Chap. 16

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We were halfway to where our escort needed to be

. Kakashi had let me down just a minute ago. "Guys I say we rest it's getting pretty dark out." You said shivering a little from the sudden breeze. "Yeah, I guess so. Okay everyone start setting up your tents." Kakashi said chuckling.

"No way am I sleeping in a tent. We must go somewhere else." Our escort said (WHAT SHOULD I NAME HIM?!)

"Well, your gonna have to." I spat at him rolling my eyes. "Don't you dare speak to me in that manner young lady!" He said. "Are you gonna make me?" I said giving him chills down his spine. "Fine whatever Ill stay." He said while running over to the other side of the path.

'Hehe~ I love scaring people.'

~Le Timeskip~

"Y/N wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP!" I shot up giving the person who awoke me a death glare.


"Ugh. Why now it's so early." I said while yawning.  "I would rather get this stupid escort over with than sleeping all day." She said annoyed. "Well...I prefer sleeping so goodnight." I said as I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket over me.

"AHHHHH." I yelled. I was being lifted up. I shook the blanket off and looked at my kidnapper.

"Naruto let me down!" "Sorry y/n but this was plan B we all knew you wouldn't wake up." He said chuckling.

He set me down in front of a tent and started laughing hysterically. "We can probably see Kaka-sensei without a mask on if we sneak in there." Naruto said covering his mouth as he chuckled. "Hehe~" I laughed and slowly unzipped the tent.

I walked in tiptoeing over to Kakashi and I pulled the blanket down and saw him...."wearing the mask?!" I yelled.

He grabbed my wrist and looked up at me. He sat up and sighed. "You wear that when you sleep?!" I exclaimed sweatdropping -_-;.   "Last night I did. I thought Naruto would pull something but you? Really?" He said chuckling. "HEY! It was Naruto's idea!" I spat pointing over to him. Naruto held his hands up in defeat.

"Okay well lets all get ready to leave." Kakashi said motioning for you two to leave. You left to go get ready and set off for the escort.

~Le Timeskip~

We were walking in an oddly shaped forest.

All the trees were lined up perfectly and the trees weren't even growing in the right environment!

"Guys don't the trees seem off to you too?" I said concern lacing my words. "Yeah...keep your guard up." Kakashi said looking around.

The trees suddenly disappeared and was placed with a new flat terrain.

I looked behind us and saw a very tall woman with very revealing clothing on. "Well Hello there. I can leave without a fight if you hand over your escort. "Never!" Naruto yelled.

"Well, a fight it is then. This'll be easy." She said as she licked her lips. She bolted towards you but stopped halfway there.

She started doing weird hand signs. I didn't know any of them. It seemed like Kakashi did because as soon as he saw doing those hand signs he revealed his Sharingan.

I looked back at her and tried not to let my guard down. She stopped doing her hand signs and stood there for a few seconds then she lifted her hand up aiming it at us.

Some demonic figure came flying towards us at incredible speed. You dashed back, a single cut on your cheek. I wiped my cheek and licked the blood that was left.

"It's been awhile since someone cut me. I'm surprised you even got close to me." I said my bloodlust surrounding me.

"Y-y/n? Whats gotten into you?" Naruto said seeing a different side of you.

No one truly knows you. After that incident at least...  I stopped killing, but right now I  really wanted to kill someone.. anyone.

I lifted my head up dashed past the demon and kicked the women in the stomach. She flew back but she broke her fall my rolling.

You shot at her at incredible speed punching her. You punched her again and realized she always leaves her left side open. You punched her right side and then kicked her in her left hip. She slammed into a mountain.

"Ahh, I thought this was going to be fun. I guess not." You said laughing.

You took your dagger out and stabbed her in her heart.

"Goodbye." I said not bothering to look at the others staring at me in shock.

You stood up and walked towards my team not bothering to look at them. 'At least they beat the demon.' You thought.

You started walking towards where we need to take the escort. Everyone walked behind little conversation between them. 'I couldn't control myself....' You thought. You gritted your teeth.

"They'll never see me the same." You mumbled to yourself.

~Le Timskip~

You guys decided to stay at a hotel for the meantime.

We got a huge room so everyone can sleep here. "I'm gonna go bed. Goodnight everyone." I said looking down. I ran to my bed and covered myself in my bed and sobbed.

"I couldn't control myself! Damnit!" I mumbled between breaths.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say concern lacing their words. I slowly pulled the covers off of me and looked at the person.

They saw my eyes puffy and cheeks red from crying.

"Y/n we all care for you. I may know your secret but the others don't. And even if they did they would still be your friend. We all care so much so just go out to the table and let it all out. It's best for you." Kakashi said looking very concerned.

I got up and trudged all the way to the table and sat down Kakashi sat down next to me. I looked at him and he nodded. "Guys I wanna talk about...earlier." I said squeezing my eyes shut waiting for someone to yell at me but nothing happened.

'That made me feel a little better.' I thought to myself.

"I haven't exactly been telling you everything. M-my family is known for killing many people a-and they put me through very hard 'torture training' That's why whenever I get hurt I never say anything or even think about the pain. Back there I couldn't control myself. Killing has finally caught up with me and I don't think I can ever go back!" I yelled tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Y/n it's okay! We'll help you!" Naruto said giving me a thumbs up. Sakura nodded and agreed with him.

"You guys are the first people I've ever told and it feels like weight been lifted off my chest." I said chuckling  but still crying at the same time.

"Thank you guys. You're the best friends and I look up to you guys like siblings and Kakashi you're the first father figure I've ever had!" I smiled brightly and it was the first real smile I've had in a really long time.



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