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»Do not worry bout what I'm doing, worry about why you're worried about what I'm doing«


GDK is nothing.

They're just a gang of guys leaded by Taylor Rodriguez. This group of gang has been going on for years now. Old leaders go and new ones come. It's a cycle.

Clinton was suppose to lead them but somehow they were passed to Taylor. Clinton and Taylor are close. Y'all don't know Clinton huh.

Him tatted makes him look the bad one in that group. But once again his brother is leading it. Taylor.

Since it's like that, let's just drop the topic about then.

At the moment. I'm still trynna get what ever it is out of Royalty. This girl is hurt somewhere. She's like a little sister to me. But I know nothing about her life as much as she knows about mine. Does she even tell her ma about what's going on?

Is her ma even the good one in their relationship?

Mmmmm. I've never thought so badly about her. And I'm not trynna to.

"Are yhu sure ev'thang ight?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Mal I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout me Mal," She said, as everyone just stood and listened to her lies.

I groaned.

I really had nothing to say to her at the moment.

Or she'll just lie...

Mal was mad. It was written all over his face. He just didn't want to put it out like that.

I don't know if it was about her or the gang. Or maybe both. But he was literally mad.

"Ight we boutta leave," He said trynna hide his anger.

He kissed he's girl before, he tapped my shoulders and we walked away.

"Yhu mad at her?" I required as the cold wind blew in my face.

"I luh her dat's all," He said once we existed the gym. "I jus wan' da truth."

"So wah's happenin'?" Jer questioned before  we stopped.

"I'll be needin' eyes on both Royalty and Taylor." Mal said "Y'all able ta' do dat?"

"I can handle da both.." Anotine said looking at me.

"Ight. Thanks fo' dat bro." Mal said. "I've gotta go ta' da office now man."

"Ight." He said before I dapped him.

"I'll see yhu later in class man." Danny said before walking off with the rest of the guys Malcom, David, Jeremiah, and Malik.

Antoine stayed with me.

"Why aren't yhu gon' wit' dem?" I questioned as we carried on with our journey.

"Office? I ain't trynna go 'round dat office." He said once I scoffed.

"Who yhu runnin' from?" I said

"No body," He replied before I nodded.

"So yhu think yhu can handle dis, alone," I said once we walked past Iva.

"Hey Tay." She said as I looked back at her and gave her a lil smile, before turning back.

"Wit' yo' help maybe.l," He said as I looked at him.

"Wah' makes yhu think I'm all dat." I scoffed once he shook his head

"Yo' TayK," He said. "Yhu can handle Taylor, a millions time dan he can handle yhu."

"Watchyhu mean man?" I scoffed.

"Yhu kno' wah I'm sayin'," He said.

"Nah man. It ain't like dat." I said before we stopped our journey.

"It's always being like dat wen someone gets in yo' way," He said before I was confused. "Yes....I kno' who yhu are," He said before I could smuck my lips together.....

I was about to walk away when he stopped me with his hand around my arm. "Help me man.."

"Wah' if I'm no need?" I questioned.

"Yhu will be so much need." He said before I sighed.

"Ah'ite. I'm in."

"His so pissed off," I questioned as we exited the gym.


"Mal." I said

"Nahhh," Trace said

"Trace stop lyin' ta' her," Trin said. "TyTy his big mad."

"Yo' not helpin' right now Trin."    Immy said

"Jus' like he deserves ta' kno',
so does she," Jordan added.

"Huhhh," I sighed. "Ion even kno' where ta' start."

"He'll have ta' kno' soon," Trin said. "Anywyas. Les' not stress yhu out. Y'all wanna go ta' da candy sto."

"Which nigga do yhu want ta' check out dis time." Jordan said

"Ion kno'." She thought before we exited the school door..

"So wah' are y'all shoutin' me out wit'." I said

"Wah ever yhu want." Trace responded.

"Ight good, caus' I need ah lot. Ma house dry as fuck," I said once my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I took it out as the girls went on about some random convo. I looked at the screen and it seemed to have come from a random number.

Unknown: Why won't you just give it to me.

Taylor just leave me alone!

You saw it coming too quickly.

you can no sense.

don't worry I will soon. I love you. Bahaha 'sis'

"Arrrrggghhhh" I groaned as the girls looked at me.

"Tyty? Yhu ight?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I said once we crossed the road.

Why would you want to fuck me than call me your sis? Stupid ass nigga.
Short Chapter😬
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