25 - •M.I.A *Part 1*•

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It's been three years and I still haven't gotten accustomed to living here. I hate the fact that I don't feel comfortable in my home but I guess that's what I get for marrying Harry Styles.

There are security guards almost literally everywhere and its only gotten worse now that I'm pregnant.

I won't lie and say Harry's lifestyle is easy to keep up with, but at the end of the day, I love my husband and his baggage. I just hope our children won't have to grow up in all this mess.

Speaking of my husband....

Where the hell is he?

I woke up alone this morning and that's very strange. Harry never leaves the bedroom unless I'm awake. Our chef personally brought breakfast to the bedroom this morning and when I asked about Harry's whereabouts she told me she didn't know where he was and literally ran out of the room.

I had decided to drop all my suspicions. He'll probably show up later...


Three hours later and still no sign of Harry....

I searched the whole mansion and I tried calling his phone but it went straight to voicemail everytime. The guards wouldn't tell me where he was and when the clock hit two I started to worry.

What if something happened to him?

I hope he didn't go out on another one of his 'runs' again...when Harry says he's going for a run, it simply means he's going to put a bullet in someone's head.

Sighing, I bit my lip as the tears started to well up. I love Harry-there's no doubt about it, but just how much can one person take? I can't sleep at night because I'm scared that if I close my eyes he'll disappear, I hate it when he leaves the house because I know there's a possibility he won't return. I hate what he does because I know that with everyday I get closer to my due date, someone could be planning to take my child's life.

Maybe I should try calling him again...

I reached into my pocket to retrieve my phone but felt nothing.


I made the last phone call when I was in Harry's office which means I probably left it there. Groaning, I left the bedroom once again and slowly made my way down the hall to Harry's office.

I pressed my index finger against the small tablet built into the wall and grinned when the light turned green.

Never gets old.

The weird but cool security system is just another luxury that came with Harry and I didn't mind it at all.

I spotted my phone at the edge of his desk and picked it up to check for any messages or missed calls from Harry.


I was just about to leave the room when something caught my eye. A framed photograph on the wall behind his desk. It was the first picture Harry and I took together. I couldn't help but to smile as the memories came rushing back. Back then we were so carefree and happy. Harry's parents were still alive and so were mine...we were fresh out of college and ready to take on the world together...

But then Harry's dad fucked up...

I was about to exit the office, but then something else caught my eye. The picture frame wasn't hung up properly and I could see the edge of a strange device.

On a normal day, I would've ignored it and walked away...but today's different. I have no idea where my husband is and he isn't answering his phone...

I took cautious steps towards the photograph and slowly took it off the hook. Upon removing the frame from the wall, I saw one of the fingerprint recognition tablets.

Why's this here?

There aren't anymore doors in here so what on earth does this open?

My curiosity got the best of me and throwing caution to the wind, I pressed my index finger against the tablet.

I wasn't sure if it would work, but when the light turned green, I did a victory dance in my head.

There was a soft clicking sound and I watched in astonishment as the wall literally opened.

Why didn't Harry tell me about this?

It opened up to a hallway that was dimly lit and I took a deep breath before stepping into the hallway. The further I walked, the weirder the hallway began to smell.

The scent was familiar but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. I ended up taking a left that lead me to a door.

This is the first door in the mansion I've come across that actually uses a doorknob. That's weird. I contemplated turning back, but ended up twisting the doorknob instead.

When I opened the door, I realised why the awful scent seemed so familiar. I realised why my husband hadn't been answering my calls. I realised why he didn't tell me about this room.



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