You like what?!

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"Shut up! Shinohara! Y\N is sleeping!" Juuzou yells staring at Shinohara. You lay on the bed asleep. "Juuzou, like I said YOU need to lose your sassy attitude or else" Shinohara tried being epic but failed.

"But I didn't eat the pie!" Juuzou insists. "Sure, that's exactly why when I walked in the kitchen you were sitting on the table, pie stuffed all in your mouth" Shinohara smirked. "Meany....." Juuzou muttered. "And just because your by Y\N doesn't mean you can get away with it" Shinohara pointed at you. "Y\N!!!!!" Juuzou yelled in your ear. You shot up from the bed, wide eyes, as you punch Juuzou in the face making him fall off the bed. "Ah! Juuzou! I'm sorry! Are you okay?" You ask looking down at him. Juuzou laughed and stood back up, "Yeah..... But it still hurt! Now I need you to help me, Shinohara's BLAMING me for eating all the pie!" Juuzou explained as he sat on your lap. "...... Uh.... Well Juuzou did you eat the pie?" You ask. Juuzou gets off your lap and gets closer to the door "M-Maybe" He says and runs out of the room. "Bitch....." You mutter with a smirk as you lay back down. "He's a weird one" You smile as he stomps back in your room. "I HEARD THAT!" Juuzou whined punching your thigh. You laugh and grab his suspenders, Juuzou start's screaming having a temper tantrum. "GOSH! SHUT UP!" You yell annoyed, Juuzou finally shuts up and sits there staring at you.

"Yay! You look cute again!" You smile and hug Juuzou making him laugh. "Y\N, I need to talk to you about something" Juuzou says then death glaring Shinohara. "Juuzou drop the attitude" Shinohara said before walking out of the room. "Huh?! Mr. Fatty has a attitude!" You yell smiling. Juuzou frowns, then saying in a serious voice "You did something I liked..... Last night" You sit there trying not to laugh but end up laughing your head off. "THAT SOUNDS WRONG!" You laugh again. Juuzou blinks twice at this then continues.....

Juuzou's point of view of "Last Night" (Flashback)

"Okay, Okay Shinohara like I said I won't touch the pie! I gotta go to sleep cause Y\N's rule!" Juuzou yelled then going in your room. You were already sound asleep, Juuzou climbing in bed next to you. You stretch out your arms then hitting Juuzou's butt, (AH! *COUGH!* I'm dead)

"Y\N, I told you not to touch my butt!" Juuzou whined acting like, you could actually hear him. You put your head on Juuzou's chest, making him smile. You then stick your tongue out making it hit part of Juuzou's chest. "Ew....." Juuzou say's.


"Yep, that's what happened at the end, you had your tongue out and everything" Juuzou nodded agreeing with all he had said.

"I didn't hit your butt! Or slobber on you!" You yell, annoyed. Juuzou start's getting grabby about talking and say's "Yeah sure! Tell it to the judge! Slobber girl!" You look like you could almost kill Juuzou for saying that.

You jump ontop of Juuzou sending him to landing on the bed, with you on top of him.

"I dare you to say that again!" You yell. "SLOBBER GIRL!!!!" Juuzou yells then regretting, it as you pulled his finger back. "OW!!!!!! OW!!!!!!!!! Y\NNNNNNNN!!!!" Juuzou yelped, you stopped bending his finger back, a smile on your face.  "Will you behave?" You ask still smiling. Juuzou nodes as you let him up, "Soooooooo.... Any other stupid things you wanna say about me?" You ask, Juuzou shook his head no. You smile and pat his head, "Good boy!" You hug Juuzou. "Open your mouth" You smirk, Juuzou opens his mouth. You quickly, putting your tongue in his mouth. You let your tongue explore his mouth, Juuzou moaned. Making you smile "You like that?" You ask. Juuzou's face was left a flustered red.

Watching a movie timeskip~

" Suzuya's a asshole!"I yell randomly, Juuzou pouts his lip out. "Nuh-uh! Your just a meanie!" Juuzou yells trying to have a good comeback but failed. "Juuzou...... That hurt my feeling's......" I fake cry, Juuzou's red eyes widened as he started apologizing like crazy. "Y\N, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feeling's, please don't cry!" Juuzou's voice got shaky.

".... There's one thing, that you could do to make it up to me......." I smile knowing Juuzou would let me get my way. "Hee, and what's that?" Juuzou's voice cracked. I smile, "Glad you asked.....  Stand up!" I smile, as Juuzou stood. Staring at me, I ended up basically what you could call..... I don't know, beating him up till he was left crying like a five year old.

"Come on baby, suck it up!" I smile, as Juuzou then tried standing but fell on the floor next to my feet. I actually felt pretty bad and picked him up hugging him. "Sorry.... But your a butt" I giggle after Juuzou smash's his head on my chest.

"Also.... Some advice..... Get some balls!" I laugh multiple times as Juuzou start's muttering under his breath. "I'm the MAN of this relationship! And you aren't!" I laugh as Juuzou stares at me, fluttering his eyelash's. I pat his head as he makes a stupid comment "Your stupid, more stupid then a rock" Juuzou laughed afterwards. I feel my eye twitch as I mindlessly punch Juuzou in his 'area' making him jump off the bed and run out of the room. "I love you! Your my cute little idiot!" I yell at Juuzou, who was probably hiding. "You too!!!!" I hear back from Juuzou. I smile as Juuzou screams, making me walk to his 'hiding spot' and grab his arm. "What's up? You need Mr. Gerbil?" I ask, Juuzou just tilted his head to the side not knowing a word I said.

I smile. "Does your "ahm!!" hurt?" I coughed over 'the word' Juuzou looked up at me then his face turned red as he nodded looking at the floor in complete shame. I pat his head, then stuck my tongue out at him. " YOU SAID YOUR BALLS HURT!!!" I laugh and point at Juuzou. The only way he reacted was frowning then randomly hugging me. "What the???" I question. "I hear that if you hug someone, when something hurts it stops hurting!" Juuzou looks up at me a huge smile on his face. I nod, not trying to make the moment awkward, like Shinohara always does.

"I gotta question...... One time in the bathroom I heard you cursing about cutting yourself with a raiser...... And...." Juuzou said getting into all the 'detail's'


"I hate you!" Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now