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Sasuke's Pov:
I was outside at night and I just finished training. So I began to head home. I wonder what that idiot is doing right about now, probably laying in bed... It would only make sense Sasuke it's dark out. I shook my head realizing how stupid of a question that was. Why am I thinking about him anyway? I never really understood why I think about him so much, I mean he is an airhead for crying out loud.
Never mind him, I need to focus on getting home safely.

I heard a noise. No, I hear noises... Sounds like crying? I started to walk faster trying to ignore the whimpering.
What if they need help? Ugh. What if it's a trap? But, what if it's not? c:  I sighed and narrowed my eyes, walking towards the spot where the noise was coming from. I hid behind the bushes and peeked through to see what it was and...

It was a little boy.

He was crying. That's great, it's just a kid. I came out of the bushes and stood hovering over him.
"Hey, kid." I said watching him carefully. He perked his head up and looked at me.
"H-hello...umm" He wiped his teary face. "Who...who are you?"
He had black hair, and black eyes just like I did. His hair was slightly spikey, and his face was red from crying.
"Who are you?" I said smirking.
His eyes narrowed and I believe he tried to look mad. "I asked you first."
I rested my hands on the back of my head,"And I asked you second."
He growled at me, and spoke quietly. "Toro. Now what's your name?"
His face looked puzzled. "Sa-sue- kay?"
I glared at him. "It's Sasuke. Get it right kid."
"That's what I said!" He balled up his tiny fists.
I smirked again."That's not at all what you said." I looked over at him to see his face turn red with anger.
"It is too!"
At least he stopped crying. I should really be heading home now...
"Well Toro, I have to go home now."
"Eh? Already? But you just got here." He started whining again.
"Oi. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I reached over and ruffled his hair.
"But, I'll be lonely..."
"What do you mean? Are you lost or something?"
"Not exactly..."


"Well maybe you should head home then."
He started crying again, and hugged my leg.
Oh boy.

"Don't go! Please...I don't have a home." I looked at him unbelievably. No home? But he isn't dressed like a person who doesn't have anything or anyone...
Explains why he was outside.
"Hey, kid. Stop crying." He looked at me with his big watery eyes. "Why don't you just stay with me until you get back on your feet?"

That's very out of character Sasuke... Ugh. I know. But I can't just leave him out here.

"Really?! You really mean it??  :D" He looked so happy, it made me smile a tad bit.
"Yea, yea. Now d-"
I was cut off by him practically tackling me into a hug. I patted his back.
"Now, c'mon let's head home." I got up and started walking back towards my house. His tiny pit pattering feet followed mine.

This is gonna be a bother.

"So, does this mean you're my dad now?!" He said jumping around. I blushed slightly, looking down so he wouldn't notice.
"Not exactly."
"Oh." He looked sad. Ugh. Why do I feel like this?
"Hey, cheer up." He looked at me."Let's just say we are brothers ok?" I could tell without even looking at him that he lightened up.

We got to the house and he was shocked.
"Woah. You live here? It's so huge!"
"Yea, yea, just go in.." I opened the door and he ran inside.

Oh boy.

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