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»If I could wish one thing, I'd hear you call me your daughter«


||Next Saturday Morning||
I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my brown eyes see the sun's rays. What a wonderful Saturday morning it is.

According to Trace there's another party today. These people of parties. I mean, I would like to party too. But it's not possible.

Will I ever do anything? I'm soon to be 18. Really soon. But I bet age won't change how ma feels. I will still be her little sex doll.

I stayed in my bed. Bored as fuck.

Instagram was hella dry, and so was snap chat. So I decided not to do nothing at all.

After about 5 minutes of me staring into the cieling, my phone rang to the caller "Jamrock choc-block🍫" Neddy.

"Hello." I whispered once I picked up.

"Hey babes ou yuh ah." She said once I sighed.

"I'm good Babes and yo'self." I said

"I be fine, Wah mek ah whispering."She said

"Evil mothers home." I responded with a sigh.

"Aiii yaah, mi feel yuh." She said. "yuh dung fi de party tenight."

"Yhu kno'...." I sighed. "mother is here."

"Arrgghhh....I'm sorry gyal , mi forgot shi existed." She said.

"It's ok babes, who's goin'?" I quoted taking a peek at my nails.

"yuh know..." She said. "de guys an wi..."

"Is yo' man goin'?" I asked.

"Yeah an Maybe iz bredren too." She said

"TayK,?" I scoffed, biting my lips.

"Yes gyal mi saw de way yuh werr staring at him." She said

"Babes wah are yhu talkin' 'bout." I giggled walking into my bathroom so that my mother wouldn't hear.

"yuh know yuh only want to ramp dumb." She said

"Girl , I ain't trynna play dumb." I chuckled. "Anyways where are da girls at."

"fi dem places." She said

"And yhu?" I asked

"mi ? am at fi mi faders ouse." She said

"No shit." I laughed. "And yo' brothers?"

"mi dont know im nah fi mi broders keepers." She said once I laughed. "Gyal whateva fi yuh going drough mi promise dere will be an end to it."

"Gyal me fi here yhu." I said, as she chuckled.

"dis isnt ah joke." She said

"I kno'. I luh yhu girl." I said hugging my legs.

"gyal yuh nuffi sad alrite."  She said

"I ain't sad, why would I be." I chuckled before a creak came from my room door. As it opened and someone stepped in.

"Girl I gotta go."

I quickly hung up, and placed my phone in the shower.

I opened the door to my room and stepped in. There she was, seating on my bed staring dead at me.


"So who was dat yhu was on da phone wit'." She began playing with her fingers.

"Ah friend." I stood by my bathroom door.

"Ah friend." She scoffed standing up. "Royalty..." she walked back and forth.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Ion kno'? Ion kno', wah' I've done ta' yo' ass. I never raised yhu ta' be ah hoe? Have I not fed yhu enough? Yhu trynna bring ah boy in yo' life and lie ta' ma face dat it was yo' friend?!."

Ion know too man? Whether she's high or drunk. There's never really a difference, Caus She has the same attitude when she's both. She look crazingly insane. And sometimes she says some dumb shit when she is.

"The same way dat women died. The same way yhu could too." She said.

that's what I mean.

She always on some old weird shit bout some women dying.. That women? Who is that women?

Ion know, till this date I'm trynna figure out. All I know she got sumthin to do wid my dad. I know it.

"Yhu is nothin' but ah hoe." She said walking closer. "Yo father raised yhu to be a hoe."

"Ma'? Wit' all due respect. I ain't no whore. Yhu only giving me that title caus' dats da only blame u being putting on dad, that he turned me into ah whore. Being a whore ain't no problem. Caus' dats wah' I'd rather be dan ta' ah crack head.." I said forcing each of those words out. It ain't easy

Next thing I knew, I was pinned against the wall , strong hands around my neck. My breath shortened, short breathe , less air coming through.

Is it today? Is today the day.

"I have dat opportunity ta' kill yhu right now." She said.

Fear in my eyes, I could tell she saw it, but that didn't matter to her. She is a strong lady. Never scared. Fights like a man.

"Do wah ever pleases yhu." I said through my shortened breath , once I felt a hard tension on my nose once I fell onto the ground taking the kicks i received.

As I hugged my knee. Before I couldn't take it, no more. So I let go of my knee and laid flat.

I opened my eyes, everything was as bright as it was. Shade of a shoe, slowly made its self down to face,. Before contacting my face-

I passed out.
Short Chapter❤️
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