Chapter Five ➣ Phil

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Phil nibbles delicately on the sandwich in his hands. He always tends to eat things slowly, savour the flavour in his mouth. His mother reads a newspaper across the table, but every so often pauses to glance up at her younger son.
After a while, he speaks, "Do you think he'll be okay?"
"He'll be fine, Phillip," She smiles comfortingly. She'd ask why he hadn't been able to go to hospital, but it's clear she's already realised the answer.
Phil hears the door open and looks up eagerly, grinning as he sees the brown-haired boy standing nearby.
"Hey, Dan! Hungry? I made you lunch, too," He says eagerly, nodding towards the plate of food beside him.
Dan hesitates and nods, taking his seat beside Phil and picking up one of triangular sandwiches.
Phil forgets about his food; even the pink and white mini marshmallows scattered about his plate. A day had passed since he'd found Dan injured, and he couldn't help but worry about the boy.
They don't talk. His mother finishes and gets to her feet, gathering her plate and cup before carefully carrying them into the kitchen.
"How do you feel?" Phil attempts to sound sympathetic, instead of nosy.
Dan refuses to look at him, shrugging a little as he looks at the table.
As he spots Dan's phone  (terribly old thing it is - a proper brick phone) laid beside his plate, he grins a little and retrieves his own from his pocket, texting him quickly under the table.
He then watches as the brick phone lights up with a notification of the text.
'Dannnnnnnnnnn are you okay????'
Dan raises an eyebrow slightly, picking up and unlocking the phone, but no reply comes.
Phil tries again, watching once more as his phone alerts Dan of the new text.
'Don't ignore me >•< how's you're side feel?'
Phil looks down in surprise when a response comes.
'*Your. What's that face?'
He blushes a little at his mistake.
'Autocorrect oops! It's a man with a circle nose squeezing his eyes shut'
'It looks like cat whiskers.'
Phil jumps, looking up in surprise as he hears his mother speak.
"You boys! You are right next to one another, why are you texting?" She smiles fondly, seeing neither of them finishing off their food and going to pick up their plates.
"Wait!" Phil squeals, quickly snatching the marshmallows before nodding for her to continue.
"I should probably get back to my place. The guys will wonder where I've got to," Dan mutters, getting to his feet and shoving his phone back in his pocket.
"Are you sure you are feeling up to travelling?" His mother frowns slightly, pausing at the doorway.
"I'll be fine," Dan sighs a little impatiently.
"I'll walk you. Just in case," Phil offers, jumping up.
Dan narrows his eyes.
His mother either doesn't see or doesn't mind Dan's response. "Good idea. Be back for tea though Phillip." She wanders back into the kitchen, humming slightly to herself.
Dan groans. Phil grins.
The two set off in silence, Phil having to speed walk to keep up with Dan's pace.
Dan's eyes suddenly sparkle with something that closely resembles amusement. "So, what did your mother say about your tattoo?"
Phil smiles sheepishly, "I haven't actually told her yet. I was planning on tackling that whilst you were awake so she couldn't scold me as bad."
The walk passes surprisingly quickly, with Phil chatting non-stop about how he planned to break it to her and an occasional snarky comment from the brown haired boy beside him.
"Wait, why isn't there a lock?" Phil stops talking, frowning to himself as he watches Dan push open the door to the building with ease.
"We've got nothing worth stealing," Dan shrugs a little.
"Oh," Phil frowns still, but continues trailing after Dan as they pass several doors. Smoke comes from one, and strange noises from another.
As Phil stops at the latter door in curiosity, Dan takes his arm and firmly drags him into his own room.
"There was more than one person in there. What were they doing?" Phil frowns.
Dan raises an eyebrow, "Seriously? Fucking hell, you're too innocent for your age."
"What? Tell me." Phil pouts as Dan shakes his head at him.
Giving up, Phil's eyes search the room he so clearly remembered from his first interaction with the punk. They fix upon the photo frame on the shelf, and he steps forward, taking it and running his finger carefully over the cracked frame.
Dan didn't notice him at first, retrieving something from the suitcase.
In the photo there was two adults, a mother and a father, and two little boys. Phil recognises one of them as Dan, with the same brown eyes, and much curlier brown... hobbit-like hair. Young Dan and the other boy look so similar and so, so different at the same time.
The photo is snatched harshly from his hands. Dan glares at him slightly, before carefully positioning it back on the shelf, "Its already cracked. Leave it where it is."
"I wasn't going to..."
"You're the clumsiest person I've ever met, Phil," Dan rolls his eyes slightly, lighting a cigarette.
"Are they your family?" Phil questions, thinking about the younger Dan's adorable smile. It was so incredibly enticing - you could see the pure happiness in his expression, the excitement in his eyes, two dimples on his cheeks. It makes Phil wish he could see in real life, instead of the scowl permanently plastered to the punk's face.
"Were," Dan corrects coldly and turns away, holding the cigarette to his lips.
"Oh, right. Sorry," Phil mumbles apologetically, not wanting to upset him. Last time he had, Dan had stormed out, which resulted in a stab wound. The time before that, Phil'd been forced out into the pouring rain.
But hey, Dan is being a little more open now, he supposes.
Phil suddenly splutters at the smell of smoke filing the air, "Please don't smoke... it can kill you."
Dan doesn't respond at first. Then: "I have no problem with that."
Phil's heart stops and he looks wide-eyed at the brunette before him. "You can't mean that."
Dan says nothing.

Major oof.
QOTD: Y'know, we've been doin this for a little while now, and I think it's finally time I know... what's your favourite colour?
- Wolfie xx

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