26. We're One

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Where there is love I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I'll be there



I wasn't looking where I was going as I ran blindly into the heavy rain that was falling outside. All I knew was that I had to set some distance between me and Andrea. It couldn't be true. The doctors had discharged my dad. They said he was doing great.

It's your father... he's dead.

The words kept ringing in my mind. I covered my ears to shut them out but they got louder and louder.

"What do you mean he's dead! " I had screamed at Andrea who had been crying with me.

He's dead Donna. He's dead!

"No! " I increased my speed not caring that I was attracting attention on myself from the few people who were still outside in this dark rainy night. Puddles of water were forming around as I ran not knowing where I was going. My clothes and hair were wet all over but that didn't stop me. I kept running and running until I tripped on my own feet and landed in one of the puddles.

"Miss are you alright?" A woman with an umbrella rushed to my side and knelt down on the wet ground next to me.

"He can't be dead. He was okay. He can't leave me!" I cried in my hands.

"Miss do you want me to call an ambulance? Maybe we can save him."

"No, no no. He's gone. He's... he's gone."

I got up again and continued running leaving the puzzled woman still kneeling on the ground. I had to get away. I had to escape reality. My father couldn't be dead. Oh God no!

It was at this point I knew that only one person would be able to take away even if just a little of the pain I was feeling. Only one person could prevent my heart from being ripped out my chest by this tragic news I had received less than two hours ago. Anton.
I changed my course and ran tumbling and falling towards Anton's mansion. I was a tired wet mess by the time I got to the gates of his house only to find them locked. I went over at the guard's gate and banged on it hoping that it could be heard over the noise from the roaring thunder.

"Please, can I see Anton Rays?"I shouted as soon as a tall man clad in a heavy raincoat appeared. "My name is Donna. I'm his girlfriend."



I didn't like heavy rainfalls. They swept away everything nice and warm and made the days appear dull and boring. I couldn't even concentrate on what I was reading and the only reason I was studying on a Saturday night was because of the stupid rain that imprisoned me in my own house. I closed the books on my study table and slumped on my bed to stare at the ceiling. What a long boring night. And it was only nine o'clock. Morning was a long way from now. Almost suddenly, there was a rapid persistent knock on my door. I jumped from my bed and went to it expecting to see Hector, he must be having nightmares again. I opened it  and a dripping wet Donna fell into me crying. Mr Simmons, the guard at the gate stood at the doorway looking sympathetically at her.

"She just came in like this sir. Said she wanted to see you." he explained.

"What's wrong with her? " I asked. He just shrugged. "I don't know. She did not say."

"My parents?"

"Your dad is in his study and I believe your mother is sleeping. Neither of them knows she's here. Shall I leave now?"

A Chance To Break Me (UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now