Sasuke's Teammates?

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Sasuke's Pov:
Oi. Morning already? I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. I have a mission today... I can't be late. I got out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and body. I put on the same clothes I usually wear; blue shirt, white shorts. I rushed downstairs and made myself breakfast. As I was eating, I checked the clock and it was 6:27.
I guess I underestimated the time. I have about an hour before I have to go anyways.
I continued eating, a little more slowly this time.
"Good Morning Sasuke..."
I turned around and saw Toro coming down the stairs.
"Morning dobe."
He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Where are you going?" He asked, noticing that I didn't have on my night clothes anymore.
"I was about to go out with my teammates to do stuff, but it's  too early to leave out."
He sat down at the table.
"So, that means I'm gonna be here by myself? I don't wanna be alone..." He paused and looked at me with tears running down his face.
"Can I go with you?" I looked at him.
Of course not, he'd be a bother. He would only slow us down. But he's crying. Ugh. How do I get myself caught in these situations?

I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes, not wanting to face him. "Toro, I can't allow you to."
His crying and whimpering got louder.
"Why not? I don't wanna be alone. Please Sasuke? I promise not to get in your way!"
With that being said, I didn't have a choice.
"Fine. But if you interfere, you have to come back home." I threw a towel at his face so he could wipe away all those unnecessary tears.
"Yay! Thanks! You're the best Sasuke!" He quickly wiped his face. I stood up and stretched placing my dishes in the sink.
"Sasuke!" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What?" I said drinking some water.
"I'm hungry too y'know!" He stood up looking at me.

Oh yeah. Totally forgot.

I made him breakfast and he ate it all.
"Boy can you cook! Who taught you how to make food?"

"Hmm. I believe I taught myself." I said smirking.
"Eh? That's cool!"

I looked at the clock and it was 7 on the dot. I plan on leaving out in 15 minutes. But with him scattering around, it might take even longer...

Might as well head out now.

"Oi. Toro. Stop running around and let's go." He stopped, and looked at me, then down at his clothes.
"But, these are my pjs...Sasuke I can't wear these outside."

It's too late now, I have to go.

"We have to go, we don't have much time left. And I'm not taking the risk of being late. Now c'mon." I said grabbing his hand and running towards the door.
He groaned causing a smirk to appear on my face.

                    Time Skip

Toro's Pov:
We both stopped, I guess at the place Sasuke was telling me he had to go. At this point, I was on Sasuke's back because my legs were tired from running.
"Teme." I heard someone say. I looked up and saw another boy around Sasuke's age, he had spikey yellowish hair, tan skin, and had three marks on each side of his face. He was wearing and orange jacket with matching pants.

Boy. I doubt he's a ninja like Sasuke. He's practically a target. His choice of colors might give him away easily.

"You're late." I looked at Sasuke and back at him. Sasuke didn't really seem to care he wasn't paying him any attention at all.
I got down from Sasuke's back and caught his attention.
"Hm? Who's this?" He pointed at me.
"None of your business dobe." Sasuke said plainly. The bright haired colored boy growled at Sasuke. I didn't really know if Sasuke wanted me to introduce myself to him. While they were basically arguing, a man with white hair appeared out of no where. I couldn't say that I wasn't amazed, because I indeed was. I mean where did he come from? Is that the kind of things you get to do as a ninja? That's so cool!

The brightly colored boy jumped up and pointed his finger at him and yelled really loud.
"You're late Sensei!"
"Sorry, sorry I apologize, I got caught on the path of life." He looked at me and then at Sasuke.
"Hmm.. Relative Sasuke?"
"Don't worry about it. Let's just get on with the mission."

Why won't Sasuke tell them who I am? Is he embarrassed of me being here? Well you never know with him, he rarely changes his facial expression.

"Well, well. I'm sorry to disappoint you Sasuke, but their won't be any mission today." Sasuke looked up, and the other guy yelled. Again.
"Eh? Why not?! I was ready to kick butt today!" His voice lowered, "Oh and where's Sakura?"
"That's what I was getting at. Sakura isn't feeling well. We won't be able to complete any of the missions without her."
"Not feeling well? What happened?!" The man chuckled. "She just has a cold is all Naruto. She'll be fine."

So that's his name. Naruto. Sounds like a name for someone like him. Now that I think about it, I wonder what Sakura looks like.

"Aw man. This sucks." Naruto said sitting down crossing his arms. I saw Sasuke smirk at his actions.


"Now, now, Naruto. Don't get discouraged. We still can train. You guys need practice anyways. Come on now. Let's go." He started to run off, causing Naruto to dash after him. I thought Sasuke would do the same, but he told me to get on his back. And of course I did, I definitely wasn't running again. And with that, we were off.

Training? With Sasuke?! This is gonna be epic!

~im sorry guys for the late update, I had to catch up on my homework. Plus school is starting back tomorrow, so I may not be able to update in a while.  .-.  Hopefully ill finish soon.~

°•°•Stay kewl dudes°•°•

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