Bad Timing

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's pov

"So little bitch what are we playing?" I ask, Juuzou smiles "I don't know!" I lean into close to Juuzou's face. Juuzou pushes his lips ontop of mine, my eyes widen as he pins me to the bed.

"Ow!" I yell making Juuzou get off me. "Sorry...." Juuzou says as I sit up. "No fair, I wasn't ready!" I whine then kiss Juuzou roughly. Stopping, a line of saliva from both of our lip's. "Ew!" Juuzou says as he wipes it off with his sleeve. "Now look! It's on your sleeve take your shirt off!" I smile, Juuzou does as he was told. Under his shirt was his black tanktop. (NOM NOM! 😂) "Now it's not fair, you take your shirt off!" Juuzou whines tugging at my shirt. "No! I don't have a tanktop under mine!" Juuzou shrugs. "So....." My face turns red "PERVERT!" I yell, Juuzou laughs as he hugs me. I smile and randomly lick the side of his face. Juuzou looks up at me, a weird look on his face. "What?" he ask's, I smile as pin him to the bed. Then start licking his neck, "stop..." Juuzou begged, me not listening. I lick the bottom of Juuzou's lip's begging permission to explore the insides of his mouth. Juuzou gives me permission, I let my tongue touch Juuzou's making him moan. "Aw!!! Oh my god!" I yell randomly, Juuzou's face a flustered pink. "What's wrong?" I ask, Juuzou shrugs and rolls over his stomach on the bed. I sit on Juuzou's back, playing with his white hair "Come on! I wanna play! Roll over!" I say getting off his back, Juuzou rolls over making me smile. I hug him, putting my head on his chest then asking "Are you tired it's only 11:15pm?" Juuzou nods, I smile. I walk into the bathroom, then putting my pajamas on. Soon returning back to me and Juuzou's room, I turn off the light. Then get in bed hearing Juuzou ask"Can I tell you something?" Juuzou ask's. "Sure...." I answer Juuzou smiles and screams in my ear. "FUCK YOU!" I yell pinching him. Juuzou laughs and hugs me, "I'm gonna rape you!" I sung, Juuzou looked scared then slowly got out of bed. I also got out of bed grabbing Juuzou's arms as he tried running away. Juuzou fell back on the bed, I smile as I take Juuzou pants off leaving him only in his tanktop and boxer's. (EVIL!!!!😂😂)

"Aw! You look so cute!" I squeal as I hug him again. Juuzou plopped back in bed, in defeat knowing that if I wanted something I wasn't going to stop till I got it. I put my head on Juuzou's chest, hearing his heartbeat.

(Can you hear my heartbeat?😂 YURI ON ICE!!!)

I smile as I lift my head and stare at his face, Juuzou's red eyes were open, his red eyes looking at my e\c one's. "Your cute" I say making him smile. "Your mean" Juuzou says with a small laugh. "I didn't rape you.... Be happy" I smile Juuzou laughs nervously.

"Guy's I'm back!" Shinohara says as he opens the door, thankfully me and Juuzou were both under blanket's and not a sight of our clothes lying around. "Hi!" We both said nervous. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought along Marude.... Come say hello.... And Juuzou don't bite him or kick him" Shinohara whispered the last part then closing the door. "Me and Marude already met!" Juuzou whisper yells, I roll my eyes "How I hate freaking Marude" I say rubbing my eyes then waiting for Juuzou.

Juuzou finished putting his clothes back on, soon after me. We both went into the living room to see Marude standing there staring at us.

"Seriously.... He has balls?" Marude whispers. Juuzou narrows his eyes, I grab his hand pulling to the couch making him sit on my lap. "What are you Suzuya, a baby?" Marude ask's rudely. "Get off her" he commands, I smile "Yep! He's my baby! MY JUUZOU BABY!!!! JUUZOU BABY!!! JUUZOU BABY!!!!" I smile, Marude's mouth was left wide open. I smile, "Their dating" Shinohara says making Marude even, more shocked. "You actually love that idiot Y

?" Marude ask's. Juuzou gets off my lap, looking at Marude innocently then kicking him in the shin. "Ow! You little!" Marude yelled, "Want him punished?" Shinohara ask's Marude. "YES!!! Spank him or something!" Marude yells, Shinohara looked at me "Y

your dating Juuzou, you handle his punishment" I blink twice then stand from sitting on the couch. "What kind of punishment?" I ask looking at Marude. "Ugh! Why don't you figure it out yourself!" Marude yelled, Juuzou backed up. I smile and grab his hand "That's not a punishment...."

"...... Okay.... Let me see him" Marude smirked, I slightly pushed Juuzou over to Marude making Juuzou fall on him. "Stand up!" He commanded, Juuzou stood up shaking. "Okay! That's enough!" I smile as I grab Juuzou suspenders making him walk backwards. "You going to punish him or keep standing there?" Marude ask's rudely. I smile "Sure" I say and ask again "Want me to....."

"Okay! Juuzou go and hug Marude and say sorry!" I yell, Juuzou shakes his head no. "NO! HE'S A MEANY!!!!!!" Juuzou whines, I roll my eyes and push Juuzou to Marude. "Get away.... Or I'll make you" Marude snarls. Juuzou shrugs and walks back to me. I laugh and hug him, "I'M HUNGRY!" Juuzou whines. "Fucking shut up!" I yell and hug him. Juuzou starts squirming as I tickle him. Making him laugh and scream. "Y

put him in a timeout!" Shinohara points to our room. I pout my lip out "Ah.... Why?" I sigh as I throw Juuzou over my shoulder making him start kicking, crying, and of course screaming.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA TIMEOUT!!!! Y\NNNNNNN!!!!!"  Juuzou yells. "SHUT UP!" I yell over his screaming. "I DON'T WANNA TIMEOUT!!!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS Y\N!!!!!!!!!" Juuzou whined. "Yes.... I can!" I roll my eyes with a smile. I threw Juuzou on the floor making a loud thud!

"Now, get your little ass in the corner! Shut up! And stood yelling!" I commanded. Juuzou crossed his arms saying in a sassy noise "Or what?" I smirk like a pervert. Stomping over to Juuzou, I grab his arm making his red eyes widen. I then smack his ass making him start crying. I laugh then pull him to the corner, kissing his forehead I locked the door shut so he couldn't ESCAPE! THE PUNISHMENT! (Sorry... It's just so epic!😂)

"You handled him" Shinohara said probably knowing I hit his butt and laughed about it. "SHE HIT MY BUTT!!!" Juuzou yelled from our room, my face turned red since now I KNEW they know about that. "SHUT UP SASSY ASSHOLE!" I yell back, Marude started staring at me making me cringe. "What?" I ask "WHAT! Y\N! ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME AGAIN!" Juuzou ask's I roll my eyes. "He's so anti-smart" (Not smart! But Juuzou actually is! Yum yum 😳😂) I stomp back into our room, Juuzou sitting in the middle of the floor. Laying down "Sup?" I ask, being so cool. "The roof" Juuzou answer's still staring up at the roof. I smile, "You outta prison?" I ask, really meaning is he out of timeout. "Yep! 55 darn year's!" Juuzou sung, I snicker and crouch down next to him. "I'm hungry! And I also like to shop at the booty grocery market!" I smile as Juuzou and I stood up going into the kitchen.

"Shinohara! Did you know Y

shop's at the booty grocery market?" Juuzou ask's. The only sad thing, is that Shinohara was drinking water at the time. Making him spit it all over Juuzou. Juuzou soon started crying, "I'M LONELY! .......... AND NOW WET!!!" Juuzou cried. I laugh and walk to his side, "Look, Mr. Fatty!" I smile. "WHAT? I TOLD YOU THAT I'M BUSY!" Juuzou yells, not crying anymore. I laugh at how weird he sounded. "HUGGIE!! BITCHY!!" I smile, acting all cute. Juuzou smiles "Ah..... Okay, but only because you said huggie" Juuzou says as he hugs me making me smile.

"Okay I'm hungry!" I announce Juuzou smiles.

@\N: Guy's........ One of my friend's has the best username ever! It's Shinohara is not cool! And he isn't! Lol... I'm sorry, if you like Shinohara. But follow her Shinoharaisnotcool@

And now for a super immature short that's so weird we all need to question Juuzou about......

"Can you here my heartbeat? I'm tired of feeling I'm never enough" Juuzou sung part of History Maker (Yuri on Ice!!! Opening) Just as he thought he was actually alone, you bust through the window followed by a crying Kaneki and Shu Tsukiyama. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NO!!!!! YOU BROKE MY BARBIE!" Juuzou yelled and grabbed the doll, with a now dented face from Kaneki sitting on it. "I'M SORRY I FAILED EVERYONE!" Kaneki whined. Juuzou raised a eyebrow "..... You got problems" He soon walked away.

The end......

A\N: Guy's..... Can you please help me out..... Some guy at my school asked me out..... And I love Juuzou..... What do I do? No way, am I leaving Juuzou! 😭 I'm sorry.... But I'm in love with Juuzou quite a bit may I say..... Can you please help me, I don't know what to say! I don't wanna go out with him! Thanks and have a great day or night!

"I hate you!" Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now