Chapter Four ➣ Dan

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Dan glares at the floor as he walks down the street. A small voice inside his head tells him to forgive Phil. He didn't know any better, did he? More glaring shuts that small voice up.
Maybe it's for the best that we don't see each other again. He clearly doesn't know what the real world is like.
Then he notices something. His shadow on the ground wasn't alone. A slightly smaller one is beside it.
It's not Phil.
Dan stops walking, spinning and kicking the stranger harshly in the ribs. Only, it's not a complete stranger.
The growling wolf tattoo on his left arm tells him exactly what he needs to know.
The guy is tall-ish and muscular, with a stubbly chin, and messy dark hair.
Dan ducks as a knife was swung towards him. Seemingly his kick hadn't made him even wince. He jumps to the side as the stranger swings again, throwing his fists up in defence.
"Daniel James Howell," He growls.
Since when did they know my full name?!
He's distracted and doesn't see it coming. A sharp blade digs into his side, causing him to stagger backwards, grunting in pain.
The man smirks, and in one swift punch knocks Dan off his feet. The knife is pushed inside his flesh deeper as he falls onto his side. He clenches his jaw to silence a scream, and dark blotches fill his eyesight.
"We're coming, Howell," He spits, kicking him again for good measure before turning, and disappearing into the shadows - not literally.
He can't stay here. If someone found him he'd be taken to hospital, and from there he'd be taken to jail. With all the strength he can muster, he pushes himself to his feet. He shakily pulls the knife from his side, wincing as another wave of pain shoots through his body.
He yells for him, slowly stumbling back towards the coffee shop, his hand pressed against the wound. "PHIL." Its more of a plead than a demand. "Please." He whispers, before crashing to the ground.
"Dan?" His eyes re-open in hope upon hearing a boy speak.
Then Phil rounds the corner and sees him. His mouth drops open in horror. "Dan!" He crouches down beside him, his eyes widened with worry.
"Ph.. Phil. Don't... no... hospital," He manages to stammer.
"What.. why? That's.. you..." Phil is just as lost for words as Dan, holding his hand to Dan's side.
He feels a hand running through his hair and looks up weakly.
"No! Don't go to sleep. Stay awake. I'm gonna call an ambulance," Phil says hurriedly pulling his phone out.
It's Dan's turn to protest, "No, please. I'll be... arrested."
Phil hesitates before nodding in uncertainty, "Okay. Um..."
He watches Phil type in a number, his eyes flickering open and closed, his breath shaky. And yet, he knows he'll survive. With a single grim thought, he knows they wouldn't let him die.
Not yet.
A few hours later, Dan wakes up in a warm and comfortable bed, in a nicely decorated room. His pain in his side has subsided. He pulls back the covers, and frowns in surprise as he sees his side carefully bandaged, the wound probably stitched up beneath it.
"Dan, you're awake," Phil enters and rushes over to the bed. "Are you okay? What happened?"
"Why am I getting a sense of deja vu," Dan groans a little as he tries to sit up. His head is spinning.
"Don't pester the boy Phil, let him rest," a woman's voice says. He looks over tiredly and sees a middle-aged woman.
She is quite short, only reaching Phil's shoulders. Her gingery-blond hair sits on her shoulders nearly, straightened. Her eyes are the same as Phil's - a beautiful mix of blue and green and yellow.
Fuck. His eyes are not beautiful.
Her nose is slightly upturned, but not in a way it makes her look ugly. In fact, she's quite pretty for her age.
"Yes mum," Phil gives Dan one last look of concern before walking out.
"You gave us quite a scare, young man," She comes closer and gingerly sits on the edge of the bed. His whole bad boy get-up didn't seem to scare her.
"I.." Dan hesitates. He hasn't ever had reason to thank someone. Is now really the time to loose his grateful-virginity?
That was a weird thought.
"Phillip was incredibly determined not to send you to hospital. Luckily I had my first aid kit," She pats his knee, and looks away at the wall thoughtfully.
"You're a nurse?" He manages to mumble and internally face-palms.
State the obvious, why don't you, Dan?
"Luckily for you," Her eyes shows kindness, and her mouth shows worry. "Dan, was it? You're welcome to come here whenever you need a place to stay, but only if you do me a favour."
"Anything." He's surprised at himself for answering so quickly.
"Protect my boy. He's always been a bit too curious, and I can't keep him out of... this, but I don't want him to get hurt," She sighs a little.
Dan pauses, considering, before speaking up. "With my life, if necessary."
"Thank you, Dan," She smiles and gets to her feet, gently ruffling his dyed fringe, and not minding as she gets a little red on her pale skin. "Get some rest. When you next wake, come downstairs and we'll get some food inside you."
He watches her go, and feels a worry lift from his chest. Which one, he isn't entirely sure. But he feels calmer.
His eyes drift closed, and he welcomes sleep as it comes.

Yay! Phil's mum saved Dan's life!!!!
Right now I'm more peaceful than I've been in a while because I'm on holiday, staying in a house of six cats, and I'm not really thinking of worries. Let's just... not talk about school in a couple of weeks 😬
QOTD: Do you have any pets?
- Wolfie xx

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