caught in the beam, and lifted into the sky through the hole. But the hole was still there.

"Ty, what the hell is going on?" I asked, shakily. He shrugged. "That hole just appeared out of thin air."

"But we haven't installed any mods lately," I said, getting up and brushing myself off. Ty shrugged again. I looked over at the dome, and noticed a huge amount of it completed.

"Ah, WorldEdit at its finest," I commented.

"Wait...who's gonna participate in the Games, again?" Ty asked.

"Umm...Ant, Seto, Mitch, Jerome, Ian, and Quentin, that I know. The rest are stranger danger," I replied. Ty's eyes widened in question.

"No Jason?" He asked.

"He had some sort of mission to go on, I think, with Tyler," I said. Ty nodded.

"Server announcement: New Hunger Games arena construction completed! All registered participants must please make their ways to the arena!" The server voiceover boomed.

"Well, that's our cue," Ty casually said, and we started to walk over to the newly made Hunger Games dome. Well, that was fast. Maybe they had like forty people working on that dome to get it finished or something. But I didn't see anyone flying around the dome earlier...hmm...I blame global warming.

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