Chapter Seven ➣ Phil

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Phil sits on the 'bed' in the corner of the cell, hugging his knees to his chest with shaky hands and staring downwards as to avoid unnecessary eye contact with his cell mates.
There was a man and a woman. Phil had never felt to scared in his life. The man was standing by the bars, yelling insults and death threats at anyone who passed. The woman was seated upon another of the beds, her back and legs straight, staring ahead stoically. Terrifying.
I'm in jail. In jail. The place for criminals. I haven't done anything wrong. Why am I in jail? I'm going to die in here. Like in all those TV shows. The guards won't care whether or not I get out alive, they will only care if I get out.
His worries consumed his mind, only further scaring him.
Suddenly the cell door opens, along with all the others. The death-threats guy strolled out, and went right. The woman stood up, somehow managing to still not bend her legs, and stares ahead as she followed after him. Outside, loads of other criminals pass the cell, heading in the same direction.
Phil doesn't move, watching people pass and biting his lip.
"Hey kid," Someone stops outside the cell - a criminal.
Wait, doesn't that make Dan a criminal?
Dans not a criminal. Is he? Not as bad as those guys. Right?
Phil looks up, remembering someone had spoken. A tall guy leans against the frame. It's not Dan.
"H.. hi?" His voice cracks slightly.
The man chuckles slightly, "Come on. You're new, right? You won't get killed, I promise. This is just leading out to the courtyard. You can stretch your legs."
"I- I don't want to." Phil hangs his head again, biting his lip tightly.
"Suit yourself," He raises an eyebrow and walks away.
A courtyard.
Full of criminals.
Nothing could be scarier.
If it was optional, he'd rather stay in this cell.
Despite the smell.
Wait. Would Dan be there?
He stands up and jogs out of his cell. He seemed to be the last one leaving. He walked towards an archway, and stopped right before it.
He walks through.
"Glad you could make it," The man grins and punched his shoulder in a friendly gesture.
Phil winces and looks up at him, not replying as he scans the courtyard quickly. There wasn't much to do. Everyone mostly was stood around in groups, talking softly, or loudly.
He tries to spot Dan.
Meanwhile, tall-dude tries to make conversation. "Quiet one, aren't you? What are you in for?"
"What?" Phil mumbles, looking around still.
"Why were you arrested?"
"It was a mistake."
"A mistake?"
"I was with a guy."
"Being gay isn't illegal, kiddo."
"N-no, I'm not gay," Phil blushes slightly.
"Are you looking for someone?" Tall-dude asks, noticing his repeated scanning of the crowd.
"The guy I was with."
"If you answer me, I'll help you look," He offers.
"I- it's a long story. I met a punk and got a tattoo for him, and bought him lunch, but then I found him hurt, and he told-"
"The shortened version, if you wouldn't mind."
"That is the shortened version," Phil looks up at him  sheepishly.
"The shorter shortened version?"
"Um.. I went to the guy's apartment, and the police showed up, and everyone ran. I got caught up in the crowd. They thought I was with them."
"What did they do?"
"Some did drugs, I think. Dan-"
"The guy whose apartment I was at. He.. well, he apparently murdered his family."
"Dan, as in Daniel James Howell?"
"What?" Phil blinks at him in surprise. "How did you-"
"Everyone knows him. We looking for Dan then?"
"Yea- how does everyone-" Phil cuts himself off, then is cut off.
"Come on, then." Tall-dude leads him away from the wall, over to a couple of groups, having quiet words with a few of them.
After a while, the light flashes. People start heading back inside, grumbling amongst themselves.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. I don't think he's here," Tall-dude said, leading him back towards the cells.
Phil sighs and looks down.

Back in the cell, Phil has once again curled up in the corner.
The man was doing push-ups on the floor.
The woman was still sat up straight, staring ahead with a dead expression.
Phil continues watching the bars, wondering if he'd ever get out of this place.

What feels like an eternity later, a policeman walked up to the cell's door.
"Phillip Michael Lester?" She asks.
Phil looks up nervously.
"Come on. Your parents are here."
The other two turn and look at him. The man glares. The woman stares soullessly.
Phil obediently stands and quickly walks out with the officer.
They go down endless corridors. He could never remember the way back.
His gaze darts about the cell's either side of him curiously.

On his left he spots a brown-haired boy with an emo fringe. He's alone in his cell, and his head is hung.
"Wait, can I just-" he murmurs but doesn't wait for permission, running towards his cell. "Dan?"
His head whips up. "Phil?" He quickly got to his feet, going to the bars.
The officer narrows his eyes, grabbing Phil harshly and pulling him away.
"Dan!" Phil whimpers.
"Phil!" Dan yells, shaking the bars in a weak attempt to get to him.
Then he's whisked out of sight.
"I won't mention that. But be grateful," The man mutters.
Phil's still thinking of how... broken Dan had looked when he's pushed through a door into a room.
There waiting are his parents.
"Mum? Dad?" Phil's voice cracks, and he runs over to them.
They both hug him tightly, his mother crying.
Phil might have been crying too.
"They're letting you go, Phillip. It's all going to be okay," his mother cries out, hugging him still.
It's going to be okay.

But... is Dan going to be?

QOTD: Favourite fandom? (I know it's a tough one)
Thanks for reading !
- Wolfie xx

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