Chapter 14

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Please read the note at the bottom, thx😘

Previously on the blood moon bond.

"Truth or Dare Diaz"

"Omg, Marcos abs"

"You can't let him or anyone else find out."

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't"

"Fine, only for you"

"What I meant to say was...uh"


"How do you guys really feel about each other?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this!"


Present time

Marcos pov

"I'm sorry I can't do this" And with those words, she ran out. "STAR WAIT!!" I cried. I immediately ran after her(after putting on my shirt), ignoring the others who we're calling me. I looked for Star everywhere. I couldn't find her for ten minutes. I then found her sitting near the edge of the ocean water. She looked deep in thoughts. I sighed. I quietly tip toed toward her. I was almost to her until- "I know your there Marco" I sighed. I could never outsmart Star. I went and sat next to her. "Hey" I finally said. "Hey" she said back. It was silent for awhile. It wasn't awkward but relaxing. I guess we have that effect on each other. I finally brought up my courage and asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, totally" she whispered. Me being her best friend totally knew that was a lie. "Then why did you run out?" "I-I just couldn't answer. I was way under pressure." "Why though?" She looked up at me with a frustrated look on her face. "Tell me Marco, would you have answered that question?" "" "Exactly" she said looking back. It went silent again. "I like you"

Wait?! What did she say? "Come again?" "I LIKE YOU OKAY?!!" She repeated, this time standing up. I stood up too. "But, why? Why would you like me?" "Why wouldn't I like you?! Your cute, handsome, caring, honest, helpful, fun, smart, responsible and so many other words!" "Again, why me? Your Star Butterfly, interdimensional princess, future queen of Mewni. I'm just normal safe kid Marco Diaz" I said with my head down. I felt a hand on my face pulling me up. It was Star. She looked straight at me. "Don't say that. Your anything but normal. And safe kid? Pul-lease. Do safe kids fight monsters with crazy princesses or go on adventures in many dimensions? I don't think so." She had a huge smile on her face. "Yeah, I guess your right. Thanks Star." I hugged her tight. She hugged back with the same amount of force. "No problem Marco" After the hug, we just stared at the ocean. It really was relaxing. I was going to confess to but I decided to wait a little and play a little game. So, I pushed her a little to the side and she stumbled a little. "Hey!" She yelled and pushed me back but with greater force and I stumble more. She started laughing. Perfect. "Oh, your getting it now Butterfly."

Next thing you know, we're running around chasing each other til our hearts desire. She chased me, I chased her. It was all fun and games until she tripped on a seashell and fell on me. We were blushing full on. "Uh, sorry Marco" she said. "I-Its okay" I said back. We just looked into each other's eyes. Mine on her ocean blue eyes and hers on my hazel brown eyes. We started leaning closer to each other. Closer and closer. Eyes closing. We were one centimeter away. Well, no turning back now.

We kissed.

Both povs

It was magical. Our lips were in sync. It was like we were meant to be (I'm sorry for the cheesy moment 😅) We continued non stop. It was so passionate. After a few minutes we stopped. Whoa. They both thought.

Marcos pov

After the kiss we just laughed non stop. I think it's time to say it. "I like you too Star" she gasped.

Star's pov

"I like you too Star". I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I believed it anyway. I started tearing up. "Star, are you o-" I immediately tackled his in a bone crushing hug. He was surprised but still hugged back. We stayed like that a little longer. We eventually had to stand up. "So" I started. "What now?" "Now, I ask you to be my girlfriend.............please?" I chuckled. "Of course Marco" He seemed really happy I said that. Can't blame him though. I'm happy too. We kissed one more time before heading back to the hotel, hand in hand.

Back at the hotel room.

Marcos pov

We headed back to the hotel. Once we opened the door, someone pulled us in and everyone surrounded us.

"Are you guys dating?!" "Is Starco canon?!" "When's the wedding?!" "How many kids are you gonna have?!" "Can I be a godmother?!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I yelled. "One question at a time!" Ferguson stood in front of us. "So" he started with a smirk on his face, "Are you guys a couple or what?" "Uh, yeah, we are." Star studdered. "YES, MY PLAN WORKED, STARCO IS CANON!!!!!" Ferguson screamed. Everyone started yelling with joy, jumping and hugging each other. "Wait!!!!!" It went quiet. "Wow Marco, I never knew you had it in you" Star said. "Neither did I" I sighed. "Okay, what plan are you talking about?" "The plan to get you two together obviously" Alfonso said. "Come again?" Ferguson started explaining. "Well you see, our plan was to get you two together. After you left our room Marco, we immediately began to work. During dinner, I texted everyone that I was gonna get Starco together so I then te-" "Wait, wait, wait. What's Starco?" Star asked. I was curious too. "It's our ship name for you guys. Star+Marco =Starco. Pretty impressive, huh?" Ferguson smirked feeling proud of himself. We both blushed. "Sure........." I said. "Anyways, I texted everyone saying to meet in our hotel after dinner. After I did that, I told my close friends, the small waiters to purposely serve you guys with 1 piece of cake and 1 spoon." He smirked. "I knew there was something going on" Star and I both said in unison. We looked at each other then did a genuine smile. "Um, lovebirds, may I continue?" "Yeah, sure."

One long ass explanation later cause I'm lazy

"And that's how we ended up here. Am I or am I not impressive?" Ferguson finally finished. "Great plan, now get out" I said straight. I just wanted to go to sleep. So did Star. We pushed everyone out the door. Once everyone was gone we sighed. "Crazy day huh Star" "You bet. Now, if you excuse me, I need my beauty sleep" she said heading towards her bed. "Hey Star" "Yeah Marco" she turned and looked at me with her beautiful eyes. I got lost in them before I said, "I love you"

"I love you too Diaz"

The End

Omg. We are done with the book. Finally!!!!! I've wanted to start writing my other books, which is what this message is about. I need help making a cover picture for my new book. It's not that I can't do it (okay maybe 50%😅) it's just that I'm busy now a days and school is getting harder and harder. So if you would offer to draw me a cover picture of my choice, that would be amazing. As a prize, I would follow you, add all your books to my library, give a shout-out and read all your books, I promise. If you can do that, please comment or message me privately and I'll tell you all the details. Please, please, please!!!!!! I need your guys help!!!! I'm planning on doing two books: the starco werewolf/vampire one and a regular starco oneshot book. For my oneshot book, I have all the story prompts needed for them so I'll be able to write 2 or more at a time, if I can. Anyways, please help me out guys and I'll see you later🙋🙋🙋🙋. Also, please ask me or tell me anything on my link to my profile of it's in my bio!!!!

Pieces, Kosi❤❤❤❤

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