Chapter Seven

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Monday comes around quickly, and I trudge into my first lesson: Biology.
I'm honestly not sure what made me pick this, being squeamish and all, but whatever. It hasn't been that bad so far and I've actually learned a couple of things (boy am I glad I didn't accept a cigarette from that goth kid under the bridge that one time). The work is actually fairly easy, although I'm pretty sure that's down to the teacher setting work which isn't at the right level, because a) I am definitely not what one would refer to as 'bright' when it comes to acedemic subjects, unless the creative writing part of English counts, and b) pretty much half the class has either finished it or is just messing around. Either way, it's kind of the teacher's fault.
The whole part of the 'emo squad' (dear god why did I do that?!) that's in this class is sat together on a table: Me, Gerard, Mikey and Pete. As far as I can tell, we've all finished the work we've been set and now we're messing around (Pete's on his phone and I'm pretty sure that he's writing the next chapter of 'We Bleed Out Together', which I'm glad of, because he left it on a really horrible cliffhanger, with Bill walking in on something which, I quote, 'he wished he hadn't seen'. Some of the other fans commented about how they think that he found Andy finally turning Liam, who's stayed mortal for a surprisingly long time, being the significant other of one of the main group of vampires, but I personally hope he found Nick and Leon making out. I know that Bill is technically dating Nick, and they've both apparently 'regained the happiness they felt when their hearts were still warm, thanks to each other', but damn I ship the other two way more, to be honest. Nick and Leon should have been together from the start! *coughs* um, rant over...)
My mind is completely occupied with doodling random sh¡t in my notebook, from a knife covered in blood, to a scarily realistic eye, which I ended up turning into a creepy illuminati symbol. I flick back the thin, translucent pages, grinning slightly when my eyes fall on one of my sh¡tty emo poems from a while ago:
Kick and curse
If they do their worst
Leave them
Let them

You're useless
Out in the real world
Undead and walking
Reliving mistakes
Stealing others' happy moments
Every moment broken, gone
Lying to those you love
Forget it as you fall asleep

The light in the far corner of the room seems to flicker, going from as bright as the rest to a dim, barely visible glow. It seems odd, as usually the janitors notice things like that and report them, but nobody else seems to even have really noticed it.
Gerard's been acting really awkward and he hasn't said anything to me, despite sitting right next to me. I can't help thinking that maybe he doesn't want to go on that date, but is too polite to say so, but that's probably just my mind overreacting. Something probably happened at home last night or something. I decide to ask him how he feels about the date, but I chicken out, instead just sitting and staring at the projector, until I notice that the teacher has, for once, set an extension task. I'm guessing she finally noticed that at least half the class has finished the work.
To stop my mind running off, I make a start on the extension task. It seems a bit advanced, considering we've basically been revising stuff we already knew and this is introducing at least one entirely new concept, which I just can't wrap my head around and I'm not sure I entirely understand how to use the work from earlier to do this, but it can't be that bad, since it's probably at the level we're supposed to be at by now, and I should actually try in this lesson. It may even help with my weird, inconsistent squeamishness, which apparently delights in making me feel faint from looking at leaflets on the walls at the doctors, but completely ignores the extreme and intense gore in The Walking Dead. Seriously, it's weird.
The bell rings a few minutes later and I end my sentence. The answer I wrote doesn't really make sense as a whole, but hey, at least I tried, right?
I quickly pack up my things and swing my bag over my shoulder, before walking out of the class and making my way to my next lesson.


It's finally lunch time! I can't believe Vic actually did that! (In Maths, I was next to Vic. He brought a sharpie in and, since we were working on the whiteboards, I dared him, as a joke, to draw a d¡ck on the whiteboard with the permanent marker. He did it, waited for it to dry, then scribbled over it with regular whiteboard marker. Next time someone uses that board, they'll have a surprise when they clean it off).
I sit down, in the same spot as I always do, and slowly the 'emo crew' (barf) all come and sit. (Vic and Kellin end up sitting on the heater at the end of the table closer to the window, since it's only a bit shorter than the chairs, and the only other option is having your food at risk of being knocked on the floor by some āsshōlē walking past.
All of a sudden, Gerard sits down next to me and starts to speak: "Hey Frank. I'm sorry I blanked you in first lesson, I was just thinking." He looks embarrassed and a bit guilty.
"It's fine. Everybody has off days... Um, I was wondering... Do you still want to go on that date?" His face seems to light up instantly and he starts nodding. "So, um... Got any movies in mind?" He shakes his head, still grinning, before he replies.
"I don't really mind, we can pick when we get there, unless you've got a preference?" I shake my head, the grin he has now mirrored on my own mouth.
"Do you wanna go tonight?" He nods, grinning even wider. "Um, there are usually most showings after 6, do you wanna meet then?" He seems to think for a moment before answering me.
"Yeah. Do I need to like..." he trails off, blushing. "Um, what kind of clothes should I wear?"
"Just everyday stuff. Make sure it's comfy though, cos it might be a really long movie." I answer and after that the conversation ends.
I grab Gerard's hand and hold it under the table, both of us still grinning widely.
The school's PA system suddenly turns on and broadcasts static for a moment before someone starts talking. "Attention all students. One of our students is missing. Jack Barakat has apparently not been seen by anyone since he left the grounds yesterday. He did not contact his parents, or his friends at all. If any students saw him after that, or think they have any useful information, please go to the headteacher's office." My eyes are wide in surprise. Somebody missing? I wonder if he ran away? Maybe he got lost somewhere... Or... Is it possible he was kidnapped? Stuff like this never happens, so it's really surprising.
Vic's expression is shock, mixed with recognition. "That was one of Mike's friends. He used to come over all the time to play video games before we left." He speaks, seeming a little dazed. A second later, his eyes seem to light up, not with joy, but with sadness. "I remember he had a boyfriend, another of Mike's friends. This must be horrible for that kid. I can't even imagine how I would feel if... I'm going to go find him and talk to him."
Vic gets to his feet before walking off, as if he were in some kind of trance. Everyone else on the table has an expression of bemused surprise, except for Kellin who is looking at Vic as he walks away, an intangible emotion in his eyes, and Gerard, who's grin from a moment before has changed to a strange, almost forced, blank face, as if he's put on a mask. Maybe someone he knew disappeared before or something? It seems like he's blocking out some negative emotions relating to the disappearance, so I decide not to ask him about it, in case he relives whatever's so bad. I don't want him to have to feel bad, just because I'm feeling a bit nosey.
We all finish our lunch, sitting in a dazed silence until the end of lunch, too shocked at something like this happening; in this town, it's the kind of thing you only ever read about, whether in newspapers or in books. This kind of thing just doesn't happen here... well, until yesterday, apparently.


Heyo! So yeah, Frank and Gee have a date.
I have quite a lot of this story written out & I'm happy with it so far.
Next chapter out in 2 weeks, as usual.
I'm seeing FOB on Saturday & I can't wait!!!

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