Chapter Nine ➣ Phil

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"Why couldn't you bail him out, too?!" Phil finally breaks the silence of the car drive. His hands were pressed firmly against his lap, in an attempt to prevent them from shaking.
"We don't have the money," His mum mumbles, glancing over her shoulder at him, but only for a moment, before casting her eyes back on the roads ahead.
"It's for the best," His dad grumbles, gripping the wheel of the car tightly - his knuckles were turning white.
"For the best? Mum, you met him before. He tried so hard to get me out of there," Phil argues, folding his arms.
She says nothing, staring ahead nervously.
"Don't speak to your mother like that. You should be thanking us for getting you out!" His father snapped.
"Thank you," Phil had never been sarcastic before.
"Phillip Michael Lester, I don't think you realise how serious this is. You've gone to jail. Everyone you try to get a job with will know. It's all that 'Dan's fault, and you're still fussing over him! I can't believe your mother even allowed you to continue hanging around with him after the incident!" He's yelling now.
The car pulls up outside the house. Phil doesn't wait for a second, climbing out and slamming his door behind him, running indoors and up to his room. He slammed that door, too.
He cries into his pillow, before hearing a knock at the door and throwing the pillow at it. Whoever it was stopped knocking.
He'd never hated his parents before. They rarely fought, and when they did, they always apologised right after.
Dad had never yelled at him like that before, or pulled out the middle-name-card.
Another knock comes, and as Phil begins searching for something else to throw, he realises it wasn't from the door.
Not the door. The window.
Phil's puffy eyes look slowly over to the glass, and widen upon seeing what he did.
Phil practically leaped from the bed, unlocking the window and opening it, gazing at Dan. "You're... not in jail. How?!"
"It's a long story," Dan smiles sheepishly, running a hand through his hair, getting red dye in his fingers.
Phil pulls him into a tight hug in the window frame. Dan freezes in his arms, but relaxes a second later, leaning into the hug gratefully.
"I was so worried."
"So was I. About you, I mean, not me. Uh, yeah." Dan suddenly seems more awkward with his words, and eventually pulls back. "We need to go somewhere."
"What? Where?" Phil's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Another long story. Do you trust me?" Dan meets Phil's eyes.
If only he'd noticed the terrified look in Dan's brown pupils, the bead of sweat forming beneath his fringe.
"Of course," Phil nods slowly, and smiles again.
"Can you try and sneak out the front door? I don't want you climbing down from the roof without experience," Dan smiles back at him, but it seems forced.
"Yeah, sure."

Phil creeps down the stairway, expertly avoiding the steps he knew would creak.
Halfway down, voices trail into the hall.
"What are we going to do about him?" That's his mother. She sounds tired, upset.
"Maybe call his brother. He's always had a way with Phillip," His dad sounds tired, too.
"This isn't like him at all..."
"I know honey. Don't worry. We'll sort everything out, he just needs some time."
Phil's shoulders slump. He feels bad suddenly for yelling at them earlier. He stops trying to be stealthy and continues his way down the stairs, with an added creaking sound.
His parents, naturally, appear in the doorway upon hearing.
"Are you okay?" His mother asks, concern in her eyes.
Phil looks between his parents and their saddened expressions. "Yeah. I'm sorry I yelled at you." He apologised, moving over to them and hugging them in turn. "I'm just going to buy take out. To apologise."
Phil doesn't usually like lying, either. But he felt like if he told them that he was actually sneaking out to meet back up wth the punk who was supposed to be in jail to go who knows where, the conversation wouldn't go down so well.
"I love you, Phillip," A smile appears on her face.
"I love you too." Phil eventually pulls away and grabs his keys and phone, waving to his parents before leaving the house.
He realises he has no idea where he was supposed to meet with Dan again, but then a branch above him rustles, and Dan drops down in front of him, landing expertly on his feet.
"Ready?" Dan smiles.
Damn, that's a cute smile. But why is he smiling now? And why doesn't it seem as genuine as in the photo from before...
"Ready." Phil nods.
They start walking. He notices that they avoid busy roads and crowded areas, but says nothing of it. Into alleyways, and out of them again.
Round a few corners.
A forest comes into sight. They walk across the field towards it, now out of the city - surprisingly quickly.
And into the shade of the forests.
Dan seems to know the path like the back of his hand.
They don't say anything as they walk, which is especially strange for Phil, who admittedly is growing nervous.
Dan stops in front of a huge building. It looks like an old warehouse that hasn't been used in years. He looks at Phil. "Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you." He said quietly.
"W-what? Dan, where are we?"
The doors are thrown open, scraping loudly against the ground - Phil flinches in surprise.
"Dan Howell." Five men walk towards them, but one of them is clearly more of a leader. He walks a few steps ahead, and is visibly stronger than the others. Also, he's the one that speaks.
He has pitch black hair that reaches his shoulders. Wearing a tank top that shows off the muscles in his arms, and a large wolf tattoo trailing down his entire left arm.
Phil doesn't notice it, but Dan does. They're all armed like hell.
The man focuses his terrifying gaze on Dan, a smirk on his expression.
"Damien," Dan answers, as coolly as he can manage.
Phil has no clue what's going on, but it scared him.
"Grab 'em." Damien practically growls his words, smirking still.
One of the men behind him moves towards Phil, suddenly raising a dagger the size of his head. Before he can react, his arms are pinned behind him, and a dagger is behind held lightly against his back.
Dan put up a fight, but in the end, it didn't even matter because they still managed to hold him between the three of them.
Phil stares over at Dan, unsure of how to feel, and Dan's eyes meet his gaze for a second, before a bag is thrown over Phil's head, cutting off their eye contact.

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