Chapter 17~

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{Zane's POV} (Oh here we go-)


Why truth or dare? That is the most cliche thing Aph could have chosen for the party.

Cliche as it is, we all sit in a circle. I sat in between Garroth and Travis, seeing as I was right next to Travis and Garroth would probably kill anyone who tried to get me to do something I didn't want to.

"Alright, first some rules." Aaron says, looking around the circle. "First, no private truths. Everyone has a right to privacy, and I can call off a truth at any time. Second, no dares that cause anything. I don't want any panic attacks. Clear?" He says, finally resting on Katelyn, who is sitting right next to him.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Good." He says again. "I'll be going first. Aph, truth or dare?"

Aph giggles. "Dare me!!"

Aaron smirks. "Dare you to act like Zane until you're called on again."

"Hey!" I protest.

Aph pulls up her shirt slightly, covering her mouth, and moves her hair so it's covering her eye. Everyone laughs at this. I only cross my arms in front of my chest. "Garroth, truth or dare?" Aph says, trying to make her voice deeper.

Garroth chuckles before answering. "Dare."

"Dare you to kiss Laurance." Aph says, holding in a giggle.

"Already Aph?" Katelyn says, looking at her.

Garroth and Laurance's faces burst into blushes, looking at each other. Garroth walked over to Laurance whispering something in his ear, then quickly kissing him, scurrying back to his seat before Laurance had a chance to process what just happened. Nana and Aph were squealing like crazy, and I elbowed Garroth, and he looked back at me and calmed down, erasing the blushes from his face.

"Right.. Vylad, truth or dare?" Garroth says, looking at our younger brother.

"Dare..?" He says, raising the last syllabel like a question.

"Dare you to sit on Dante's lap for the rest of the game." Garroth said, smirking.

Not even blushing, Vylad stood up, walking over to his boyfriend, and sitting on his lap. Dante set his chin on Vylad's shoulder, hugging him and bringing him closer. Aph awwed, and Aaron elbowed her, causing her to stop.

Vylad looked around the circle. "Sam, truth or dare?"

Sam looked at him surprised. "Dare."

"Dare you to have an accent on the rest of the game." He said, giggling.

"Right, this good mate?" She said in an Australian accent. Vylad giggles and nods.

Sarah laughs. "That's her favorite accent."

"Sarah, truth or dare?" Sam asks, keeping her Austrailan accent up.

"Truth, I'm a chicken." Sarah said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.  ((I'm gonna try to get this to 500 words then the big thing'll happen- oH NO IT'S NOT THE GARRANCE KISS, THOUGH THAT WAS CUTE))

"Is it true that... You have a crush on Gene?" Sam asks, mimiking Sarah's british accent.

Both Sarah and Gene's faces grow red.

"No more needs to be said." Sam says, switching to an Irish accent.

"D-Dante, truth or dare?" Sarah stutters a bit, regaining her confidence.

"Um, dare..." Dante says, looking over at Vylad.

"Dare you to kiss someone's cheek." Sarah said, probably mentally facepalming after that. I suppose she just wanted everyone's attention off her.

Dante kisses Vylad's cheek, making a small blush appear on Vylad's face.

"Travis, truth or dare?" Dante asks, looking at his white-haired roomate.

"Dare, who do you think I am?" Travis says, smirking.

Dante smirks in response. "I thought you'd say that. Dare you to kiss the person next to you."

"WHAT?!" Both Kacey and I shouted, Kacey being on the other side of Travis.

Travis turns to me, quickly pulling down my mask and pressing his lips against mine. My face heats up, and I feel Garroth grip my arm. All the sounds around us evaporate, as sparks erupt in my chest. Travis finally pulls back. How long had it been? Seconds? Minutes? I turn back to Garroth, and he puts his arms around me protectivly. But it's too late, my vision is already starting to blur.

"Zane-" I hear, before a memory comes rushing back.

~Oh nu, it's a flashback~

"H-Hey dad..? I think I'm gay.." My older brother says, causing a silent reaction from my father.

"Alright son. Whatever makes you happy." He says, and my older brother smiles.

"Thanks Dad."

My older brother leaves the room, and I silently walk in, seeing my father sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper. I silently sit next to him.

"D-Dad...?" I stutter.

"Yes son?"

"I'm gay.."

My dad turns to look at me, something in his eyes. "I knew you weren't like your mother."


He slaps my cheek. "Don't talk back. I'm ashamed to call you my son." He spat him my face.

I run upstairs to my mother, and she looks at me in shock as I quickly pull her into a hug. "ZuZu? What's wrong?"

I look up at her, and he face slightly morphs into shock. "D-Did your father do this...?" I nod silently. "Stay up here, OK?" She then proceeds to kiss my forehead and leave, leaving me standing there, in the middle of my parent's room.


I feel something drip onto my cheek as I wake up. I open my eyes to see Garroth hugging me tightly, his tears dripping off his chin.

"G-Garroth..?" I whisper, and he opens his eyes and looks at me sadly, smiling.

"Y-You mentioned Mommy..." He whispers to me, and I shut my eyes once again, sighing.

"Where are we..?" I murmered.

"Still in the circle at Aph's house." Someone on the other side of me says, and I look at them to see Vylad looking sadly at the both of us.

"Can I get up now..?" I sigh.

Vylad and Garroth part, letting me sit up. The circle looks at me worridly.

"That's enough for right now. Let's all get some sleep." Aaron says, standing up. The circle disbands, claiming spots to sleep.

I lay down on the couch, but I can't seem to fall asleep. Garroth lays next to me on the ground, gently squeezing my hand.

The constant rhythm finally lulls me into a dreamless sleep.


Word Count: 1044 I'm pretty sure



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