Chapter Two

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I glance over at the table. Ryan is drinking from his black flask, which for some reason is always filled with warm milk, even though he could have like coffee or something. Pete is chatting animatedly to someone I don't recognise. The guy has honey blond hair. He's wearing a dark grey beanie, the same shade as his Walking Dead t shirt, his skinny jeans, his converses and his glasses frame. This kid is coordinated as frick.
I take my regular seat, next to Ryan and opposite Pete. Ryan glances at me and grins slightly.
"Hi Frank. That's Mikey, Pete's new boyfriend." He says, still grinning. Pete doesn't notice, but the kid, Mikey, hears him and blushes slightly, glancing at us for a fraction of a second, before turning his attention back to Pete.
"Oh hi Frank." Pete acknowledges that I'm here. "This is Mikey. Mikey Way. He's new. He's in our classes. Mikey, this is Frank."
"Hi." He waves awkwardly. "Um, would it be okay if my older brother sat with us? He's kind of nervous about making friends." There are a few empty seats, one next to me, and one next to Ryan, but the one next to Ryan belongs to Brendon. If anyone else takes it, he gets really pissed off. There are a few at the further end of the table as well, but they're directly next to the main path through the cafeteria, so people sometimes knock into you if you sit there.
"Sure. No problem." I grin. He nods, smiling, and quickly gets up and rushes off.
"So Pete... When ya gonna ask him out?" My face is filled with a triumphant grin. His face glows magenta.
"W-what are you talking about?" He laughs and rubs the back of his neck.
"Seriously, it's obvious." Brendon arrives and sits down in his seat, leaning forward curiously.
"What's obvious Frank?" He looks at me.
"Pete's got a crush on the new guy." I laugh at his reaction. He squeals and bounces up and down.
"This is great! You should ask him out! We can have a double date!" His voice is extremely high pitched.
"Honey, your gay is showing." Ryan grins at Brendon.
"Says my boyfriend." Brendon hugs Ryan then reaches into his bag, pulls out a giant chocolate cookie and takes a bite.
Mikey comes over to the table... with none other than Gerard, from this morning, in tow!
"Hey guys, this is my brother, Gerard. Gee, this is Pete, Ryan, don't know the one next to Ryan yet..."
"I'm Brendon, Ryan's boyfriend."
"Hi Brendon, I'm Mikey. Anywho, introductions... Oh yeah, Gee, this is-"
"Hi Frank." He looks at me, a small grin tugging at his lips, but a note of anxiety in his voice.
"Hi." Pete looks at me curiously. "We met earlier," I explain. "In the nurse's office." His eyes flash with concern.
"Why were you...?"
"Jocks found me. Beat me up and left me by the science block. Faked being knocked out so they left." Pete nods with recognition in his eyes.
Gerard comes over and sits in the only empty seat, next to me. I half expect him to ask me to swap with Mikey so they can sit together, but he just grins, nodding towards Mikey and Pete, who is once again telling wildly over-exaggerated stories accompanied by over-exaggerated gestures.
"So... Does Mikey usually make such a huge first impression on people or is Pete a special case as usual?" I ask and he grins even more.
"I think Mikey likes Pete... like likes Pete. Believe me, I know my little brother and this is the first crush he's had for ages." He glances at Mikey and smiles, before looking at me and grinning slightly more mischievously.
"Well, I call best man." I whisper and he lets out a small laugh.
I swear, it was one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. And his face, it is a very very very fine specimen of a face. I could stare at him all day.
I catch myself and glance down at the table, grinning slightly.
"Guys, guys," Brendon says loudly, as if he were a teacher making an announcement. "We need to have a vote." He tells us all, with no context whatsoever.
Ryan holds his hand up and says, "I vote for Cheese Whiz.", before (I kid you not) pulling a full jar of Cheese Whiz with a spoon out of his bag. He passes it to me because he's utterly useless at unscrewable lids. I open it and pass it back, and he takes it, giving me a snickers bar in return because I am utterly useless at remembering to bring any food (or money for food) to school. This is, though it may seem slightly strange, a regular lunchtime ritual of ours.
We all look at Brendon with blank expressions.
"Really? Did you all forget? My cousin, Kellin is... moving in on Saturday and you're all gonna meet him... well, Peter, Ryro and Frankie are gonna, don't know whether you two want to," he clarifies, focussing on Mikey and Gerard. Mikey looks at Gerard and they both give a small nod.
"Sure, we'd love to." Gerard says in a small voice, smiling.
"Right, cool. Well, we need to decide where to go." He looks at us all questioningly.
"Can't we just come over to your house?" Pete asks, clearly slightly confused.
"Come on, he deserves a nice welcome." He lowers his voice slightly and his expression becomes more serious and sensitive. "He came out and his dad..." He appears to choke up for a moment. "Well my uncle can be very unreasonable. With what he's gone through, Kells deserves a lot of kindness." Ryan nods and puts his arm round Brendon.
"Bren, don't worry." He says, reassuringly.
"Yeah," Pete follows on, "We'll make him feel so welcome he won't even know what to do!" He punches the air ever so slightly overenthusiastically and Mikey giggles quietly.
Brendon grins. "Thanks guys. I just know he's gonna love it here." He seems thoroughly certain. "Anyway, we haven't decided where to go yet." We all simultaneously have expressions of concentration cross our faces as we try and think of something good.
"We could go to McDonalds. They do great milkshakes." Ryan suggests, and I raise my hand as I protest.
"Hello? Vegetarian here." Ryan glares half-jokingly, before countering me.
"I never said we'd eat anything, I just want a milkshake. That doesn't have any meat in it, does it?" I roll my eyes, as Ryan smirks at me, clearly already the winner in his mind.
"We could all go to Costa?" Gerard suggests quietly, that same anxious tone in his voice as in the nurse's office. Brendon nods approvingly.
"Yeah. That's a good idea. Kells is a coffee addict, as are most people here, I think?" He ends in a slight question.
"Yup." Pete nods, a far off look in his eye.
"Me too." Mikey says, a small smile on his face.
"Same." Gerard also chips in.
"Guilty as charged." I raise my hand jokingly.
"Great." He looks satisfied. "And they do plain milk as well, I think." His gaze turns towards Ryan, who shrugs while grinning.
"Well, then I'm happy" Ryan offers his 'support' to the idea and Brendon pulls out his phone.
"Super! Then that's sorted! Now I just have to..." His voice trails off as he stares very intently at his phone, tapping and swiping like a... ninja, who... swipes and taps? I don't know. My mental monologues can't always be all poetic with imagery and everything.
Anyway, Brendon remembers us and looks up again. "Sorry, I was just texting Kellin, to ask how it is with him..." His phone vibrates and he looks down, before looking back up and grinning. "He says yes. Clear your schedules boys, we've got a date with destiny... and with Kellin on Saturday. This weekend. We'll meet at... How's 4 for everyone? 4pm?" We all nod and Brendon continues. "Great. I'll just ask him, and... Yep. Saturday at 4pm in Costa, this weekend. Done." His voice is laced with both satisfaction and a small amount of relief.
We all return to eating in silence. I chew away on the snickers, while Ryan shovels the Cheese Whiz into his mouth like his life depends on it.
Looks like I'm going somewhere at the weekend, for once.


Yay part two! I don't know if it's just because of my bad self esteem (which matches my troubled thoughts *laughs* *cries in emo*) but this chapter seems really trashy to me.
Regardless, it's really nice to find out that someone likes my writing, so if you do please vote and comment.
Thanks for reading!
-Alex (^~^*)

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