Who Knew?

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Sasuke's Pov:
I woke up around 1 pm. Toro woke up at the same time.
"Toro, let's try on your clothes. I meant to tell you before I went to sleep."
"Really? Yay!" He jumped up immediately and ran upstairs.
"Hurry up Sasuke!"

He'd be a perfect ninja with this amount of energy.

I walked up the stairs, going into his room. He quickly pulled out the gray shirt, the first thing we bought. He slipped it over his head, and it fit perfectly.
"It fits! This is awesome! This can be like my everyday wear!"
"Sure Toro, but you need to have bottoms too."
"Oh yea. But I don't know which ones would look nice with this shirt."


"What about these?" I said holding up a pair of black shorts.
"Yea!" He said grabbing the shorts out of my hands

He slipped them on, and ran in front of the mirror.
"Sasuke! Look!"
"I see, I see. Now go try on your shoes."
He eyes sparkled as he picked up the small blue opentoed shoes.
He put them on and couldn't sit still.

I feel like it's missing something. Oh, the family symbol.

"Toro. Come here." He stopped his crazy session and stood right in front of me.
"Since you're apart of the family, you should wear this." I held up a patch that represented the Uchiha Clan.
"I've seen that fan thing before!"
"Really?" I said sarcastically.
"Yea! My mother used to have that on her shirt all the time!"


"Are you sure it was this one?"
"Mhm. I have a picture of my mother if you'd like to see."
"That would be appreciated."
He ran over to his bed, and pulled out an picture. It was in really bad shape. He gave it to me and pointed to his mother.
"See? That's her. And that's me and my dad."
My eyes grew wide as I held the picture firmly.

This woman looks exactly like my mother. Could it be? No, that's Impossible.

"Sasuke? You ok?" Toro said looking concerned.
"Yea, I'm fine."
He smiled, and I smiled back.
"Now, if you closely Sasuke, you can see the symbol right there." He said pointing to the symbol on the side of her shirt.

So she is. But how?

"Toro. When you said your parents died in the storm.. We're you sure of their death?"
"Well.. I'll put it this way."


Toro's Pov:
"I am tired of this place! I'm am tired of you!" I heard my mom scream.

Oh no.

I got out of bed, and ran into the kitchen where I heard my mother screaming. I listened, sitting with my back against the door.
"I'm leaving! I am not coming back! All you do is sit around all day and drink! You can't even take care of your own son. You aren't a good father. And you will never be a good husband."

I heard a loud slap, and a loud thump.
"You shut your mouth woman. You aren't going anywhere. And you really are stupid. Where do you plan on going when you run away? There's no where else for you to go. You belong to me."
I got nervous.

What was he talking about?

I heard my mother laugh, really loud and creepy like.
"You think you're all big and bad huh? Well little did you know, there's someone else. They have been treating me better than you. So actually, I do have somewhere else to go."
I went back to my room because I heard the door open. I got under my covers and pretended I was asleep. My mother came in and grabbed my hand telling me that we were leaving.

When my mom tried to run away with me, my father held us back, then out of nowhere, a storm came. Water was rushing in quickly tearing our house apart.
I screamed knowing I couldn't swim.
My father left us, well he tried to.. the moment he did, a plank of wood went straight through him.
It was cruel. Something hard hit my head, and I passed out.
I woke up thinking I was dead.
"Mom!" I screamed.

~end of flashback~

Sasuke's Pov:
"Yea, and that's all I can remember." Toro said sulking.
I ruffled his hair to make him feel better.
"Hey Sasuke." He said looking at me. "What does this fan symbol mean?"
"It represents the Uchiha Clan."
"Oh? So your an Uchiha, Sasuke?"
"Yea, and you are too."
His eyes sparkled again.
"So that means we really are related!"
"Yup. And even better, we're real brothers."
"Eh? How so?"
"Because we have the same mother, dobe. How else?"

He danced happily.
"It's great to know that I'm not the only one left."

Yea, it is.

I placed the Uchiha Patch on his back, and he smiled.
"Now does this mean I get to be a ninja?!" He said practically jumping around.
"You don't have to be a Uchiha to be a ninja idiot." I said smirking.

"Oh. Well can you teach me how to please?"

"Itachi!" I said running up to him glomping him into a hug.
"Can you teach me that technique? You said you would."
"Forgive me brother." He said placing his two fingers on my forehead.
"Maybe tomorrow."
~end of flashback~

I smirked and put my fingers on his forehead.

"Maybe tomorrow."

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