Chapter One

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Yet again, I sit in the school medical room waiting for the school nurse to arrive. Yet again, those stupid jocks found me, cornered me, kicked me and beat me. They left me lying half unconscious, bleeding and bruised, only going when I pretended to be knocked out. I think I was there for nearly a whole lesson, out just behind the science block.
Now I'm sat outside the medical room which reeks of disinfectant. I'm pressing an ice pack to the eye which aches the most and avoiding meeting the unsettling stare of the other boy in the room. He has black, shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. He's glaring at me, but not angrily, just intensely. His skin is deathly pale and he's wearing black eyeliner. His t-shirt has the logo of the band Green Day printed across it and he's wearing black jeans, so skinny they're almost like leggings. On his feet he's got black, chunky combat boots with something written in metal on them in Japanese (I think).
I look down at my lap quickly, realising that I've been returning the stare he's still giving me. We sit for a moment in silence and I keep my head down, sneaking glances at him from under my eyelashes. He's kinda hot (okay, really hot) and he has awesome taste in music. Also, judging from the bruise on his cheek, a kaleidoscopic pattern of colours, yellow, purple, green, I'm guessing he has a similar reason for being here to mine.
My eyes quickly jump back down as I realise that, again, I've been staring and I can feel the dusting of pink spread over my cheeks. I clear my throat and begin to dart my eyes around the room, determined not to look at him again, to find something, anything to look at, to occupy my attention.
I start to read a leaflet on the wall, but stop. I'm determined to scrape some sort of halfway decent first impression from this wreck/staring contest, and I'm pretty sure me vomiting wouldn't help with that (yes I'm weird and squeamish about medical stuff. Except, oddly, for needles, which worked to my advantage when I found a tattoo/piercing parlour that didn't enforce any strict rules about age unless you were obviously like 4, but back to the story).
My mouth is very dry and I'm pretty sure that if I were to talk, I'd end up embarrassing myself. Although, I can't really screw up that badly.
Just as I'm about to open my mouth, the nurse comes out.
"Frank, you can come in. Gerard, you may aswell come in too, since I'm pretty sure you're here for a similar reason to Frank." She looks at us both sympathetically.
Some people here don't like her, but I personally think that nurse Williams is awesome. She doesn't ask for the names of everyone involved if you come in with a black eye and a split lip, for example. Plus, she usually has some awesome band playing in the background. If I were straight, (which, let's be 100% crystal clear, I'm not, if you hadn't already guessed) I'd want someone just as badass as her.
She opens the door for us and we both walk in. At least now I know his name. Gerard. I like it. If I were to give him a nickname, it'd probably be Gee, as in O M Gee, why the hell is this superhot human being even giving me a second glance?
I sit down in one of the chairs and wait. Gerard sits opposite me, still staring, although his stare is less scrutinising and more... soft?
Nurse Williams walks over to me and sighs, giving me a sad, sympathetic look. She doesn't even need to ask if I've got any more damage; it's obvious.
"Right then Frank, you know the drill. I'll go get some bandages and you know what to do." She sighs, before turning. "Gerard, do you have anything other than that bruise?"
He nods his head. "I have a huge bruise on my chest and in some parts the skin's broken and there's dried blood." His voice is soft and cautious, and he glances at me once or twice as he's speaking, an anxious look on his face.
"Okay boys, I'll go get some bandages. You guys press these to any of them which are still bleeding." She hands us each a rag. "Don't worry, they're completely sterilised." She leaves the room, going to the store cupboard.
I look at Gerard for a second and the awkward silence consumes everything. My mouth is wet as I turn away, put down the ice pack and take off my shirt to inspect my injuries. I take a sharp breath. My chest is covered in bruises, like some intricate pattern, a web of pain.
A small jolt of pain flickers through my torso as I brush my fingers against it. When I remove them, the jolt burns out and the dull throbbing becomes noticeable again.
The hairs on the back of my neck are stood up. I glance upward, with only my eyes moving. He's still staring. I decide to ignore him. My eyes flick to the door of the store cupboard just as the nurse comes back through, hands loaded with bandages.
She hands us each a roll and I start to wrap around the bruise with it. The skin is very thin, and when I look closely, I see a network of red and blue, arteries, veins and capillaries weaving over me. Once the bruises are covered, I put my t shirt back on.
As the bandage rubs gently over my skin, covering it, I feel a damp patch spreading. The bandages have broken the skin. Oh well, it would have broken anyway. Now the blood won't get on my clothes. I pick up the ice pack and press it back to my eye one last time before putting it back on the shelf.
"So, I'll need both of you to sign here," she holds out the 'injury book' for us with a pen. It was the principal's idea. I don't see the point in it and clearly neither does nurse Williams.
We both sign and then I turn to leave. There is a slow, long intake of breath behind me. I glance back and see that Gerard is looking down at the floor.
I'm about to say something to him, but then the bell screeches out, signifying the start of lunch and scaring the living sh¡t out of me.
He rushes past me, still looking at the ground. I watch him for a moment, before sighing and starting towards the cafeteria.


Part one is up... yay!
I'll post the next part in 2 weeks so see you then :)
-Alex (^~^*)

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