Chapter Three

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It's Saturday. The time is 2pm. I have only just woken up. This often happens at the weekend, due to my extreme sleep deprivation during the week. Despite sleeping until after lunchtime, I'm usually still tired afterwards.
My neck is sore from sleeping at a weird angle, so I stretch it, looking up, down, left, right, before leaping into action.
It's a good thing that I've still got a couple of hours; I can be very indecisive when it comes to things to wear while meeting friends outside school. Sometimes anyway.
Firstly, I pick out trousers; they're the easiest part. I grab my cleanest pair of black skinny jeans and throw them onto my bed. Phase one: Complete. Now comes the tricky part.
For some reason, with t shirts, I have two rules: 1) wherever possible, wear band merch and 2) try to match the band and/or album on the shirt to your mood of the day. It's sort of like an indicator: If I'm wearing my Foo Fighters shirt, it's probably safer to talk to me than if I was wearing, like Metallica or something. Today, I'm feeling slightly attitude-y, but not extremely so... After careful consideration, I grab my American Idiot t shirt and add that to the pile.
Next up is the outer layer. I walk over to my window and open the curtains briefly. The sun is shining and there is no sign of wind. I check the forecast on my phone just in case: No rain or anything, so I decide on a light zip-up hoodie (light as in the material, not the colour. It's black). I can carry it comfortably if it gets a bit too warm.
Last but not least, footwear. I only have two options: Black Doc Marten boots, or black high-top Converse. I decide on the Cons.
Before I start changing, I grab a random mix CD from my pile (of like 3) and start playing it.
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse is first up. I get changed so quickly that I'm done before the song ends. A few minutes later, once the song has finished, I put the CD away and go downstairs.
My mum is sat in the living room, watching tv. I grab a bag of crisps from the kitchen, before going and sitting with her. Once the ad break comes on, I speak to her.
"Hey mum. So, I'm going out later." She looks at me slightly inquisitively.
"Where are you going? Who with?" She's a bit confused and I understand; this is the first time for ages that I've gone out of the house on a weekend, without being forced.
"Brendon's cousin, Kellin is moving in with him, so we're gonna go meet him at Costa." She's still slightly confused.
"We? As in the royal we, or...?" I'm guessing this is her subtle way of getting a list of everyone who's going.
"Well there's me, Brendon and Kellin, obviously. Ryan's coming. Pete's gonna be there. Oh and these two brothers we met the other day, Gerard and Mikey." She nods, before smiling.
"Well I hope you have a great time sweetie." I roll my eyes jokingly at the nickname, before hugging her and exiting the house.
There's still half an hour to kill, so I go and sit on a bench down the road from Costa. I plug in my earphones, put them in and pull up the music app before, shockingly, starting to play the American Idiot album from the beginning. My eyes drift closed. I must look weird to people walking by, just a kid sat there listening to music, looking as if he's fallen aslee-...
"Frank?" A voice says my name. Whoever's speaking is close; I can hear them clearly over my music.
My eyes open and take a moment to adjust, taking in who's speaki-
"Ah!" I cry out in shock, flinching back slightly. Gerard Way's face is inches from mine. His expression is that of concern, mixed with amusement. He moves back, laughing as I continue to blink, confused for a moment.
"What...? Where...? How...?!" I fumble around with words, utterly bemused, before remembering why I'm here. "Oh yeah. Kellin, Costa. What time is it?" I grab my phone, pausing the music. 3:47. Wow. I must have dozed off then.
"Sooo... Gonna explain why you're sat on a bench fast asleep with earphones in cranking out Green Day so loud it sounds like it's from a regular speaker?" A sheepish expression passes over my face.
"Um... Well... That is... It's a secret. I'm on a high risk reconnaissance mission for the government." I quickly regain my composure, even cracking a bad joke for good measure. Gee grins, apparently appreciating my 'top of the line' comedy. I stand up slightly unsteadily, wobbling for a moment. He grabs my arm to help steady me, letting go quickly and blushing slightly when it's clear that I'm fine.
"So... ready to go meet Kellin then?" I ask. Gerard nods, so we both set of, walking next to each other in a slightly awkward silence.
I open my mouth, about to speak, but promptly all recollection of what I was gonna say exits my head faster than a bullet exiting the barrel of a gun. My mouth closes again slowly. Luckily, I don't think he noticed.
Finally we arrive at Costa and with 7 minutes to spare. The others haven't arrived yet, so we grab a table, one of the ones with one big long sofa round three sides rather than individual seats. We sit opposite each other.
The awkward silence continues. I keep my eye on the door the whole time; if Kellin is the first to arrive, he probably won't recognise us, since he's never met Gerard and the last time we met was at Brendon's sixth birthday party, nearly ten years ago. We barely even met properly. We just sat together when we both got out in the game of musical chairs. We were talking about Pokémon cards. I didn't even find out his name until later when Brendon finally remembered that nobody else knew his cousin or his three friends from roller skating club, so he introduced us all.
Gerard is on his phone, typing quickly. My eyes rest on him, but then I realise that I'm staring a little and quickly look back towards the door before he notices.
A boy with dark shoulder-length hair and blue eyes walks in. I'm just beginning to think it might be Kellin when he's followed by Brendon, pretty much confirming my suspicion. I wave to get their attention and Brendon sees me. They both walk over and I move over on the sofa, to the side with the back to the wall. Kellin sits first, where I was before squeezing in a bit so Brendon can sit next to him on the outside.
"Okay, introduction time. I'll do it as we go rather than waiting for everyone, cos it's easier and I'm impatient. Guys, this is Kellin." Kellin smiles a bit and waves his hand awkwardly.
"Hi." Brendon grins before continuing.
"Kellin, this is Gerard. I only met him yesterday but he seems cool." Gerard smiles.
"And this is Frank, who you may or may not remember from my sixth birthday party. I think that's the only time you've met." Kellin looks at me for a moment before his eyes light up with recognition.
"Oh hey. You're the one I was talking to while everyone was playing musical chairs. Hi." Wow. I am honestly surprised he remembers that two minute conversation.
"Hi. Do you still have your Pokémon cards." He grins slightly and nods.
"Got them still in the same collection binder I had way back then, only with a few more." He has a small grin on his face, as if thinking about it brings back good memories.
"Cool." Now I feel like a bit of a jerk for cutting off the conversation, but it wasn't really going anywhere.
"Hey guys!" An excited shout comes from the door. Pete runs in, towing Mikey by the arm. Both of them have slightly reddish faces. I wonder what they've been doing.
They come to a halt in front of the table.
"Hi. Not late are we?" According to the clock on the wall, they're two minutes late, but that's not a big deal.
Gerard moves round the table, so he's directly next to me, in order to make room for Mikey and Pete. They sit down, with Mikey on the inside.
"So this is Kellin" Brendon begins, introducing his cousin again. "Kellin, this is Pete and Mikey." He points at them respectively.
"Hi" Pete says, seeming a little bit less energetic than usual; he's almost sheepish. Mikey hasn't said a word yet and his face is still bright red. I decide to try and get Pete to fess up.
"So hey Pete, what were you and Mikey doing?" He looks cornered, panic(!) filling his face for a mere fraction of a second, just long enough for me to notice, before covering it up and making up an excuse.
"Oh you know. Just hanging out. We went to the supermarket to get lunch, ate together at a picnic table in the park and then... came here." Mikey's blush intensifies and Brendon smirks knowingly.
"Peter, really? Honestly, that's really the best first date you could come up with? If you needed help, you could've just asked. I would've gladly given you some advice." At this point, both Mikey and Pete are burning up.
"I didn't- It's wasn't- We're just- I mean I..." Pete trails off, clearly unable to complete any of those sentences truthfully.
"Oh Pete, relax, I'm just teasing you." Brendon laughs, letting him off the hook early, but I'm definitely going to be having words with Pete about this later.
"So anyway, where's Ryan?" I ask Brendon, confused. He's usually the most punctual out of all of us. All of a sudden, Brendon's phone buzzes; he's got a message.
"Well, apparently he's gonna be about 10 minutes late cos he had to go to the store for his mum. Says we should start ordering without him." I glance round at everyone.
"Shall we go up in pairs to order?" Mikey suggests, slightly timidly, a slight blush still present on his face.
"Yeah, good idea. I'll go with Kellin first, then Frank and Gerard then you and Pete. Right, come on then Kells." Brendon and Kellin get up and walk towards the counter. I realise that this is the perfect time to have the aforementioned words; both of the Way brothers are mesmerised by their phones. I gesture (very skilfully if I do say so myself) to Pete to turn his phone on silent so I can hit him with a barrage of messages without anyone noticing. Luckily he complies.
Me: so pete... how was your date?
Pete: What are you talking about? It wasn't a date.
Me: don't play dumb with me; it's obvious that something happened while you and mikey were on your little picnic.
Me: why else would you both have been blushing so much?
Pete: Okay...
Pete: Something did kinda happen.
Me: kinda?
Me: what happened?
Pete: Well at first we were just sat there eating and chatting,
Pete: Then I might have flirted with him a bit.
Pete: And he may have flirted back a little.
Pete: And then we kinda maybe may have sorta kissed a tiny eeny weeny little bit.
Me: cute! ( /^~^)/ *.+,•'~"
Pete: And then it got really awkward
Pete: But like in a nice way, if that makes sense. (Probably doesn't)
Pete: And we just kinda flirted a little bit afterwards until I realised that we were late.
Pete: So we ran over here and... Yeah.
Me: so then are you guys like dating now then?
Pete: Ummm...
Pete: I'm not sure :/
Pete: I hope so...
Pete: Guess I'll have to ask.
Me: guess you will
I look up at Pete and notice that Mikey's been reading the texts over Pete's shoulder. His face is back to the same burning red as earlier. A moment later, Pete notices Mikey looking, and starts blushing as well. These two are honestly fricking adorable.
They both avoid making eye contact, while I subtly nudge Gerard and nod my head towards them. He looks up and grins, before looking at me, slightly hesitantly for a moment.
"Can I...?" He starts asking something and gestures towards my phone. Slightly confused, I hand it to him, because what's the worst that could happen?
What seems like an hour later (okay, that may be a slight exaggeration), he hands it back to me. I'm not sure what he did, so I just turn it off for a moment and look around.
The phone vibrates in my hand and apparently I have a text from 'Gee ;P'.
It reads 'so what's up frankie?'. I grin at Gerard before replying (very wittily) 'the skyyyyyy'.
We go back and forth for a while. He seems a lot more comfortable when texting.
Before we know it, Brendon and Kellin come back to the table, each holding a cup.
Mmmmmmm. I inhale deeply, the smell of their drinks getting me excited for some caffeine.
They stand for a moment, letting me and Gerard get up, before sitting down.
Gee and I make our way over to the counter and queue up.
Oh no. Instinctive small talk enabled. Feeling the urge to talk about pointless things to fill the silence. Must resist, mustn't humiliate myself, got to keep myself from-
"So, Gerard..."


Lol but seriously, I wrote way too much for the Costa meetup so I split it in two.
Hope you liked this chapter!
As usual, the next will be out in 2 weeks.
Also, I came up with an idea for a Kellic fic (Kellin QuinnXVic Fuentes), so I may post that, once I have a decent amount written.
If you liked it, vote & comment, if you didn't, comment & tell me why.
Constructive criticism welcome.
Thanks for reading

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