Chapter 16: Wowe Such Beat Many Ending

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I gulped as Shadowfright towered over us.

"Doods?!" a familiar derp's voice exclaimed.

"Hey, my food..." I heard Jerome say. There were stomping footsteps that stopped right behind us.

"Listen to this, bozo. If you think that you can just march in and kill my friends, then you're goddamn wrong. TASTE MY WRATH, YOU BOOGER-EATING MORON!" Ian screeched. He leapt past Ty and I onto Shadowfright's head. His sunglasses were nowhere to be seen. He was holding a raw fish, and his expression was nothing but outraged fury. He started to slap Shadowfright with the fish, over and over and over again. He sounded constipated as he screamed and continually slapped the Force with the fish. Ty and I just stood there, gaping at the scene. How fast could Ian's arm move? It was, like, going at the speed of sound. I realized that the other eight ponies and people that were fighting were now watching Ian go ham on the leader of the Nightmare Forces in the pale dawn's light.

And then, Shadowfright collapsed onto the ground, and faded into nothing. The rest of the Nightmare Forces just sort of all disappeared after that. Ian was breathing heavily, and the fish that he had was all puffy where it actually stayed on the bones.

"Called it," Ty muttered.

"Yeesh," Jerome said.

"Wow," Pinkie breathed.

Ian looked up at us, and seemed oblivious to the fact he was holding a dismembered fish, and had an almost innocent smile on.

"I dun gud?" he asked. His crossed eyes were still somehow looking for an answer.

"Yeah, you dun gud," Mitch said.

"Ian, I never knew you were so...strong," Seto said. Wait. Seto? I turned around, and sure enough, my favourite little sorcerer was standing there.

"OHMYGODSETOYOU'REALIVEIMSOHAPPYHOLDME!" I exclaimed, and tried to hug him with my hooves. It was a whole lot more difficult than I expected. I looked up, and the others were also approaching. Spike, Rainbow, Luna, and Celes- wait a minute, no Nightmare Rarity?

"Where's Nightmare Rarity?" Ty asked.

"She teleported away while you were fighting. There's no telling where she went, sadly," Celestia said.

"You may be able to take away my forces and my strength, but I will rule Equestria!" Nightmare Rarity's voice said, and she jumped down from a house and in front of me. "And you will never stop me!"

She then fired a blue blast at me, and it stung. I screamed and started to fire random blasts of magic in her general direction, trying not to hit Celestia or Ian or anyone. Some of them hit the Nightmare, and others hit random houses. Geez, who puts houses in a town?

"You're such a disrespectful stallion!" Nightmare Rarity yelled, and then tried to cast a huge beam at me. But, she sort of froze in mid-fire and just stood there. The rays of daylight just started to arrive, and Celestia looked like she was casting a spell. Her horn was glowing, but nothing else was glowing a whitish-yellow-oh wait...did the horses in this dimension control how long the day and night lasted? That's weird. Didn't they, like, have a solar system and all that crap? Or what?

Well, the sunlight was reaching Nightmare Rarity, and her greyness was starting to become whiteness. Her mane shrunk, lost its silver streak, and became curly again. She got shorter.

"Wh-what happened? Where am I? Twilight, where's your house?" Tiny Rarity asked. Or, maybe regular Rarity...? I don't know, I'm, like, twice as tall as before, when I first saw her.

"It got blown to bits. I hope Owlowiscious is okay..." Twilight said. What the heck was an 'Owloysius'?Then, an owl landed on her back. "That answers that."

"You're not a nightmare anymore," Luna said.

"Oh, I was? Not again," Rarity said. Wait...again?! What?

"Now, to turn you two back into people," Luna said, and she changed Ty and I back into the immature people we were. Damn. I actually enjoyed being a pony. Alicorn, whatever you called it. But as a human, I can hug Seto. So I guess there's an upside to everything.

"Thanks for the help! We seriously couldn't have done it without you," Twilight said.

"I'm gonna miss you all," Pinkie said.

"I don't think you'll miss us. The portal is still growing," Quentin said.

"Did you happen to still have that book?" Seto asked Twilight.

"The book...? Oh, crap! Help me look for it," she said, and went over to the ruins of her house. We followed. The gate of the castle had been broken through, but the remains of the castle stayed intact.

I rummaged through the debris, but I couldn't find a single book.

"Is this it?" Rarity asked, holding up a sort of burnt book cover in her magic. Twilight rushed over to see.

"Yeah, but it must've been caught in that explosion," Twilight said. From what I saw of the cover, it had a dirt block and some Standard Galactic writing. Seto could read that. I think. I don't know.

"Why do you need the book?" Luna asked.

"To reverse the spell," Twilight replied.

"You have two well-seasoned princesses right here, you know," Luna said, and then cast a beam onto the portal. The entire thing was covered in her blue magic, and then the portal stopped growing and started shrinking.

"There. Now it's shrinking. Go on, those who belong there. You'll miss the portal if you don't move," Celestia said.

"We'll always remember you!" Rainbow called after us as we exited Equestria.

"Wait, you never mentioned your world's name..." Fluttersy said, her voice barely a whisper as we passed her. I was the last into the portal, and I looked back.

"Oh, it's Minecraftia."

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