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I stretch out my body after an hour class end. Teacher walk out follow by others students rush to the cafeteria for lunch. I clean up my desk.

"Sica, hurry up." Shout Tiffany from the door. I run to them then we walk towards the cafeteria as I link my arms between both of them made me walk in the middle. After we got our foods, we seat with others like usual. We chit chat about our life and so on.

"Erm, you both go ahead. I need to stop at restroom before." I say to them before entering the classroom. I glance over my watch, a few minutes left before the next class start so I rush to the restroom at the end of corner.

I wash my hand then walk out. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice coming from the stairs. I didn't mean to eavesdrop them but the topic they discuss gain my attention.

"So what's next? I manage to date that nerd for a few weeks." Say someone that I can't clearly see their face. Slowly I walk near them and finally I can get a clear vision. It's Rose and other three of her friends.

"We surely can't doubt your ability ever again." Say Jisoo with a laugh.

"But don't you think it so cruel to play this game on him?" Ask Lisa. She a little bit concern if compare to other three. I don't know why she end up being their friends in the end.

"Come on Lisa. It wasn't the first time we play this kind of game. Beside he too innocent and unaware about what going on now." Say Jennie arrogantly while pating her shoulder.

"That what I mean. Before this we just pull this game on jerk not someone innocent like him." Lisa try to convince them stop the game. Most of the boys in our school have been their victom but they just never know when to stop.

"It's you that just used it on the jerk. Not us." Say Jisoo follow by others laugh.

"So now, what you think we gonna do with him?" Ask Rose confidently.

"Like another ending we used too. Break up with him and make sure he still begging for the love." Say Jennie and Jisso. Lisa just keep her mouth shut up this time. I agape hearing that. I shouldn't trust her at first.

"Easy task to do. Now where's my present that you guys promise to give?" She ask arrogantly.

"Ah, I shouldn't gamble my money." Say them with a laugh. They take out a few amounts of their money and pass it to Rose. I don't know what inside me but I walk to them harsly push their hand away made the money mess on the floor.

"Oh my. Look who we got here. The ice princess." Say Jennie in mock tone.

"My my, what bring you here?" Ask Jisoo. They look at me with a smirk plaster on their face. Lisa walk a little bit back.

"What a stupid game are you playing. You think it's fun to play on others heart?" I ask angrily.

"My, did you heard us?" Ask Rose as she walk near me, play with my hair.

"Gosh, it's not good to eavesdrop someone conversation my dear." Jisoo and Jennie also walk near me. They trap me into a circle. I try to keep calm.

"Stop your fucking game. He's too kind to be played by some bitches like you guys." I flich up my fist while glaring at them.

"Look like someone boiling up." Mock Jisoo while clapping her hand slowly.

"What the point you want to be mad at us? Oh yeah that nerd is your friend. I'm totally forgot about that." Say Rose. Jennie and Jisoo just laught at the fact that she told.

"Sorry but I don't think I want to stop the game until the end." She continues her past word.

"You..." I can't hold ot anymore. I raise up my hand to slap her.

"What are you doing there? Rest time is over." A sudden voice stop my motion. We all turn aroud then found the teacher looking at us. Jennie slowly poke Rose to act like she's victim here. She slowly fall on the floor, holding her knees.

"Teacher, she hit my friend until she fall on floor." Say Jennie than she show Rose that sit on the floor.

"What? No. She accused me." I say angrily.

"All of you back to your class now and before home all of you I want to see in detention room." Say the teacher.


"I don't want to hear any excuse." He say than walk away.

"Fine." I murmur before going back to my classroom. I can sense that they smirk at me. I apologise for late then take a seat at my own place. My mind can't focus what the teacher say in front. I keep recall what I heard before.

"Sica, let's go home together. I have something to give to you." Kris come put from nowhere. Luckily it wasn't anyone other than my friends in that classroom.

"Sorry but I have detention today." I say as I put all my belongings into my bag. I got some question look from them but I just smile then walk pass him.

It been a while I being in detention room. I twist the door knob, revealing the empty room. I take a seat waiting for others. I heard noises from outside, I assume they have arrive.

"It's all your fault. I never being in detention room before." Say Jisoo angrily as she slam her hand on the desk in front of where I seat. I just look at her. We keep staring at each other until teacher come in.

"So who going to tell me what happened there?" He ask as he take a seat at the teacher place.

"Lisa will tell you everything. She never lie before." Say Jennie as she slowly push her ahead. Look like they plan something already.

"Erm, it just a misunderstanding. We fight about small thing not a big deal and suddenly Jessica push Rose that made her fall. That's all." She say while playing with her fingers and look down to her feet. I frown at her story.

"Then why she raise her hand up?" Ask teacher.

"It just a joke. She try to help her up. That's all." She say.

"Jessica, you have any objections?" Teacher ask me. They give me a glare.

"I... I don't." I say. I didn't freak out at their glare it just that I don't want this being a long story and I want to rest my brain now.

"Then write down what mistake you guys have made then pass it to me in ten minutes." He pass a blank paper as usual. I out from the room after pass my paper. I feel the vibration from my phone.

What have you done to Rose? - Luhan

Surely she will tell her innocence boyfriend and he must protect her even he didn't know the true story. I just slip back the phone into my pocket.

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