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Juuzou started crying cause I didn't buy him giraffe food. I was annoyed at him because his little ass kept spamming Touka on my phone.

I grabbed Juuzou's wrist and pulled him along Akira giggled when he pouted out a lip and groaned wanting to do something. Arima put a hand on my shoulder he whispered in my ear "Hi... Is he being a pain again?" Arima asked then chuckled at my node.

"GIRAFFE'S!!!!!!!!!!!" Juuzou pointed with a huge smile on his face. I took one look at him and smiled. I got all bubbly and gave Akira money "Go get giraffe food.... Damn it" I said. Juuzou grabbed my arm "LOOK!!!!!!" He yelled pointing at a giraffe. (.....Damn.... I actually got kinda weird... 😨)

Akira returned with a small bag of giraffe food. I sat the bag on Juuzou's head. He grabbed it and cringed "RABBIT POOP!!!!!" he yelled. I cringe and grabbed it "Giraffe food little bitch" I corrected his mistake. Juuzou grabbed it back and put his hand out with food in it. A small giraffe went up to him I cringe and actually ran around in circles. Juuzou was squealing in joy and threw the whole bag in the giraffe prison. (That's what I'm calling it) he started climbing over making me stop my running and slap his butt and make him get down. Juuzou started crying.... You know why?

That bag with the food in it was plastic the giraffe's ate it.... And one died.... Just BAM! Dead!

I actually just laughed then stopped when Juuzou actually seemed really sad.

"Y\N I KILLED HIM!!!!!!!!!!" Juuzou yelled hugging me. I frown and slowly walk away with a crying Juuzou at my side. I actually ran away soon after fucking scared at his crying.

Juuzou found me and the first thing he did was yell at me in a whiny voice "I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!!!!"

At the CCG

" Juuzou.... Juuzou.... JUUZOU!!!!!!!!" I hugged him at the last time I said his name. Juuzou was obviously getting annoyed about it, he kept coloring the picture of a cat.

I scooted by him Soooooooo close with my nose right by his ear. I sneezed in his face since he looked over and damn was he mad. "YOUR SO GROSS!!!!!!!! GO AWAY AND BLOW YOUR NOSE!!!!!!!" He whined. I laughed and looked to the side I poked Juuzou in the face when he tried to look mad.

He punched me super hard in the face, I didn't cry but I did fall on the floor. Akira came to my side then looked at Juuzou with a glare. "THAT'S IT JUUZOU!!!!!!! GO TO THE FRONT!" She yelled. Juuzou didn't move so that let to Akira pulled him to the front.

Akira pulled him over her lap separating his leg's which believe me Juuzou hate's cause his whole ass gets hit.

And of course Akira bought all her strength on his ass. I actually kinda felt bad for him but thought it was funny. (-_-) Really?)

After about a million time's later, Juuzou kept whimpering. He ran to Shinohara but got dissed and smacked on the head. Then he ran to Arima and got dissed and pushed, then Marude! Which surprised me, Marude just bent down to look at him. Juuzou out his arms up. Marude picked him up and brought him to me. Juuzou started squirming, I smile and felt his body drop on my lap.

I touched Juuzou's shoulder's and whispered in his ear "Bad boy...." He flinched and kept crying. I don't know what was going on through his head but I do know he got clingy for some reason.

At night~

"BEDTIME BITCHES!!!!!" I yell walking in to see Akira, Juuzou, and C\N. C\N looked at me and smiled. Juuzou looked at me and ran away. And Akira.... She groaned in annoyance at a huge crash in the kitchen. I ran in the kitchen Juuzou was busy crying and trying to open a popsicle package. He looked at me and flinched.... Mostly because their mine.....

I just laughed and took it away from him. Juuzou didn't cry until I smacked his ass hard. C\N ran into me on the way out. She laughed and hugged my leg "Goodnight Mommy! Love you!" She smiled. I smile back "Love you too" I say and look back into the kitchen. Juuzou wanted attention and was crying about nothing. I roll my eyes and pulled him into our room.

I locked the door then turned to Juuzou he looked surprised. "I want you to tell me what the fuck is wrong?" I ask tapping a foot on the soft floor. Juuzou looked around the room "N-Nothing...." He said and climbed in bed. I pulled his boxer's dragging him back to me.... Giving him the hardest wedgie.

"Your going to tell me.... Or you won't like the punishment" I say. Juuzou didn't move he tensed up. "Okay fine! I WANNA WATCH P*RN!!!!!!!" He yelled. My eyes widened, Juuzou looked at me. I shrug.... "Why watch it.... When you can do it?" I ask. Juuzou shrugged, I grabbed his wrist pulling him closer to me.... "He'll fuck you so hard...." I smirk. "WHOS HE!?" Juuzou yelled in question and shock. I was on my phone talking to a guy named 'fuck king' I gave him our address and everything.

Juuzou started crying after I shown him a picture of his 'thing' I raise a eyebrow. "What?" I smile. "THAT'S GONNA HURT!!!!" He yelled and hugged me. I laugh "I'm just gonna.... Poke" I poked his head.

When the guy came over

So here that guy is.... In Juuzou and I's room. Juuzou grabbed my arm, the guys name was 'Bob....' (😂 Gotta love the name bob!😂)

Juuzou started crying when Bob grabbed his 'lower area'

I laugh and slowly sat in a chair so I could save Juuzou just encase.

🌸Author Chan🌸

All I can say is..... Poor Juuzou.....

"I hate you!" Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now