19 - •Last Night•

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Forcing myself to stay awake during a boring lecture is certainly not something I enjoy.

Like every other Monday, Mr. Johnson was standing at the front of the class in his baggy pants, preaching about how ungrateful and 'stupid' generation Z was.

I sighed in relief when the bell rang.

Time for P.E.


I grabbed my bag and left with the other students-eager to get away from Mr. Johnson. I've already been having a shitty day thanks to that 70 in history, so I was in no way ready to put up with anyone's bullshit. 

Walking down the hall towards my locker, I groaned when I saw the two people I've been trying to avoid all day.

Harry Styles and Megan Ross


They seemed to be arguing about something and of course, they had to be standing in front of my locker. Upon approaching both of them, I got straight to the point.

"Can you guys move?" I asked,avoiding any possible eye contact with Harry.

I don't wanna have anything to do with him-not after last night.

I sighed in relief when they walked away. I retrieved my gym bag from my locker, replacing it with my book bag. After I was sure I had everything, I headed straight for the gym.

As expected, my friends were sprawled across the floor in their gym clothes, no doubt still suffering from hangovers.

"Hey guys!" I grinned

"Shut the hell up Y/N, are you trying to crack my head open?" Chelsea groaned, bringing her hands up to cover her ears

The others laughed and we all delved into conversation about the events of Josh Parker's epic party last night.
The gym doors slammed open and Harry Styles stormed in, looking as if he was ready to kill. Megan rushed in behind him with tears running down her face. I didn't stay to find out what happened because as soon as Harry looked at me, I ran off to the changing room.

By the time I had finished changing and re entered the gym,  coach had just walked through the door.

He explained that we'd be playing dodgeball today and chose his two team captains.

Harry Styles and Josh Parker.

They started calling the names of the people they wanted on their teams and I zoned out after the first three names were called.


You have got to be kidding me.

Harry smirked at me as I walked sullenly to his group.

"Can we talk after class?" he asked

"Leave me the hell alone Styles."

I made it through gym class without talking to Harry and I planned to keep it that way for the rest of the day.

I said goodbye to my friends after gym, now going to geography.

I hadn't walked too far before someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the janitors closet. I had quickly realised that it was Harry.

"We need to talk."

"No we don't." I snapped

"We had sex Y/N-"

"We were drunk, it was a mistake." I cut him off

"You and I both know it wasn't a mistake."

So maybe it wasn't but he had a girlfriend. I didn't want to get anywhere near his relationship with Megan.

"Despite what you may think, I actually had a good time with you last night." he smiled, taking a step towards me

"You have a girlfriend."

"I broke up with her."

"What? Why? What are you trying to get at Styles?" I frowned, crossing my arms

"The sex was great, I'm not gonna lie, but I had fun talking to you too. I don't think anyone's managed to make me laugh as much as you did last night and I don't want to just stop talking to you."

"You mean that?"

"I do."

"Fine" I sighed

"Can I kiss you now? I've been dying to all day."

"Sure Styles. You can kiss me."


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