Chaper 15: Cut My Life Into Pieces, This is My Last Resort

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I was dodging and firing magic blasts simultaneously, as well as avoiding being burnt to a crisp by the dragon.

"Adam the Butter God," I addressed my friend.

"Yes, Ty the Great?" Adam asked. We both jumped out of the way of yet another fire blast.

"I think we'd better initiate the Last Resort," I said, trying to sound worried. Adam nodded. His motions seemed grave, but his eyes sparkled with mischief.

We both stood in the stance the princesses had shown us: head low, with our legs at forty-five degree angles from directly beneath our shoulders. We charged our magic, and cast the 'Last Resort' spell on Nightmare Rarity. We were yelling as we cast the spell, and I wondered if we'd gone Super Saiyan while this was all going down. In order for us to use this spell, Celestia and Luna linked our souls or something, and when we were ready to use the spell, they'd lend us their powers.

Nightmare Rarity was enveloped in a yellowish-neon green light, and the light continued to get bigger and brighter. She started to struggle, and tried to fight against our magic. Our spell then gained colours: whitish-yellow and light blue. Nightmare Rarity's figure was no longer visible, and there was a huge explosion that sent us backwards. Nightmare Rarity collapsed onto the ground.

"I...never did prepare for this, did I...?" she said. "All I wanted was to...own something. To know felt like to rule. Is that too ask for?"

She then passed out. Her armour and tiara disappeared. Spike immediately shrank back into the little dragon baby he was when we'd first met him. The Rainbow Dash griffon turned back into a pony, and Seto's eyes went from Levi back to Eren.

"Okay, let's get these four back to Canterlot," I said. Applejack and Fluttershy carried Rainbow on their backs, Mitch and Jerome let Seto use them for support, and Adam and I carried Nightmare Rarity on our backs, all the way to Canterlot. Four legs, wings, and an actual horse head were still pretty awkward to handle, but Adam and I managed.

As soon as we got back to the Canterlot castle, Celestia and Luna had prepared a few beds for the severely injured.

"So, you decided to call yourselves 'Ty the Great' and 'Adam the Butter God', eh?" Mitch commented.

"Yeah, 'cause I AM the Butter God!" Adam exclaimed, and we all burst out laughing.

"Hey, why didn't Rarity go back to normal?" Fluttershy asked.

"The Nightmare Forces are...still out there," Luna said, out of breath. That 'Last Resort' drained her and Celestia's magic. "And until we...eliminate them, Rarity is...stuck in her Nightmare form."

"Where were those Nightmare Forces, anyways?" I asked. Adam nudged my shoulder.

"Right there," he said. I followed where he was pointing his hoof, and my face fell. An entire wall of Nightmare Forces was rushing towards Canterlot at a very terrifyingly impossible speed. A speed as some would explain as...the speed of dark.

"We won't be ready for another huge blast for a while," Celestia said. "But...without their queen, they are more...vulnerable to attacks."

"So we can use swords and stuff?" Ant asked. Celestia nodded. Ant's eyes brightened, and I noticed that he was missing the bottom of his goatee. I shrugged, dismissing the weird new look on Ant.

"We won't let you down, princesses," I said, bowing.

"I hope so..." Luna said. I turned to my assembled teammates.

"Let's go!" I shouted, and led the team into battle.


My friends each fought on their own, eliminating more of the Forces that way. The ponies each had their own fighting styles, some that I couldn't even explain if I tried. Adam was screaming and putting on a disco show of magical beams, many of the Forces dissipating. I was shooting beams at the Forces, but I was taking the time to make my shots accurate, as opposed to Adam, who was pointlessly shooting multiple beams at a time.

Even though the eleven of us were killing off many of the Forces, there were still many to come.

"It's no use, Adam. No matter how many we kill--" I began, but Adam interrupted me with an annoyed 'uuuuuuggghhhhh'.

"Yeah, yeah, there's always more coming. Geez, Ty, you always state the obvious!" Adam shouted.

So then I decided not to state the obvious.

"We should try to kill their leader...Shadowfright, was it?" I suggested.

"Good idea! At least you're not stating the obvious so much now!" Adam shouted. I honestly couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic, complimenting me, mad at me, or just completely in the zone of going bonkers on the Forces. Heh, bonkers...

"What was that about me?" Shadowfright asked, spitting at my hooves.

"NO NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL, GEEZ SHADOWFRIGHT YOU'RE SO TENSE!" Adam yelled. Shadowfright let out a low growl, and lashed out on Adam, using his shadow claws to rip through Adam's pony form. I rushed at them, and tackled Shadowfright off of my friend. Shadowfright threw me to the left, and he loomed over me. He slashed my left front hoof, and I shot him with a neon green beam in return. He shook off my attack like it was nothing, while my left hoof was leaking blood like a flow of lava, slowly, steadily, painfully. The Force grabbed me by my neck, and lifted me up.

"Annoying scraps like you don't deserve to live in this world," Shadowfright coldly said, and tightened his grip as he lifted his other hand. He scratched at me, and the entire right side of my head was coated in blood.

I heard Adam's maniac scream nearby, and then Shadowfright's hand was surrounded by yellow magic. He immediately let go of me, hissing in pain.

"Why you little..." he muttered, and descended down to look at Adam and I in the eyes.

"What in the name of hell are you thinking?" Shadowfright asked. "You won't always win, if that's it."

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