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The midnight blue illuminated The Millenium Falcon as it hurtled through the Sertya Sector, the last hideout base of the Resistance. All the crew slept quietly, burned out after their narrow escape from the First Order. All except Rey.

Still reeling from the fight and their escape, she sat quietly, staring out at the galaxy, finding solace in the patterns of the stars that shone a luminescent white in the backdrop of azure and mauve. She allowed her mind to ponder on the artefacts she'd collected. The Sacred Texts lay safe in a casket, Skywalker's compass like a crown jewel on the dashboard and the vial of water from Ach-To hung about Rose's neck. But what she pushed to the back of her heart and mind was the broken lightsaber she held in her hands.

Kylo didn't need it. He didn't want her to have it but not because he was afraid of her, but because he didn't want to fight her. He couldn't. He wanted her to stand by him. The way he had seen in his visions.

She didn't want to fight him either, but it wasn't about their wants. It was about the needs. They had their own visions and neither lived up. He put on a show for the First Order and she for the Resistance. But the truth couldn't be changed.

The bond may have been forged by Snoke, but the emotions they had put into it were real. Snoke had himself affirmed the fact. Two lonely souls, fighting each other but when they came together, they fit like a glove. They had achieved a sort of balance. They counterpoised one another. But how long could they ignore the world? They were fighting against one another. And even though it broke them from the inside, they persevered. For the sake of their vision. The only thing keeping them from collapsing into one another.

After the finale of the Battle of Crait, they had felt the bond again. Neither had said a word. Turbulence took over heart break and Rey shut him out. She couldn't bear to think of him. She'd finally found the peace she had been looking for, within him. The tragedy being that it didn't last. What crushed her more was the awareness that he felt the same.

Wiping the tears off her face, she smiled to look at the Galaxy. She had always loved watching the night sky. Knowing that though it looked the same each night, it was always different. All the lives on all those systems , small steps that contributed to the big picture and the cognizance that tomorrow would be different is what she saw in the chaos of the stars. Her thoughts continued to march on her feelings. She remembered her Rebel Alliance doll, a gift, the only one she ever got. The plays she'd put up for herself and........She froze. Reh didn't feel so alone anymore. She heard a steady breathing, felt a small tear that roll down the face of the anonymous figure and a large gloved hand that wiped it away ferociously.

"Ben....."His name came out in a sigh, equal parts relief, tension and fear. The mask she'd put on seemed to fade away, she let herself go. And so did he.

The two figures sat back to back, their eyes searching the floor for words that couldn't describe the hurricane in their hearts, desperately blinking their grief away and failing miserably. Afraid to look at each other, they reached out with their hands.
The gloves off, Kylo Ren became Ben Solo around her. Their fingers found their heart and while at first they went slow, the moment they held their hands, each gripped the other's, like they were afraid of being torn apart. She felt him slump against her back, weak and agonized. Between his heavy sobs and her silent crying, they tried to forget the world and only feel. Feel anything but pain.

"Rey, I can't....."

The crack in his voice broke down the last of her wall. He gripped her hand tighter. " We can't go on this way, Ben".His heart lurched forward. He knew she was lying, he felt it. There was , however, no way of denying the truth.

"I need you. WE need each other. Please, Rey. Look at me."

Eyes on the sky, she slowly pivoted, not daring to look at his. But her eyes bolted to his the moment his hands cupped her face. And for the first time, she saw a different feeling reflected in his eyes. They were bloodshot, but soft. Piercing, but nervous. Peaceful, but turbulent. And above all they were the eyes of a boy who had found peace in the heart of a girl.

Her eyes showed compassion, her heart was pounding and their hands hurt from the death grip they'd held each other in. But none of that mattered. She raised her hands to meet his. His hands were warm and hers ice cold, but he didn't flinch.

Heads bent together, their hands once again in a death grip , were placed on her face now. He wiped her face and raised it to meet his eyes. Neither of them said a word. Their eyes never leaving each other's. Gripping her hand tighter, he pulled hers closer to his face, waiting. An unspoken agreement resounded between the two and she set her lips on his. And before she could withdraw her mind from its far places, his arms were around her.She felt again the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left her limp. He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.

Breathless and embarrassed, she panted,"I think if we don't stop kissing, the world is going to explode." "Seems like it." he whispers. A smirk playing on his lips.

They break apart and wait for the horror of realization to dawn upon them, but it doesn't. Fear occupies center stage. Fear of being found out. Fear of letting their higher purpose down. And more so, the fear of having to fight each other to death. If before their hearts hadn't been bound, now they had united them themselves.

Kylo let his head rest on her chest while they contemplated their next move.

"We can't stop, Ben. You and I, we are the Balance. Neither can live while the other dies. And after tonight, I don't want to. Before this is over, we will face each other again. And I am afraid. Don't deny this , Ben. I feel it in you. What are we going to do ?"

" Rey...give us this one moment, please. There is nothing to decide, I sense the resolve in you. I offered you the path to the balance, you denied it. And tomorrow will dawn just the same. You will be a part of the Resistance and I will be the Supreme Leader. We don't have to do this now. There will be plenty of time for us to decide. We are here together for now. And that's all that matters to us. "

"Okay" .

With his head on her chest, she let her head fall on his. The two who found peace within each other, knew that neither would be there within the next few moments. There was only so far the force could forge their intimacy.The force had bonded them, and they would preserve it. She wrapped her arms around him and breathing into his scent, fell asleep.

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