3 - •Positive *Part 2*•

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"You're joking?"

I had just finished explaining everything that happened to Ariana.

"It's not funny Ari, why the fuck would I joke about something like this?"

"Did you tell him?"

"After throwing my shoe at him, of course I did."

"What did he say?"

I scoffed, wiping my tears away. "I didn't stay to listen."

"You're going to be ok. You and the baby. You may have lost Harry but you still have me Y/N. You still have Mac, all our friends, we're all here for you."

What did I do to deserve this?

"Is it bad that I still love him?"I looked away from her eyes as a new batch of tears built up in my eyes.

"Of course not hun. You don't get over someone in a matter of hours. All you can do now is try to be a good mother for your child."

I shocked both Ariana and myself with my next words.

"I don't want it."


"I hate him. I don't want anything to do with that asshole. He can keep his slut but I am not keeping his baby."

Was I thinking straight? No.
Was I serious? Yes.

"Y/N...are you sure this is what you want? You don't have to-"

"Yes I do."

I think I was trying to convince myself that this was what I wanted. I still act like a kid. How the hell am I going to raise one?

This isn't the best way to handle things, but it's what needs to be done.

Amid my thinking, Ariana had left the room. In just seconds, I understood why.

I could hear yelling from the living room so I left the confines of my bedroom and stalked down the stairs.

Standing at the door, was the man that claimed he loved me. The man that had led me to believe that I was the only one he wanted.

And on the other side, was my best friend-my sister, trying with all her might to keep him away from me.

At some point, both their eyes drifted to my whimpering form, standing on the staircase.

"Baby, I am so sorry."

I winced when he called me that. How dare he come here. Sorry isn't going to cut it. Sorry won't have me throwing myself into his arms again after one of his many mistakes.

With one last glance at the biggest mistake of my life, I walked away and left him to deal with the only person that's ever actually cared about me.


"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?"

"Yes Ari, I'm sure."

I had forced Ariana to accompany me to the hospital this morning. Though I was sure this is what I wanted, I knew I couldn't be alone.

"No take backs Y/N. This is happening." She said as the doctor stepped into the room.

No take backs.


After a long day with Ariana, I had returned home in need of some well deserved sleep.


My heart almost literally jumped out of my chest when I saw green eyes staring back at me.

How did he get in here?

"W-What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you."

He scoffed. "Well if you are to be the mother of my child you don't have a choice."

"I'm not going to be a mother for a long time to come Mr. Styles."

"What's that supposed to mean? What are you talking about Y/N-"

"I had an abortion." I snapped


"I got rid of it."

I watched as his posture became stiff. A deadly look taking over his features.

"You killed my baby?" He growled, taking a step towards me.

"Y-You need to leave."

I had been on the receiving end of Harry's anger before. But never have I ever seen him this angry. To be quite frank, I was scared and I needed to get the hell out of here.

I took a step back, preparing to run, but he caught onto what it was that I was doing.

"Don't you dare."

Disregarding his words, I took another step back and ran for the door.

Either I was too slow or he was just fast, but as soon as I had turned around, Harry had grabbed me and pushed me up against the door.

"I should fucking kill you." He growled, wrapping his fingers around my throat.

I did nothing to stop him. Maybe this is what I wanted, to get away from everything.

Even as his grip tightened around my throat and black spots danced across my vision, I found it hard to look away from the eyes I fell in love with.

I didn't regret my decision to have the abortion, I just regret not speaking to him before doing so.

Just as I was ready to take my last breath, he let go. I fell to the ground coughing.

"I hate you. The Y/N I know would've never done this." I was shocked when I heard the crack in his voice.

I was even more shocked when I saw tears in his eyes. I've never seen the man before me so broken before. But somewhere in the back of my twisted mind, I found happiness.

He deserves it.

A lone tear fell from his eye as a smile rose onto my lips.

"You can go rot in hell." I chuckled.

I watched as he shook his head before walking away.

No one ever really gets what they wish for. Maybe I had convinced myself for too long that Harry Styles was the man I needed.


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