Chp. 14

410 10 2

Previously on Stuck In Naruto

Naruto comes running into the room "SASUKE!"

"What! All of you just go away!" Sasuke said coldly 

(btw I'm using "I" instead of "you" just because I'm lazy 😂😂

" don't know the truth. Please just come-" "KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT?! NO Y/N YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.. none of you do... just go....NOW!"

All of the sudden the hideout started to crumble on us. 

Kakashi, Naruto and I started running towards the exit. We finally reached the exit and saw Jiraiya waiting out there for us.  

I turned to look at Naruto and saw him banging his fists saying "I'll bring you home I SWEAR!" He was crying.

"Naru-" "What!?" Naruto said coldly. "Um, nothing sorry." I said sadly. I went over to Kakashi's side.


We were walking home and I was still next to Kakashi no one was talking.

  Jiraiya finally decided to break the silence. "GUYS! You gotta feel better. At least we found Sasuke. Sure we weren't able to get home but we are one step closer to getting him home we just gotta believe." 

"Yeah, Your right!" Naruto said suddenly happy. I still didn't look back at Naruto and Jiraiya.


We had finally reached home. "Um, bye guys see you soon." "Bye Y/N!" Naruto said happily while waving to me. 

I chuckled to myself "looks like he's all better" I thought to myself.

I started walking the usual route to my house until I saw that familiar building. I ran to the door quickly unlocked it and started screaming "I missed you so much!" I yelled while jumping around and waving my arms frantically in the air.

I made my way to the bathroom and stripped and slowly stepped into the refreshing shower.

I stepped out of the shower and started to dry my hair. "UGH! Stupid hair can you just dry alre- BANG!" "What was that?!" I whispered to myself startled.

I wrapped my towel around me tight and slowly made my way to the living room. I saw Kakashi and Naruto laying on the floor in some weird position and my door was wide open. 

"AHHH! GET OUT!!! GET OUT! GET OOOOUUUTTTT!!" I yelled embarrassed holding my towel more tightly. 

Kakashi looked up and blushed and Naruto starts screaming and running around my house.

 "Uh uhmm, we're sorry y/n we just uhm brought your scroll back you forgot it. Here you go." Kakashi said handing it to me not bothering to look at me.

 "Um, Thanks but can you guys leave please I'm um trying to do stuff right now." I said slowly. 

"Yeah. Let's go Naruto!" Kakashi said waving Naruto over to him. 

"Bye y/n-chan~" Naruto said innocently. "Bye..." I said embarrassed.  

GUYS! I know I update slow but pleeease forgive me. I have Mr.Hudson for Pre-Algebra and I can't do math sooooo I gotta get extra help. Btw check my best friends page @noyaarmy she would update more but her phone isn't working at all and shes just as busy as me. We both do extracurricular activities so we are really busy. I see I have a lot of saves and votes and I was never expecting this Thank you guys so much this book would be nothing without you guys!! BUT Can you please follow me lol I got no followers. Don't pity me lol jk. BYE GUYS!

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