36. Disowned

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He stood at the balcony on top of us, his gaze set on Hector who had moved behind Malachi. This was not going to end well. He let go of the glass of champagne he was holding and it came crashing into pieces a few yards from where Ellery was now stood.
His hands balled into tight fists, his chest visibly moving fast up and down.
"Boy, what are you doing?" he said in a low dangerous tone. The four of us were still looking up at him when he banged on the railings with anger directed at Hector. "I always knew you were an abomination."

"Dad-" I started but he raised his hand to stop me from saying anything more. He took some steps back from the railing before turning away and heading for the stairs leading down here. It was then that Hector moved, running to me and clinging to my arm. He was badly shaking with fear, tears were already beginning to form in his eyes.

"He's going to kill me this time round Anton. He'll kill me! " he cried. His eyes were glued to the stairs, waiting and watching for dad's appearance.

"He won't do a thing to you, I promise you that Hector."

His cries did not subside. He held on tighter to me when dad finally emerged. Malachi came to stand beside me, a protective stand in front of Hector as we all watched my father approach.

"Where is he? Where is that disgrace of a son?" he spat looking from a terrified Ellery to Malachi to me.

"Sir, don't be mad at him. It was all my fault-" Malachi started to explain before dad threw a death glare at him probing a finger in his chest.

"Of course it's your fault you... You had better thank God you are not my son."

Dad moved forward to grab Hector from behind me but I pushed him away with both my hands completely ignoring my injured arm.
"Don't you dare." I said.

"What?" dad stopped to look at me. "You are in on this too? You would support this little faggot?"

"He's your son! Don't call him that!" I shouted. Anger was building up in my chest as I remembered how he had beaten up Hector when I was away and there was nobody to stop him. Not this time round.

"He is no son of mine. I raised no homos. That must be from your mother's side of the family." He stopped reaching for Hector, stood some few steps back and smoothed out his tie. "From this moment on, I have only one son. The other one is dead to me."

He started to walk away, but I didn't let him. "What the heck is your problem?" I shouted.

He stopped, but did not look back. I gathered it was all the attention he would give me so I went on.

"What do you have against Hector? What did he ever do to you and why are you against him being gay? It's not like anyone can't help being who they are!"

He span around to face me, taking some steps until he was just inches from my face though he was much taller than me. In a low growl so that only Hector and I heard, he whispered what was going on in his mind. "Homosexuality may be legal in this country but it's sure as hell a crime to anyone living under my roof."

He nudged his head towards Hector who was still shaking behind me. "He either denounces that part of him or find himself another father because I will not be seen in public with this fag disgrace."

He left, not once looking at Hector, Malachi or Ellery. Once the door closed behind him, Hector could not keep it together much longer. He fell on his knees and cried his heart out. I knelt down beside him and gathered his crying form to me. "Don't cry Hector, I promise I'll never let him hurt you again."

"But he'll never accept it. He now hates me more than he did before. He disowned me!"

If there was a way, any way that I could lessen my brother's pain, I'd do it right away. But the most I could do was hug him tightly and assure him that everything was going to be okay. Malachi stood unsure above us before he decided he had to say something.

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