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Luhan POV

I put on my new uniform. It my first day in new school. We just move in a week ago but I have to prepare myself. I put on my glasses then reach out my nag and walk out from my room, greeting my parents that enjoy the breakfast. I take a seat in front of my mom then grab a sandwich that my mom prepared then heading to school with my dad.

I get off then ask the guards where is principle room. He told me the direction. While I'm heading to principle room I bump into a tall student. His stuff fall on the ground. I pick up his stuff then ask for the forgiveness.

"Are you the new student here? I never saw you before." Say the boy that I bump out.

"Ah, yes. I'm looking for the principle room." I say.

"Great. I'm heading to that way too. If you don't mind, I'll lead you the way." He say politely.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Luhan." I introduce myself as we walk along the hallway.

"I'm Suho, student council. If you have any problems just reach out for me. Here is my stop. Principle room is beside teacher's room." He stop in front of the student council room. I thanks him again then search for the room. Politely I ask for the permission before entering the room.

"You're the new student am I right? Have a seat. Mr. Lee, please come into my room." He call out one of the teacher via intercom. I take a seat in front of him and he ask a little bit about my background while we waiting for the teacher.

"Ah, Mr. Lee here is a new student for your class." He say then I  greet him politely.

"Oh, come. Let's go to your classroom. I'm your homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee." He show me the way aftwr we excuses ourselves. I wait for Mr. Lee take his stuff for the class 

"Morning class, hope that you get inspire to start your day. I have a news to you all. Please come in. He going to be your new classmates." He ask me to get in. I stand in the middle of the class while all eyes on me. I feel the tense.

"Erm, hi. I'm Xi Luhan and I'm from China. Nice to meet you." I clear my throat and begin to introduce myself. They look like not welcoming me into their class but maybe they frusted to wake up early in the morning.

"You can seat at the empty space behind there since we didn't have any empty table anymore." Mr. Lee point to the table at the end of the class right beside the window. I look around, all the place already occupied so I look at him weird.

"That owner didn't come?" I ask curious.

"Don't worry. Just sit since the class going to start now." He say then slowly I reach to the empty table. He begin the class.

After an hour class begin, a loud noise coming from the front door. He stop what he wrote on the board then all eyes focus on the door. The door open reveal a girl panting heavily.

"Sorry, I'm late..  Again." The girl say. Mr. Lee just look at his watch then continue writing. I look around the class, a few of them were smiling at the girl and there a few of them didn't care what happen. I noticed that she walk towards me.

"You seat at my desk." She say slowly as she stop beside me. A few students turn their head toward us.

"Sorry?" I look at her blur.

"This is my desk. Why are you sitting here and who are you? I never saw you before." She ask me then I realized what she saying. There are none empty seat in the class.

"Mr. Lee ask me to seat here since we didn't get any empty table yet." I say slowly. I didn't want to put a blame on another person but I have to tell the truth.

"Sir, you can't do this to me. It my desk why you give it to someone new?" She shout out make all the classmates turn facing us. Mr. Lee put down his book then turn around.

"I thought you're not coming today." He say calmly.

"But is still unfair. I have seat there entire time." She protest.

"Just take another chair from empty class or you just can stand." Say Mr.  Lee simple before taking back his book to continue teaching us. I look at the situation unbelievable.

"You kidding me, stand for entire class? You still have half an hour to finish your class." She give him a glare.

"If you don't like my suggestion you can stand outside since you late and disturbing my class." Mr. Lee didn't budge from his idea. I'm stuck in the middle. This happen because of me that I seat on her place.

"Sir... Fine, I rather be detention than standing for an hour." She walk out from the class. I just look her figure disappear from my sight. Everything back to the normal.

My mind didn't focus in the class since I screw up my first day in the new school. My eyes keep staring outside of the class. I didn't see any shadow standing outside of class. I wonder where she could be. As soon the class end, I rush get up from the seat, looking for that girl but she's missing. I just want apologize properly.

"What you doing?" Someone pat my shoulder. I look at him blur.

"I'm Xiumin. Come, let's find you a new desk and chair before someone boils up again. By the way, I'm class president." He introduce himself then I  follow him searching for a new desk and chair at the store behind the main building.

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