Long Day

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"GO AWAY!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA TAKE A BATH!!!!!!!" Juuzou yelled running down the hall. He knew damn well, that I told him to do this yesterday. But instead he had a Peppa pig marathon!

"JUUZOU!!!!!" I yell when he locked the bedroom door. Akira wasn't here, she picked a bad day to leave.... Since the flood is still rushing through the city. Juuzou picked the wrong day to shower.... Since it's cold as hell.

I went through the bathroom door and opened the spare door. To the bedroom....

Juuzou looked at me, surprised. He quickly jumped on our bed thinking it would save him. I grab his wrist pulling him off the bed.

Straight into the bathroom. "Alright! Take off your boxer's" I smile. Juuzou didn't listen at first, so I did it for him. He started crying and yelling "SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!!!!" I smile.

I push him into the tub, and turn on the water. Juuzou put his arms out, wanting me to pick him up. I kissed his forehead then saying "no whittle bitch... You stay on dat ass" I smile. Juuzou frowned, I laugh and play with his hair. "I'll be back" I smile and grab C\N, she was smiling, I put her up to Juuzou's face making her laugh. "C\N, look! Daddy woves you!" I gave him a smile. Juuzou's face was so red, I put her in a baby thing on the floor (duh fuck? 🙈)

Juuzou's face slowly turned back pale.


"Juuzou's super gay!!!" I sung to annoy the heck out of him. Juuzou picked up a sandwich and threw it at me. It hit me straight in the middle of the forehead. I laugh uncontrollably, Juuzou flinched and stood up running into the living room. He had no escape at all.

I walked into the living room, tapping my foot on the floor. Juuzou was standing a few inches away from me. "Now that C\N's born, I can't let you get away.... With anything" I smile. Juuzou flinched and stared down at the floor. "Go plant your tiny nose in the corner" I smile. Juuzou hugged me, probably happy that his ass wouldn't have to be red.... Again

"Go..." I push him slightly. Juuzou walked in our room, I looked at C\N. "Daddy's a big ass..." I sung, C\N opened her eyes then laughing. So much like me.... (😌*sighs dreamily*)

I walked into our room, then looking around for Juuzou. He wasn't in the corner... I went into a spare room Akira, sleeps in to see him playing with toy's he brought along.

"Juuzou!" I yell, he looked up like a gun firing. I had a death glare on my face, I grabbed his wrist pulling him to his feet. Juuzou's head hit my chest, I pulled him into the living room. Juuzou sat on the floor. I groan in annoyance and grabbed his wrist. Juuzou sat on the couch, next to me. He was shaking like crazy "Juuzou.... Have I been going to easy on you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Juuzou rubbed his eyes, putting his head on my chest. I never noticed how fucking cute Juuzou, can get when it comes to punishment's. I smile when he started crying, "Y-Y\N!!! I-I don't wanna be s-spanked!!!!" He cried, I lift his chin, to meet with my eyes. "Can you answer my question.... Am I, to easy on you?" I ask. "I-I don't know... S-Sometimes" He admitted. I smile "Okay.... Your free on this one.... But remember that even the most smallest thing's will have a impact" I smile. Juuzou was still shaky, I picked up C\N and grabbed the bottle full of milk. Juuzou was crying like I was going to spank him, I put C\N in his arms. Juuzou looked at me "Y-Y\N.... I d-don't know how t-to feed h-her" Juuzou said. I gave him a smile and handed him the bottle.

Naptime for the bitches~

(Me... Of course.... 🙊👃😏😂)

"Juuzou.... Nappy time" I smile. He was in a very bad mood because, I tore off a giraffe's head..... Which was a sticker!

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!! GO TO HELL!!!!!" He yelled. I felt my eye twitch.... I know Juuzou's older than me and all.... But I don't let him cuss because.... Well he's a little to cute for that.

I stomped into the living room, looking at him with a glare. "Let's go!" I yell pulling Juuzou actually dragging him into our room. C\N was already asleep, Juuzou flinched when I smacked his ass.  "Take off your clothes" I smile. Juuzou slowly did, so of course I helped him.

I bent Juuzou over my lap, his face turned red when I started smacking his ass, like there was no other thing to do. Juuzou hid his face in a pillow, I stopped just to be evil.... I threw the pillow across the room. "Nope.... I have to make sure your getting a good punishment.... My sweet" I smile. Juuzou kicked his feet, I got annoyed and put my leg's over his own to hold them down.

"Should I paddle you as well?" I ask. Juuzou kept crying and gripping the side of my shorts. "Yeah.... I will...." I say.

After that awkwardness

(Just think how much I die when I write this~ 😌😂😏)

"I told you now go to bed" I smile, Juuzou had his clothes back on well his boxer's and he wasn't happy. It really wasn't my fault that his ass is now a tomato. (🍅 Juuzou's ass)

I smile, pulling him to my chest just as he was about to start crying louder. I pulled the blanket's over him, he opened his red eyes looking at me.... Then came my guilt trip.

He looked Soooooooo cute!

(Hey.... Guess what..... I-I like butt's (really couldn't tell) yeah.... 😂 I like JUUZOU'S BUTT)

"Juuzou.... Stop! That's cute" I say in a whiny voice. Juuzou tensed up then looked around the room like he was scared. "What?" I ask, "T-The g-g-gummy..... B-bear" Juuzou whimpered. I roll my eyes "Juuzou... Just go to sleep" I shut my eyes. I felt part of his face hit my chest. A smile came to my face, when he started crying because I touched his butt. "Juuzou.... If you keep crying then I'll put butter down your throat!" I smirk. Juuzou cried more than I thought he would "Just go to sleep" I kissed his forehead.

"I hate you!" Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now