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»Only crowds hide behind silence«


||after school||
"Ight cya ladies."

Today was a good day. I smiled to my self leaving the at the lolly sto and walking home , the rain kinda decided to drop a bit. Thank god. But I bet as soon as I step my feet in that house it's gonna rain hard af.

Taylor decided not to come to school today. Well thank god. Caus He is starting to annoy me for some god damn know what reason. Texting me and shit. Gosh this motherfucker is annoying

Talking of Taylor I saw his car parked out on my front porch.

Well....what the hell?

I just wanted to turn around
this moment but I knew the amount of beating I would get from the mother.

I briefly sighed before walking to the door and opening it.

I slowly walked in, and looked up. I saw Taylor and ma in the kitchen. They looked at me and I stared back in abhorrence, I quickly walked up the stairs closing the door behind myself.

Now I know I shouldve called those guys for that lock I wanted.

I'm scared of what's about to happen.

A man or a young man or even a boy, only comes over if moms called them to rape and torment me.

Or maybe mom has told them or their fathers about me. One thing you should know about Taylor. His dad is a Doctor.

Which doctor with a high degree,
has a son with no brain.

The girls don't even know anything bout his dad....I undressed and put on only a jumper. That had pockets that I could put my phone in. Thank good it has a protective water proof case. I could've gotten it wet today.

I sat in fear wondering what could happen. I took out my phone and texted Trace telling her that I was scared. She was taking too long to reply so I put my phone onto the table and looked out at the hard pouring rain.

I heard my door knob twist Causing me to jump a lil. Oh lord. Help me.

A door from outside my room closed which I guess my mothers. Walking in was Taylor. I couldn't even do anything or say anything. I just stood at him

"Hey." He closed the door smiling like an idiot.

"Wah do yhu want." I said. "Why are yhu in ma room."

"Taylor Enjoyyyyy." I heard my moms voice, as I began to shake.

"Why are yhu shaking baby girl." He said moving closer as i backed myself up onto my bed. "Yhu should've accepted my offer at school."

So since it was a quite alright day today at school. Malcom and the guys decided to come over to my house.

We were playing 2K , and I kinda got bored. I didn't wanna stay in the house. I wanted to know around. Yuh know, take a spin round Chicago and know what it's like. Also get used to it. Danny wanted that, but once he gets lazy that's it he ain't moving.

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