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»To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist«


"Where's da girls? " I questioned, seating by Neddy.

"Mi dont know but mi tink someting ah wrang wid Trace and Immy," She said

"Yeah ah kno'," I said. "They being so distant."

I shook my head before looking down onto my phone, just before I heard a car pull up. I texted Trace and stood up heading to the kitchen before the door flew open.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Mal, David, Antoine and Tay walk in.

"Hey," I said hugging Malcom, David, than Antoine, and ignoring the fact that Tay existed, Caus I was asking for attention. which I didn't end up getting.

But Bruh. It was the other way round.

"Danny Wadup," He finally spoke.

"Nuffin' man I'm boolin'." Danny responded. "How'd it go."

"Ah'ite," He said.

"Wah he say.." He questioned.

"We'll talk 'bout it later." He said heading upstairs. Well what's his problem.

"Is he ight?" I questioned.

"Ion kno' go check on him," Malcom said taking a sit

I looked towards the stairs and sighed before questioning my self if I should really check up on him. I mean. Who could be hella mad.

But let me fight through his actions. I should really check.

I headed foo the stairs, and slipped each seconds steps till I had reached the top. "Thank god." I sighed.

I walked down the hallway tracing my fingers on the walls m, till my fingers traced onto Tays door.. I twisted the door knob, and opened the door.

I poked me head, at the time that he was takenoff his second shoe on the left. and I just felt worried. Why am I worried?

"Hey." I said once stepping him and shutting the door as he looked up at me.

"Wadup," He said trynna keep calm.

"Yhu ight," I said siting next to him.

"Yeah," He replied walking to the drawer dresser with a mirror, after moving his shoes to the side

"How'd it go," I said once he took off his chain and placed it away.

"It was ok." He turned around leaning on the table

"So wah he say." I said before getting up.

"He promised ta' keep away from us, only if we keep away from him."  He said as I smiled.

"Well dats good." I swung my hand.. "Why aren't yhu happy?" I said slowly making my way to him.

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