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»Revenge is a dish that taste better when served cold«


"So wat do we really want ladies." Jer said. "Spill da gossips so dat we can each go our own ways."

"Give us da money." Tech 9 said.

"Even if I had ta', it's not being 3 month yet." I said.

"Well accordin' to Clinton-." He said

"So it's about Clinton now." Jer cut him off.....

"Wat if we don't give it." I said as they all pulled guns out on us.

"Woah woah, ladies careful wit' dat yhu gon' hurt yo selves." Dee said once we laughed

"I'm so impressed." I said, once Jayden and Chip appeared there with two 3 round burst guns, loaded in both hands. "I've never seen girls do such move. Not even ma precious Royalty can hold ah gun."

"Ohh yhu mean, Taylor's-"

"I will cut yhu off dere, caus' yhu might wan' ta' watch yo tongue." I said. "Remember I'm as bad as y'all."

"Aahhh. Well I guess it's Adiós amigo atacar a los enemigos." I said.

"Translatin' dat, bye friend slash enemies, yeah I learnt Spanish in 3rd grade." I smiled before I kicked Double D on the nose , and Jayden shot AK 48 by the head and Chip , shot both Tech 9 and baby face.

Mal punched Double D till he fell on his face.

"I told yhu was plannin' somethang evil." He carried on punching him when I took the gun from chip.

"Here, dis will be quicker." I said passing the gun to him.

"My whole squad gon' come fo' yhu." He smiled.

"I'm waitin'." Mal said.

"I'm not scared of death, we will both die some day." He laughed

"Yeah I kno', but yhu jus' dyin' first....and don't forget ta' greet da devil fo' me.." Mal said before......


"Less talkin'....more action." Was the last thing he said after killing hm.

"now wi gotta get rid of dis mess." Chip sighed placing his gun on the table.

"Where y'all get all da guns?" I questioned curiously.

"In their cars." Jayden laughs as I shook my head..

"So same old things , dump dem on da street."

"Jer and David, lets get ready ta' put dem in da trunk." I said.

"de babylon will cum yah soon." Chip said. "yuh need to get outta here

"I'll pack da clothes, and da cases." I said

"ill book ah hotel fah yuh guys." Chip said grabbing his keys.

"I'll come wit' yhu." Jayden said they all left, helping with the bodies.

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