Bad History On YouTube

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Continued from where we left off

30min later~

"Juuzou go spit that out, and go to bed.... " I say, Juuzou went in the bathroom. I turned to Akira "Hey... What are we doing tomorrow... You have the day off right?" I ask. Akira nodded "We could maybe go to the zoo? But Juuzou's grounded" Akira shrugged. I node "I know.... I could really make him think then" I laugh. Juuzou walked out of the bathroom, looking at me. "A-Are we g-gonna go to t-the zoo?" Juuzou asked tilting his head to the side. "We might.... But not you" I smile. Juuzou started crying really loud, I stood up and covered his mouth, and landed a hard smack on his ass. "YOU BROUGHT IT TO YOURSELF!!!!" I yell. Juuzou, still didn't go to my room. I grabbed his suspenders and pulled him into the room "GO TO SLEEP!!!" I yell, throwing him on the bed. I shut the door behind me, letting out a loud sigh. Akira turned to face me "I have pity on you... Juuzou can be a real pain... And yet you still can handle him best than others" Akira gave me a small smile. "Yeah... That's true... But I really do love him no matter what he does to make me mad" I smile with my eyes closed.

My eyes widen when I hear Juuzou banging his fists on the door. He tried opening it, but failed due to me locking it. "Y\N!!!!! I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP!!!!!! IT'S DARK AND SCARY!!!!!!!!!" Juuzou whined. I roll my eyes "Go to sleep" I smiled. Juuzou randomly screamed, I unlocked the door, Juuzou ran straight past me to the kitchen. I ran after him, then peered into the kitchen, Juuzou was humming a cheerful tune while playing with the pepper and salt... And by that I mean he was busy pouring them till they were empty. I grabbed his arm, a glare in my eyes "Clean it up... Or else..." I glare deeply into the white haired boy's wide red eyes. Juuzou shook his head I smiled and landed a quick smack on his butt. Juuzou quickly beginning sweeping up the mess made by himself.


I opened Juuzou and I's bedroom, he was sound asleep, I smiled and laid down next to him. I looked at how much he was sweating. We had our air-conditioning on high. I never helped him out of his suspenders, so that was what he got stuck wearing.

🌸Just a quick random note....I live without air-conditioning (Due to my mom saying crap about how it makes her sick😭) and I'm dying all the time. We have to have fans.... And I always break mine! 😡😴 by the way.... If your wondering where I live it's some place around West Plains Missouri.... (😰😨not many anime conventions... I know this....)🌸

"Ah~ sorry Juuzou" I say aloud like he could actually hear me. I pulled his body to me, pulling his suspenders off his shoulder's. He mumbled and moved around. "Stoooop" he whined. I roll my eyes and unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled it off his body, holding it. Juuzou was awake by now, and by the look's of it he looked like he was going to be cranky. "Stop...." He whined again. I smile and pulled his pants down, Juuzou kicked me in the face. I groan then look at his expression he looked super tried. I sigh and laid down. Juuzou sat up and looked at me. He smiled and grabbed my phone, I was pretending to be asleep to see what he would do. I sat up slowly so he wouldn't notice, then I grabbed under his arms pulling him down. Juuzou squirmed then released my phone "Thanks...." I smile, putting it on the floor. Juuzou flinched when I whispered in his ear "You whittle bad boy" I smirk, Juuzou laid down quickly. I put my hand down his boxer's, Juuzou gripped a pillow shoving it over his face. I pulled down his black boxer's making his face bright up. "Your so... Small" I say. "Medium!!!" Juuzou yelled into the pillow kicking up his feet. I smile "Yanky... Yanky" I sung pulling his dick, Juuzou screamed into the pillow, making me laugh. I stopped and let him pull up his boxer's, Juuzou had a blush on his face. I laugh and kissed his lip's"Goodnight~ I love, love you!" I smiled. Juuzou smiled with his eyes shut "Night! Love you too!!!" He sung back to me.

In the backyard~

"I WANNA GO INSIDE!!!!!!!!!! IT BURN'S!!!!!!!!!" Juuzou yelled, tears flowing out from his eyes. We've been out here for three hour's, Juuzou refused to put on sunscreen so I let him get sunburn. I can be so evil sometimes.

C\N was sitting in the shade playing in a tiny pool. Juuzou was running around earlier and playing in the sandbox. But now all he's doing is being a real pain in the ass. "Juuzou! I really don't wanna hear it!!! This is all because you didn't listen!!!!!" I yell. Juuzou kept crying, he had his arms, leg's, and even his back sunburned. He was in a tanktop and wearing black shorts.

"I WANNA GO INSIDE!!!!!!!!" He whined again at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked at C\N. Juuzou kept weeping until I grabbed his arm pulling him to my lap, but then he screamed. I took his tanktop off looking at his now red back. "Fine.... We'll go inside" I say picking up C\N from the pool. We walked inside, the first thing I did was put her into her crib. Then I turned to Juuzou "Go get lotion..." I smiled small. Juuzou got lotion and brought it back to me, I took it from his hands.

"Sit" I said as I put a finger out, pointing infront of me, Juuzou did as told. I started rubbing the lotion onto his back, Juuzou yelped and flinched away. "Juuzou, you'll never get rid of those if you don't come here" I lie, Juuzou sat down again and let me put the sunscreen on.


"Oh... My god?! JUUZOU!!!!!" I yell, I was looking through the YouTube history and boy was Juuzou into sexual thing's....

He flinched when the song he knew came on.... 'The boob song' I had a glare in my eyes. Akira looked at him disgusted. Juuzou's face turned red when I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him over to face me. "I'M GOING TO PADDLE YOUR LITTLE ASS SO FUCKING HARD YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO TYPE ON YOUTUBE FOR FUCKED UP THINGS!!!!!!!" I yell in his face. Juuzou started shaking when I pulled him into our room, he looked away when I pulled out the thing he hated... (My ass) the paddle (nah~ my ass...😌)

I put him over my lap and it began....

🌸Author Chan🌸

Guy's! There is actually a song on YouTube called the boob song! It's soooooo cringey..... By the way do you like it when I say sexy cheeseburgers?

"I hate you!" Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now