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»It's not the bruises on the body that hurts, It's the wounds of my heart and the scars in my mind«


Though my eyes are close I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady.

My eyes open, and my room was dead black.

I couldn't see light, so I twisted my weak body around and stood out the window.

Leaving me to an understanding that, I had passed out for almost the whole day.

It was peacefully quiet. No sound, no movement, just me breathing.

Finally I managed to get my self up. I walked to my cabinet and took out my headache pills. I held onto them and made my way into the toilet.

I bent down and managed to get water from the sink into my mouth, and swallowed the pill.

I took my phone out the shower and walked back into the room. The time had being 8:54pm. Not long till it hits 9pm.

While I'm still in my room staring out the window, my friends are partying and enjoying themselves. I busted into tears, and ow. My face hurt more.

I avoided to look at my self in the mirror, cause I already knew what my face would've looked like.

My phone rang, and it stopped me from crying. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. "Wise Queen💍"

"Hello." My cracked voice said.

"Hey baby," She said. "Are yhu ight."

"Yeah, uhh." I said. "Where are yhu guys."

"At da party," She said.
"Are yhu sure ight."

"Positive." I sighed.


"Yeah?" She said.

"I think I'm gon' sneak out." I said

"Royalty no." She said. "Why would yhu do dat."

"I jus' hate being here." I said

"Don't, not yet Ty." She said. ""Do yhu hear me."

I turned around and stood at a knife that laid on my bed. She must've left it there. But I'm thankful, because I grabbed it and made my way out of my room with it.

I sighed before I walked into her room, and found her laying there asleep. Peacefully asleep while I'm dead crying hurt.

I made my way to her whilst holding the knife up high and ready to stab her. She quickly woke up and stood at me.

"Royalty no." She begged...

"Dis is da end of yhu, and wat yhu did to me." I cried.


I jumped as soon as Immy yelled on the phone.

"Did yhu listen wat I said." She says as I looked dead at the knife and back at the street.

"Yeah." I said. "Hey I'll call yhu back."

"Ight." She said. "Love yhu."

"Love yhu too." I said before I hung up.

I grabbed the knife and walked out the room, slowly making my way down the hallway, where her room was. Once I reached her room, I slowly opened her door and watched as she slept on the bed.

I walked closer to her and covered her with any blanket that laid besides here. She had drunk a lot, after she beat me.

I grabbed the knife and shook my head before I walked out. I looked down the dark hallway and let another tear drop. This is probably one of the sad moments that I'm experiencing, because before my pops passed away, I remember standing outside of my ma's bedroom.

She was drunk that night, except she hadn't beat me. I stood here and waited for him to come up the first stair where and I could see him.

Than I would run into his arms and make my self comfortable.

But, that was before....this is now.
That was the past. This is the future.

I can't bring those moments back. But I can take my self to those moments.


Life is just as complicated as it chooses too.

I stood up and walked back into my quiet and dark bedroom. I got onto my bed and silently cried underneath my warm.

It was till long, that I forgot to call Immy back. Because I silently fell asleep.

I'm ready to start another day.
Short Chapter😬
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