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Today our PE teacher suggest to combine our class with another class so we patiently waiting for another class to arrive. After a few seconds, they gather at the field. I found Suho and Kris from another class, guess it must be their class then.

"So since the final are coming and you guys in your final year, today we will play dodge ball between the two class. Have fun and don't hurt yourself." Say our PE teacher then conduct warm up session.

I grab my water and take a sip before the game start. From the corner, I see Jessica and her friends laughing around Kris, Suho, Sunny and Hyoyeon. I quickly put my bottle back and join them.

"So we going to play with your class." I say to them.

"Yeah. Hope your class be easy with our class since not many in our class are active in PE class." Say Hyoyeon with a smile.

"Hope your class did not hurt our class too." Say Taeyeon with a chuckle.

"It's going to start now. Come on." Say Sunny then run towards other her classmates. We then run to our classmates to build up the strategy.

"Watch out." A loud shout can be heard coming from all the student to support their own class.

"Here. Here. A space." Shout another class to defeat another class. It so fun to play with so many people. Suddenly I hear a small yell in pain behind me. I turn then found Jessica fall on the ground.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask concern and worry at some point.

"Watch your back." She shout then I feel something hit on me. I saw that ball rolling beside me then someone quickly grab and throw it towards Jessica.

She let out a sigh of relief then try to stand up but fall on the ground again.

"You okay?" I ask once again like an idiot although I know she can't walk. She look at me then try once again but the result it same.

"Both of you, walk out from there if don't want to be hurt." Our teacher shout frim aside. Without getting any answer from her, I pull her over a bench.

"Did you spread your ankle?" I try to touch her ankle but she quickly push my hand away. She try to walk away from me but she keep failing and yelp out.

"Hey, what you doing? Put me down! N.O.W!" She yell as soon I give her piggyback. Our teacher look at us then question if everything alright with his eyes.

"I need to bring her to nurse room. She hurt her ankle." I tell to our teacher and he nod as permission.

I walk to the nurse room, ignoring the noise on my back. Slowly I put her on the empty bed then look around. Nurse school not here so I searc for firts aid kit. I pull up her leg onto my lap.

"What you doing?" She ask worry. I take out some ointment and bandage to heal her ankle. How I miss to hear her voice.

"Is it hurt badly?" I look up to her and she bite her own lips, prevent to shout out.

"Finally, it only two of us here." I say after done treat her. I look up at her.

"So?" She ask codly while pull her leg over from my lap.

"I'm sorry." I say looking down to the floor.

"For?" She ask again.

"Ignoring you." I say, look back at her.

"Okay so I think I should go back to our class." She try to get off from the bed.

"Wait. I.." I lock her over the bed. Did I saw some blush on her cheek?

"Did you want to say something else?" She look at me annoy.

"You forgiving me?" I ask with a smile.

"I'll think about it. Now, can you let me go?" She ask as she try to push my hand away.

"No until I know you forgive me." I say sternly.

"It's up to me to forgive you or not and after a whole week you ignoring me, ignoring my text here you said sorry? What's wrong with you?" She ask angrily. I just look at her face.

"If you ignore me because I'm broke your thing, I'm sorry once again. I didn't mean to it's accident." She continues.

"I'm sorry. I really mean it. I'm.. I'm."

"You what? Stop wasting my time. I need to change and get into class. Since I hurt my ankle it will going to take more time than usual." She say in annoy tone.

"I miss you." I don't know what into me but I hug her. She didn't give any reply.

"Then.. Then why you ignoring me for a whole week?" She say in broken voice.

"I.. I mad over myself because of my stupid feelings. I.. I.. Okay, I admit I jealous over you on the day we hang out. You ignore me when you talk with your friend." I confess, still hugging her.

"You? Jealous over me because my old friend? Because Mark? Why?" She slowly push me away. I saw some tears at the end of her eyes.

"Wait, are you crying? Why?" I ask worry. Did I say something wrong? Or do I did something wrong?

"No. It just some dusk flying over my eyes. Tell me the reason why you jealous?" She wipe her tears away.

"I.. I.. I don't know. Maybe because you forget about me that time. You seem so absorb in that conversation." I say then look away from her because I'm embrassing with my own reasons. Why can't I just tell her the truth?

"That's all the reasons you ignoring me? It's childish and immature. I mean, he's my old friend and we not see each other about 10 years or more." She say with a giggle.

"I'm sorry for my immature and childish reason." I pout then turn away from her.

"Hey, where you going? Ouh, you look cute if you sulking." She turn me back to face her then pinch my cheeks.

"Ouch. Let go." I hit her hand but she keep doing it.

"Ops, did I came at the wrong timing?" Ask the school nurse made we both stop what we doing. Damn, I'm so ashamed now and I can feel my face burning up.

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