Chapter 21

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Jungkook held Sana's hand the whole way down the hall. The halls were quiet and Sana's heart was beating faster by the second. As they reached the cafeteria Sana pulled her hand away from Jungkook.

"Sorry but my hand was getting sweaty" Sana smiled at Jungkook.

"It's ok no need to apologise. I didn't mean to hold it for that long sorry" said Jungkook scratching his neck.

"N-no it's fine. I didn't mind you holding my hand" Sana said blushing a bright red.

"Y-you didn't" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"No not one bit" Sana said looking into Jungkook's eyes.

"Ahem" said J-Hope.

"Sorry for interrupting but we need to get some food and you two are blocking the line" Suga faked smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry. We didn't mean to" said Sna bowing at 90 degrees.

"No it's fine" said Suga clearly angry about what he just saw.

Suga's POV
Last night I didn't get any sleep because all I could think about was Sana and her mother. I hope that they are ok. I walked to school with the guys but I put in my earphones so they won't talk to me. It's not like I'm in a bad mood or anything I just don't want to talk to anyone. We were early to school today. I wished that Sana was there so I could talk to her about pointless things but she wasn't. They were going on about the few songs we've been working on when she came in. She looked so beautiful the way her hair falls on her face and how she has to push up her glasses from the bottom of her nose is so cute. She was talking to Jungkook who seemed to miss talking with her even though they texted each other every night until the sun rises.

I wonder how this kid has energy in the morning. I get 8 hours of sleep most nights and I would be dying of lack of sleep. Class started so we had to go to our seats. Triple English. Ugh it's not like I'm bad a English, ok well it's hard a times but I get most of the stuff... kinda. After class Sana and Jungkook were going to get lunch together. The way he held Sana's hand triggered something in me. I was so annoyed that I didn't get to hold her hand. They left after Kiki made some joke which I didn't really hear as I was thinking about them. I decided to leave a minute or so after they left. I saw them in the cafeteria both blushing. I wasn't very hungry but I needed to stop them getting any closer. J-Hope clearly saw that I was annoyed and stopped them.

"I didn't mind you holding my hand"
"No not one bit"

Sana's voice kept running through my head. I can't get it out. Maybe she does like him? Why? Just because he's good at everything, handsome and smart doesn't mean she should like him. Maybe I should just give up instead. I'll just get my heart broken every time I see them together. I'll confess to her if and when she says no will be the turning point for me.

"Excuse but what do you want to eat?" asked the cafeteria lady.

I was just standing there looking at the floor for like 5 minutes. I must have looked like a idiot.

"Hmm actually I don't want anything" said Suga placing the tray on top of the others.

I left the line and sat beside Jim who made his own lunch.

"What's wrong with you? Better not be feeling sick. I better more medicine on the way home" said Jin asking millions of questions.

"Nothing I just don't feel like eating" said Suga shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't feel like eating? That's a first. Now I know there's something up. Come on and tell me I know you will" said Jin looking up from his lunch box.

"I SAIS ITS NOTHING" Suga shouted out at Jin.

Suga pushed his hands into his pockets and rushed out of the cafeteria.

J-Hope, Jungkook and Sana come rushing over to Jin.

"Jin Hyung what happened?" Jungkook asked with a worried expression.

"Oh it's nothing really. Just a misunderstanding" said Jin waving his hands. "Though J-Hope I think you should go follow him. I think we both know where he went"

"I'm on it" said J-Hope sprinting out of the cafeteria.

"I hope Suga is ok" said Sana with a hopeful expression.

"I'm sure he will" smiled Jungkook towards Sana.

"So change of topic. What did you guys think of the triple English?" asked Jin eating a mouthful of rice.

"Ugh I hate Mr. Smith. He's always flirting with the girls. I wish we had someone else for English" said Sana sighing.

"I get what you mean. We've been here less then a week and I've already noticed it" said Jin posing two more spoons of rice in his mouth.

"Where are the rest?" Jungkook asked noticing the absence of three of his friends.

"They were taking to long at their lockers so I decided to leave them" said Jin with his mouthful.

"Were you ever told not to talk with your mouth full?" Sana giggled with wiping a grain of rice away from Jin's mouth.

"Sorry" Jin smiled at Sana's laugh.

"Jin you left me with these two. How could you?" RM said with puppy dog eyes while looking at Jin.

"You were taking to long. If you really wanted to eat lunch with me to should've left them and walked down with me" said Jin turning his back to RM.

"They begged me to stay. They grabbed my leg and I couldn't walk. Then they started to play tag in the hall. Hitting into people so I had to say sorry to them" said RM grabbing V and Jimin by the ear.

"Sorry Jin Hyung" they said in unison.

"Hmm. How are you going to repay me?" Jin asked while turning around.

"Maybe we could.... You know" said RM wiggling his eyebrows.

Happy New Year 🎉🎉. I hope 2018 is a great year for you. I made this chapter longer then normal because it's my present for you. I hope to like it. Vote and comment. ❤️ What do you think RM is on about? 🤔😏❤️

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