Getting Better

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School has been a pain today. Nothing seemed to be going my way. I'm good in chemistry, among other subjects, but today Mr Fergus asked me what would be the result of mixing some two chemicals he'd mentioned and I couldn't answer. I knew the answer alright and I know it now. But at that time somehow, I couldn't actually speak it.

Apparently, Mr Fergus assumed I hadn't heard the question, so to my embarrassment, he repeated it. Everybody was staring at me, even that pretty new girl. I ended up giving the wrong answer to the question and Mr Fergus made me stay behind when the others left for lunch.

He said he'd noticed something was wrong with me and asked what it was since I never got a question wrong, let alone a simple one like chemical reactions. I didn't know what my problem was, so there was no way I could answer him. So he let me off with an advice to remain focused.

Gym class was no better. I kept on bumping into my best friend Malachi and when I knocked him over for the third time, our teacher blew the whistle and the training came to a stop.
He was furious with me.

"What's your deal Rays?" He asked me. Getting no response from me, a sign of rudeness as he always put it, he made me go ten laps around the pitch. Malachi was clearly worried and kept glancing my way every two seconds. So did my two other close friends Lucas and Eugene.

But all that is nothing a good lunch can't fix. So right now, I just want to sit alone and think of ways to make my afternoon drama free. I head over to the cafeteria to get myself a burger and coke then I choose a lonely table at the end of the mess and attack my snack.
I'm halfway through when two girls join me. A guy can't really get personal space. I recognize the brunette. She's from my physics class. The other girl, well before now, I did not know she was in Westlake high.

"Hey Anton." The brunette says.

I don't bother to look at her when I reply.

"Hi." I bite my burger.

I wanna be alone right now but not even being rude can send these girls away from me. It doesn't work that way when you are listed among the school's top five 'eligible bachelors.'

I'm in the list alright. Its been over two weeks now since message spread fast around the school that Ellery had broken up with me. I'm always honest with myself, so I'll say it, I'm not yet over her. She was a handful, but I still kinda liked her.

Bad obviously, but I was guaranteed that she was mine. I'd never suspected her of cheating on me but recently, it seemed like she was always seizing the slightest opportunity to pick a fight with me. We'd gotten into bad arguments before, but the last one was the worst. It was on the eve of her birthday...

I had gone to her house to pick her up for dinner like we usually did on Friday and Saturday nights...

"You look beautiful Ellery."

She flipped back her hair. "So I've been told."

I swallowed whatever I was going to say next and walked her to my car, my two month old blue Chevrolet Camaro  sports car that my parents had bought me when I turned eighteen. Opening the door for her, I kissed her cheek before occupying my seat behind the wheel.

Santa corelli was our favorite restaurant as it provided all the good food and privacy one would need.
"Want me to order for you?" I asked her since she looked busy searching for something in her bag.

"No. I can do it myself."

I grabbed her hand to get her attention. "Did I do something?"

I asked because she was not usually like this- not until recently.

A Chance To Break Me (UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now