Chapter Nine

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We've both been jumpscared twice. Luckily we didn't lose any popcorn, but this film has got me on the edge of my seat; I want to know whether it's really all supernatural and spooky, like the annoying main girl with a shrill scream thinks, or if it's the more likely explanation: a psycho murderer.
The characters aren't all that good; the only ones I like are the badass punk guy and the scared shy guy (I ship those two), but they've both been broken off from the main group, which usually means they're gonna die. It's a pity, since they're the smartest ones, staying in the small building - the only one that's made of brick rather than lumber - when they got lost instead of going out into the woods to 'hunt the ghosts' as the girl said, or find and kill the psycho according to her golden guy, one-dimensional ass, main character lookin boyfriend.
This film is seriously good. Plus, apparently it's based off a book, which is part of a trilogy. I may read the book of this film, but only if at least one of my favourites survive. I'm hoping they both do, even though it's seeming unlikely; being separated from the main group usually leads to death in horror films. If they do, I'm definitely reading all three books and then looking for fanfics of them together, because seriously they would be amazing together!
Oh sh¡t, that's a lot of blood for a simple stab wound. Well, at least they finally found that killer.
At least that annoying girl is dead. I can't help but to be pleased; she was the one who first suggested the stupid idea that her stupid boyfriend decided they should do as some weird, moronic display of macho-ness or bravery or something. Seriously he's dumb; Firstly, he was dating a dumbass and secondly, if any time is bad to try to impress your girlfriend with your bravery, it's probably when your life is at risk of being ended any second by a psycho with a knife.
My hand moves slowly into the popcorn bowl and I grab a handful, my eyes not leaving the screen.
Something warm brushes against my hand and I quickly pull it away, before realizing that it's just Gerard getting some popcorn and I am a dumbass. I got so invested in the film, I completely forgot that he was even here, even though we've been holding hands literally the whole time.
He chuckles quietly as I blush, grinning slightly sheepishly. I didn't even notice how tense I'd gotten, until his hand jumpscared me.
My eyes drift back to the screen, the grin remaining as I shuffle over in my seat, to be closer to him and ever so slightly leaning my head on his shoulder, before focusing on the film again.


That ending was amazing! Not only did my two favourite characters both survive, but I think they might've got together and it looks like they're gonna be the main characters in the next film. I'm definitely gonna be reading the books!
I can't believe that, for once in a horror film, the people who did the reasonable thing - hiding in a secure building and calling the police - were actually the ones who survived!
Gerard and I are still sat in the screening room, since the film only ended a few seconds ago.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I enjoyed that." I speak in an attempt to start a conversation.
He seems to think for a few moments before he replies, "Yeah. I think I'm gonna watch the next movie when it comes out."
We stand together in silence for a moment, both unsure of how to continue in the conversation. I decide on making an attempt at it, despite my frequently mentioned social awkwardness, because everyone needs a challenge in their life every once in a while (plus, I kinda want to, like, I don't know, do some date-ey, romance-ey stuff).
"Soooooo... Um..." I trail off, realizing that as usual, I forgot to think of something to talk about before talking.
As I glance at Gerard to see if he noticed, I am met with a blank face staring into the room, with unfocused eyes. He seems as if his mind is a world away from here, and I cannot help but to notice what seems like a glimmer of something... not quite... content in his visage.
He seems to be absolutely fixated upon the far corner of the room, without really seeing it at all.
Something about seeing him like this, at his most vulnerable, makes me want to freeze time and let him just contemplate in silence forever. However, I swiftly stop that train of thought because, come on. That's a little bit creepy to think. Even if it's just in my head. I mean, it's not like anybody will ever know of my private, most intimate thoughts, is it? Despite this, I should probably aim to think less creepily.
"Hey," Gerard says, out of nowhere. It startles me quite a bit. "I have an idea."
"What is it?" I ask him, my interest piqued.
"..." He is silent for a moment, before shaking his head. I wait for him to elaborate on what it is and why it made him shake his head. "No, it was stupid, nevermind. It would be fun while it was happening, and would produce four absolutely, undeniably brilliant masterpieces, or possibly five, and would bring joy to many people, but it would be bad for us and would ultimately cause much more heartbreak to everyone than would be fair and I don't think I could do that to so many people." Well. That was confusing. Gerard goes silent, apparently not going to explain what his idea was, and I feel too awkward to ask, so we remain silent for a moment before I decide to move on to a new topic of conversation, which will preferably not be heartbreaking to millions of people and forever taint a single day in late March.
"So how's your friend... Bert?" I must admit, I am a little curious about his mysterious friend who picked him up from my house that time.
He thinks for a moment, before he replies: "He's doing good. He's actually picking me up tonight." I
"Oh cool. So is he like, a good friend?" I mean, I am a bit of a jealous person... yes, inner logic, I am aware that I've never even met this guy.
"Yeah, I've known him for a really long time, he's like a brother to me. We help each other out a lot, do each other favours. He's helping me out with a little art project I'm doing at the moment, photography and stuff." I nod. Thank god, a bro dude! I mean, I'm still probably gonna lose sleep due to anxiously worrying if he's better than me, but Gerard bro-zoning him like that has to have shaved off at least... 7% of the insomnia that will be caused by Bert.
"Oh cool. Can I see it?" My question is honest; I am genuinely interested. However, Gerard instantly looks nervous.
"Well... it's not very good and it's more the kind of thing that you'd view as a whole, and since I'm not even a quarter finished yet..." Okay, well he's obviously pretty insecure about his art, and this project must be pretty important to him. Maybe he's done something else, some other art that he'd be more comfortable sharing. And even if he's not comfortable, I'll be okay. I won't force him to show me or anything.
"Oh well. Maybe there's something else I can see? I mean, if you're not comfortable, you don't have to show me anything." He thinks for a moment and starts shaking his head before speaking.
"No, I... I'd like to show you something, just not something incomplete." He bites his lip and grins, until out of nowhere a song starts playing.
"Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come-" Gerard pulls his phone out of his pocket, grinning sheepishly.
"Whoops, forgot to put it on silent." He says, before answering.
As he's talking, I attempt not to eavesdrop, by trying to figure out what song that was. I know that I know it, but I don't know who it's by. It's something like Bullets For Your Love? Valentines Will Never Hurt You? Either way, I know it from somewhere and it sounded pretty cool, so I have one thing to do later: Google the two lines I heard, with variations of what I think the band is.
Once I have given up and resolved to Google it later, I end up staring at the wall for a few minutes until Gerard finishes his call and returns.
"Okay Bert is here, down the block." He says, seeming a slight bit melancholy, for some reason.
"Okay, cool... um... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I reply awkwardly.
He nods, before seeming to hesitate, until he kisses me on the cheek, pulls back, blushes a little and says: "Yeah, see you.", exiting the building after.

I only realize when I get home, that the end of our night practically mirrored his departure from my house on Saturday night.


Yay, I have officially run out of pre-written stuff :/ sooo, I will probably be a bit late on the next update, as I have exams over the next 2 weeks
Nvm, hope you liked it :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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