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Rey knew what she had to do. Her mind was made up. She raised her eyes to meet his face.
He seemed frozen, his brows furrowed in deep thought. His face hadn't changed expression. Slowly, Rey reached out to touch his shoulder. As the tip of her hand brushed the dark fabric of Kylo Ren, his blade ignited and the next few seconds blurred their thoughts.

He had been contemplating his next move, feeling foolish that he had let his guard down. That was the dark in him. And as long as the Sun shone, his shadow prevailed. But the sun was setting and the cool evening air seemed to calm him. Yet, a nagging feeling persisted. As the sun set, the shadow disappeared and from within the shadow emerged Ben Solo. He was ready. He could sense a resolve within her. Maybe this time, he wouldn't be alone.

But Rey made a mistake. Years of manipulation and abuse by Snoke had taught him to be aware of his surroundings. His mind had been programmed to feel attacked at the slightest sign of physical contact. Rey was unaware of this. Her touched caught him by surprise and by reflex he ignited his blade that, in the second, found itself embedded in the heart of a scavenger.

The agonized scream of Kylo Ren echoed throughout the Starcruiser. Appalled and horrified by what he had done, he withdrew his blade and watched through eyes clouded with tears as her body went limp and struck the floor, a metallic thunk that screamed betrayal.

He let his knees fall to the ground as he watched the girl he believed in take her last breaths.

As he removed his gloves to touch her face, one last time, the scene shifted abruptly. A dark vortex that seemed to open up at his touch, that pulled him into a spiralling terror.

His heart beat faster but there was no fear. Only silent resignation. After what he had done, it was the best alternative. Peaceful for the first time in years and waiting for death to take him, he waited to hit the ground o whatever this lead to but instead, Kylo Ren found himself in his ship, lying in the medical bay and General Hux sneering at him.

"Having nightmares, Ren? Maybe yo-"

" Where's the scavenger?! "

Hux could sense an uneasy desperation in his voice, almost laced with a touch of care.

He eyed him suspiciously and replied, "Our Intel is that she has already reached Skywalker. Thanks to you. "

So she's safe....

"Where are we going ? "

"WE aren't going anywhere. You are to go to the Supreme Leader- to complete your training. I have to make sue that the Resistance doesn't get away. "

As usual, I have to clean your mess....  
But for the sake of his own neck, Hux kept those last words to himself.
A nightmare. It was too soon to have nightmares about her. He would have to be more cautious. If Snoke knew of this, he'd be in trouble. Big trouble.

He had to prepare himself to meet Snoke.

" Where's my mask ? "

" In your chambers. I wouldn't recommend wearing it. The Supreme Leader- "

Hux didn't bother to finish his sentence, Kylo Ren had already left the room.


He DOES have compassion for her.... First the father and now... this scavenger. He has no shortage of fools to care for....

Snoke had been most disappointed in the results of his apprentice. He had realized that even after the death of Han Solo,  Kylo Ren could not access his true strengths the way he thought he would.

After their humiliating defeat on Starkiller Base, Snoke invaded his mind and planted a vision- to expose his hidden weakness. And it turned out to be the force sensitive girl from Jakku.

Snoke understood what he had to do now...He would have to manipulate the both of them. He would connect them, find out their deepest troubles and use them again them. The Resistance would be crushed and in the most unexpected manner. The victory was certain.


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