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After we finished talking me and Sakura went to our room and the boys went to there room.

"Y/n I'm sorry if I knew I would've helped you any way I could've." Sakura said facing the other way. "It's okay can we drop the subject though?" You asked politely.

"Yeah Goodnight." She said yawning. "G'night." I said slowly drifting to sleep.

                             ~ Le Timeskip ~
'Yawn' I looked over and saw Sakura sleeping still.

'How am I even awake right now?

Usually Sakura wakes up before me.' I thought.  Sakura started shifting in her bed I quickly looked away and walked to the bathroom.

"Good morning y/n. I'm surprised you're up." She said giggling. "Me to." I said laughing.

"I'm gonna take a shower okay?" I said opening the door to the bathroom.

I slowly stripped, turned the water on and stepped into the cooling shower.

                               ~ Le Timeskip ~

I wrapped a towel around my head and my body making sure to tighten it.

I peaked out of the bathroom seeing if anyone was in the room.

*cough* seeing if the perverted boys were in the room. *cough* { sorry I got a scratchy throat }

I didn't see anyone so I quickly skidded to my room and shut the door locking it.

"Sakura are you in here?" I said. No answer.

'Guess she's somewhere else in the apartment.

I quickly changed into my clothes and walked out into the living room and turned on the TV.

After about 2 episodes I got annoyed and turned it off. I flung back on the couch and sighed. "Where is everybody?" I sighed checking the time. 'It's only 11' I thought getting up.

I threw my hair in a messy bun and started looking around for everyone.

I checked the boys room. Nothing. My room again. Nothing. Bathroom (after knocking obviously). No answer.

I waked out of the apartment started running down the hallways.

Until I reached the lounge. I saw "Sakura where is everyone?" I said annoyed.

"Ahh well Naruto went to go get Ramen and Kakashi I don't know." She said sweat-dropping.

"Okay thanks." I said waving to her as I ran back to the apartment.

I ran into the apartment walking into the living room.


I looked over at me and saw the fan from the ceiling on the ground.

I looked up and saw Kakashi sweat-dropping and scratching the back of his neck in Embarrassment.

"WHY ARE YOU UP THERE?" I yelled pointing to him.

"Ahhh, well I was just fixing the fan." He said laughing:

"Yeah liked that worked." I said plopping onto the couch sinking into the comfort.

He sat on the other side of the couch. "Someone has an attitude." He said laughing.

I sunk into the couch deeper and sighed. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go sleep." I said getting up to go to my room.

"Okay don't sleep to long we'll be leaving to Konoha soon." Kakashi said not taking his eyes off the TV.

{SORRY I haven't updated in a while I've been so busy with school. Plus, I'm so worked up if I'm getting into my high school or not. I'm figuring that out this week. Ugh...well, wish me luck I really want to go to this high school. Author-Chan out!🌸}

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