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Luhan POV

I walk inside the house after bid the goodbye then I saw my mom are waiting for me on the couch.

"Where have you been?" She ask me worry. I quickly slip the tissue into my pocket.

"Erm, I stroll around the school just to avoid any lost way." I lied to her. I don't want to tell her the truth yet.

"Hmm, now go clean up yourself then we can have dinner." She say before disspear into the kitchen. I wash up myself then look into my own reflection. Luckily I didn't have any bruise on my face. I put my spect on my study desk then walk down to the kitchen.

"So, how school?" Dad ask after we done eating. We usually eating in silent.

"Dad, what a lame question. Of course it's great." I chuckle at his questions.

"I means you didn't get bully or what with that kind of spectacle?" He look at me seriously. I don't know what to answer so I play with the spoon before give them a warm smile.

"Why you need to hide your handsomeness behind that spec?" Ask my mom again. They keep questioning it on the first day I put it on.

"I don't know. I just feel comfortable with it." I say honestly as I don't want to talk about my past.

"Thanks for the food. Let me wash your dishes." I pick up their empty plate then walk to the sink.

"It's okay. You must be tired from school." Say mom try to avoiding me do some chores.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal." I shrug it off.

"Just let him wash it. Come, watch the movie with me." Say dad before pulling mom towards the living room.

"You should enjoy your time with dad." I shout from the kitchen. I wish I'll find someone like my parents.

I headed to my study desk and grab my notebook to write down some note. I'm lucky enough to enroll that school since it have a really high educational.

I'm study about an hour then I take five minutes break. Slowly I open up my old box that consist my childhood memories. I found a picture of me and a girl then I grab a bracelet that come with the picture. I wish I could meet her again one day.

I heard a knock on my door, rushly I put that stuff back in the box.

"Are you studying?" Mom bring me a glass of orange juice. I just nod as response to her question.

"Don't push yourself too hard." She pat my head before walking out. I just give her a smile. I know that she's worry about me but I need to learn harded if I want to continue my dad bussines.

After done study, I close my book then get ready for tomorrow class. I slip the last shot of the orange juice then switch off my study lamp.

I take out my phone before going to sleep. I scroll down my social account then suddenly a notification comes on. I've been added to our group class by Xiumin. He once told me that he want to bring me meet his friends. I wonder about his friends, will they be nice to me or vice versa. I really hope they will accept me with my look now. I didn't have ay courage to take out my spec after I break up with my ex. She just after me cause of my look and money. Since that I didn't easily trust people.

I scroll down the contact number then I found that girl number through her profile picture. She look kind of scary at the first sight, she has that cold aura but she also kind.

Her name remind me to my old childhood friend. We just spent around a week but she lighten up my day that time. If that was her but why she seem like don't know me?

I fall asleep after a few minutes. I wake up due to my loud alarm then get ready to the school. I know it still early, 6 am but I don't like to be late for school. I walk down to help my mom prepare the breakfast. After we done the breakfast, I excuses myself to school. Starting now, I'll walk to the school.

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