Whoever said life should be beautiful
Must consider that it's not all about beauty
Whoever said money ruins everything
Must consider money isn't all there is
Whoever said it takes two to be happy
Must consider that it takes hard work to make that foundation happen
Whoever said it's the little things that matter
Shouldn't focus on every little thing that occurs
Whoever said love is the best medicine
Should learn a little discipline, to know what it means
Whoever needs a best friend
Should let things happen without fearing the end
Whoever said it's better to be cautious
Should learn a little thing called trust
Whoever said it's better to be alone
Should stop living in the past and face the future bold
Whoever said it's hard to let go
Must consider how far they've managed to come
Whoever is afraid to make the first move
Should kick doubt in the a$$ and scream "screw you!"
Whoever says life is a mistake
Should rather stop messing with it instead of making excuses for every fail
Whoever says the world is an unfortunate place
Should remember to walk in grace, because ,eventually, at the end of every dark tunnel, awaits light and peace
Exclusive Randomness
AcakWhy this particular title ? Because it's stuff I can officially call my own, nothing borrowed, nothing fake, nothing flat. If the audience is interested, it's all about RANDOM thoughts, overviews and opinions that fall into place every once in a whi...