Love is mean , yeah sure
That's how much you treasure what's yours
Always telling lies, whether it's wrong or right
There must be a reason why there's no one by your side
It just kills you to be nice
I'm not raising a question, I'm looking out
Guys like you are a rare pain the ass
Self-reverence should be tattooed on your chest
Hurry up and buy them all you want
And treat them like they're nothing but cunts
That's the position you best get along with, an abusive poser
No one dares to refute your status of an immoral loser
HAHA ,look at you, your messy frown
Your greddy lips, your creepy eyes, guard let down
They make me sick, I want to rip off your stupid face
Your sick demeanour repulses my tastes
What ? See something you like ?
Bet you want it so bad, you'll do anything nice
Well I disaprove of your necessity to grab hold
So go lure someone else into your hellish pond
Darling, you can never tell when enough is enough
You always crave, always take, always f***ing break stuff
Mind your damn business, be cool and sassy somewhere else
To me you're nothing but a senseless fool who grew up in reverse
I paint the picture of an abrupt relationship
I'm not in it, you're the big hit
Mighty junk to ridicule the tiny brain
Your holy appearance doesn't change a thing
Yup, I'm dancing on my own
I'm wrecking your throne
I'm the bride that brings you death
I'm the dynamite that turns your temple into a wreck
..Devastating turn of events
You thought you were absolute, adored by all friends
What a charming specimen, a delightful bimbo
So does my respect for you get thrown out the window
Exclusive Randomness
RandomWhy this particular title ? Because it's stuff I can officially call my own, nothing borrowed, nothing fake, nothing flat. If the audience is interested, it's all about RANDOM thoughts, overviews and opinions that fall into place every once in a whi...