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Y\N's pov

After Juuzou had decided to throw popcorn in my eye it was the last straw I yelled at the top of my lungs "SHINOHARA!!!" Juuzou then finally knew that I was going to tell on him, "Y\N your going to get me in trouble!" Juuzou said then hearing Shinohara's footsteps coming to the room, Juuzou jumped on the bed trying to hide behind a pillow. "What?" Shinohara asked me I pointed at Juuzou who was still failing at hiding. I stood up and grabbed Juuzou's pillow out of his hands, I dragged him off the bed him yelling "NOOOO!!!!!! Y\N YOUR SOOOO!!!!!!! MEAN!!!!!!" I smiled at Juuzou's reaction at this when I let go of his hands he stood up and said "Y\N's mean! Give her a time out!" Juuzou said being childish like always. I rolled my eyes at Juuzou, "Y\N, just give JUUZOU a time out....." Shinohara whispered in my ear, I nodded, when Shinohara left I then said "ok, little asshole TIMEOUT!!!!" I yelled seeing Juuzou pretend to be dead. "Ah~ dam he's dead!" I said kicking Juuzou in the butt. "DON'T TOUCH MY BUTT!!!! I'LL GET YOU BACK!!!!" Juuzou yelled as I made him sit in the corner, "you have to shut up you know" I said to hear Juuzou mutter "Y\N's so mean" I rolled my eyes and left the room. When I returned, Juuzou was in the middle of the floor spinning around in a circle. I rolled my eyes then going behind Juuzou tickling him, "I told you to stay in the corner" I smiled at the white haired boy, Juuzou then said "I wanted to eat something" Juuzou said "and you were spinning on the floor." I questioned Juuzou, " actually sort of weren't suppose to see that part..." Juuzou said looking down, "ok....Let's just watch the movie" I said to see Juuzou look surprised "I'm not in trouble anymore?" Juuzou asked me, I nodded and Juuzou quickly hugged me making me then say "We can hug when your dying!!" I said as Juuzou let go of me. Juuzou then plopped on my blankets making me then yell "Off you butt cheek sniffer!!" I yelled to see Juuzou look confused "sniffer....? Butt cheek......HEY!!" Juuzou yelled finally knowing what I had just said, I smiled and poked Juuzou's arm. "Gobble!!! Gobble!!" Juuzou said making everything awkward, Juuzou had a ton of chips all stuffed in his mouth. I looked at Juuzou with wide eyes, "Gimme a chip!" I said grabbing a chip out of his mouth throwing it, "I want my chip back!" Juuzou whined spitting out all his chips in a bowl. "Calm down you fat munch" I said as Juuzou crossed his arms I stood up and turned off the lights trying to go to bed. Juuzou then sat on my back making me sit up and yell "Calm your tiny rear end down, or I'll make you!" I yelled getting Juuzou off my back "Whoa!" Juuzou yelled falling off of my back onto the floor making a hard thud. I laid back down on my pillow till I heard Juuzou's fake crying again, "Suzuya shut your butt up" I said hard-headed at the white haired boy, "I hurt my head!" Juuzou whined holding his head, I sat up pulling Juuzou's head by me, I checked his head and said "nothing" Juuzou then plopped down next to me on the blankets, he started to roll over to me "get lost" I said looking at Juuzou's red eyes. "I'm cold!" Juuzou whined, I rolled my eyes at his statement. "Fine get your ass over here before I kick it" I said to see Juuzou smile as he hugged me I glared even though he couldn't see it.....

When you fell asleep, Juuzou was still up he then sat on top of you and started to bounce (LOL.....awkward) "bounce! Like a......RABBIT!!" Juuzou said still bouncing on top of you, well until you woke up. "Juuzou!! What the~?!" you yelled as Juuzou hugged you "I'm sorry I was trying to be a rabbit" Juuzou said then actually started crying not even fake either. "Why, are you crying?" you asked hugging Juuzou, "because I failed at being a rabbit" Juuzou said you smiled at how childish Juuzou was you then said "no, your a good rabbit just work on not bouncing on people" you smiled still hugging Juuzou, "ok... You snore by the way" Juuzou said as you let go of Juuzou. "No I don't that's you... Butt hole!!" you yelled seeing Juuzou laugh at you..... "Oh, Y\N tomorrow me and Shinohara get to take down a ton of Ghouls!!" Juuzou said making me smile at how happy he was about it. "Cool, have fun!" you said, "Y\N, your coming to, you have to work as someone who could help the CCG if one of us got hurt!" Juuzou said as he plopped down on your pillow, "THAT'S MY PILLOW SUZUYA!!" you yelled seeing Juuzou jump up and scream super loud........

Nanami: I'm so sorry that this chapter is short I'm tired from staying up so much in my break! Well unfortunately it's over now😖Ok, well I hope you all have a GREAT day or night! Goals still the same!

And now for a special,..... That is so awkward you'll die....

"I'm the one eyed owl and I like to clap my hands!" the one eyed owl said as he clapped his hands infront of Juuzou. "Can you sing this? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo fishy in the sea tiny little fishy who could you really be? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo magic sets you free! Oh, she's a little girl with a round tummy!" Juuzou sang this all off note making the one eyed owl cringe at this all. "Ahhh!!! No it's my grandma!!" the one eyed owl said as he ran away from his grandma.......

The end!


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Love you all~
Nanami Momozono💜

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